I'd always had a crush on Aileas. Though I never met her in person, I saw her enough to know her. I looked at her in a different way now. I knew that she was the Red Swan for sure now. I was tempted to pull her close and kiss her, but I didn't instead I whispered, "Who are you, Aileas?"
She smiled and said, "You know in your heart, and your mind has finally accepted your heart's conclusion."
"Aileas, you're something special."
"Me, special!" she exclaimed as though no one had ever told her this.
"I've always thought that you're special," I whispered. Aileas's cheeks turned pink.
"Thank you Gentry."
I shook myself out of my trance. "What was the answer to your last riddle?"
"The answer was a swan feather. My swan feather."
"Of course!" I exclaimed, "Your swan feathers."
"So, how did you find out?"
"I saw you leaving with two red feathers."
"You did! I knew that I should have been more careful."
"Yea, I had just gotten out of the gardens. It took forever."
"Oh, right sorry about that. I meant to go back and get you later."
"It's fine. I had a nice walk," I replied. I stared at her. The moonlight provided a little bit of light. Her cloak was framing her face. "Aileas," I said hesitantly.
"Yes?" Her brown curls fell into her face. I felt like I was going to melt. I wasn't sure if I should tell her how I felt. I really wanted to, but at the same time, I didn't want to tell her anything.
"Aileas, I-I've always lik- I mean admired you."
"You admired me!"
"Yea, I saw you all of the time and I admired you a lot."
"You saw me all of the time!" Aileas exclaimed. I was glad that the moonlight was not that bright because my cheeks had turned red.
"I was the seamstress's assistant. We came to your house a lot."
Aileas smiled. "So you're the one who lost Father's favorite pair of gloves." I nodded sheepishly.
Aileas sighed. "Those were the good days. Back when my brother wasn't plotting to kill me."
"Aileas," I started.
"I mean, I would have told him everything. And I know my brother. He would have turned me in just to save his own neck. Or should I say head."
"You're right about that sister."
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