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Chapter forty five:Victory.

Mi Que explained that Luo Tang attacked them soon after Yu An left. Mo Feng fought the man with the weird technique that sent attacks back, managing to kill him, but he used too much fire power so he fell into a coma.

Wang Shu and Lizhui fought Luo Tang and with the help of the puppets and Jiang Yun's illusions, they managed to tie and throw him in the dungeon.

After hearing the explanation provided by Mi Que, Yu An rushed to see Mo Feng. He was unconscious, his body was burning,way worse that a fever.

❝We'll need to take some of the fire energy out. Mo, can you help? ❞Yu An asked.

Mo exited her mind space and put his hands on Mo Feng, forcefully extracting fire energy from him.

Slowly, Mo Feng's body cooled down, his life not being in danger anymore.

❝I knew master would know how to help him.❞Mi Que said relived.

❝Where's Wang Shu? ❞Yu An asked.

❝In the dungeons. ❞Wei Zhan said as he entered the room.

❝I believe everyone else is doing good. ❞Yu An said, not seeing Jiang Yun in the room.

❝Yes, sister Yun is resting now, she used her illusions to help fight Luo Tang. ❞ Mi Que said.

❝Alright. I'll go to him, you stay here and don't move. ❞Yu An said looking at Hua Mian.

❝I'll keep my eyes on him. ❞Lan Ying said walking in front of Hua Mian with a threatening look.

❝Alright. ❞Yu An agreed and went to the dungeons.

As soon as she entered the doors, Luo Tang's screams hit her ears.

❝Your highness? ❞Lizhui asked, being the first to notice Yu An looking at them.

Wang Shu stopped from hitting Luo Tang and looked up at Yu An.

❝You're back. ❞he said walking to Yu An.

❝I am. Good job capturing him.❞Yu An smiled and patt Wang Shu's shoulder.

❝Why do you look different? ❞Wang Shu asked frowning.

❝Fei gave me a fruit before I left that would change my appearance so I won't be recognized by Luo Tang and his people. ❞Yu An explained, looking at his upset face, not understanding why he's mad.

❝When are you turning back to normal? ❞Wang Shu asked.

❝She said the effect lasts a month, it's been two weeks now. But she may have another fruit to change me back. ❞Yu An explained.

❝I see. ❞Wang Shu replied shorty.

❝Are you... upset? ❞Yu An asked looking at his face.

Wang Shu didn't replied.

Lizhui coughed and walked next to the two, with a amused smirk on his face.

❝I think his highness likes your  appearance more than this one. ❞Lizhui said.

Yu An chuckled and looked at Wang Shu.

❝So you think I'm beautiful? ❞she asked planning on teasing Wang Shu.

❝Do. ❞Wang Shu replied honest.

Yu An sighed as she couldn't tease him when he replies so honest.

❝Are you having fun torturing him? ❞ Yu An asked changing the subject.

❝You can have your turn, your highness. ❞Lizhui said looking at the beaten up Luo Tang.

Yu An looked at the bruises, cuts, missing eye, fingers, toes, burn marks that his body had and smirked.

❝Serves you right. ❞ she said.

Luo Tang heard her voice and open his eye.

❝Stop this, please. ❞he pleaded.

❝Why would I? I despise you, the universe will be better off without you. ❞Yu An said looking at him with disgust, like she's looking at a bug.

❝Please. ❞ he said again, desperate for his suffering to end.

❝Let's leave him to die. ❞Yu An said turning around.

❝Yu An! You can't do this to me! I'll leave you alone, I've learnt my lesson! ❞

She ignored him and left the cell followed by Wang Shu and Lizhui.

❝Right, Mo Feng got hurt after his fight. ❞Wang Shu said.

❝I've already treated him, he's fine now. ❞Yu An said smiling.

❝I see. Good job. ❞Wang Shu said.

Lizhui left the two alone.

❝Did it work?❞Wang Shu asked.

Yu An understood his meaning and materialized some of her demonic energy, giving him the answer.

❝You are not in danger anymore then? ❞Wang Shu asked.

❝Correct. My old core is already destroyed and I know the one who made the parasite is a woman. ❞Yu An said playing with a mist of demonic energy.

❝We'll find and execute her. ❞Wang Shu said.

Yu An smiled and looked at him. She realized at that moment that she missed him while she was away.

❝Oh, I've found something in my journey. I don't know what this is, but it feels important. ❞Yu An said showing him the bottle with red liquid she got at the end of the game.

Wang Shu took the bottle and looked at it.

❝I don't recognize it either. ❞ he said giving the bottle back to her.

❝I'll ask Fei, maybe she knows something about it. ❞Yu An said.

❝Let's go together. ❞Wang Shu suggested.

Yu An nodded her head and the two went to Yu An's garden where the life tree was.

Xiao was already here talking to his sister about his journey.

❝You're back. ❞Fei said looking at Yu An.

❝Yes. Looks like the tree made some fruits. ❞Yu An said looking at the new grown fruits.

❝Thanks to Xiun's hard work. ❞Fei said smiling, glancing at the little girl.

❝I did good? ❞Xiun asked felling everyone's eyes on her.

❝Of course you did, brother is proud of you. ❞Xiao said patting the girl's head.

❝Good job, Xiun.❞Yu An praised.

❝Tell the cooks to prepare whatever you want. ❞Wang Shu said looking at the twins.

❝I can? Thank you! ❞Xiun jumped happily and grabbed her brother's hand. ❝Let's go, sweets await us! ❞ she said.

❝Don't eat too much or you'll get sick! ❞Fei advised.

Yu An took the bottle out and showed it to Fei. The woman examined the bottle.

❝I don't know what this is. I haven't seen something like this before. ❞ Fei said.

Yu An looked at it and remembered the one's who made that weird world were people from modern days like her.

❝They came here by themselves so they are some kind of scientists? Maybe they made this liquid so no one from this world knows what this is. ❞ Yu An concluded.

Fei took Yu An's hand and placed a small purple fruit that resembled a nut.

❝It would change your appearance to your original one. ❞Fei explained.

Yu An nodded in thanks and ate the fruit, her beautiful red eyes and black long hair returning to her.

Wang Shu looked at her satisfied, he liked Yu An like this the most.

Fei noticed his gaze and snickered.

❝Why don't you throw a celebration party? To celebrate her highness return and your victory against Luo Tang. ❞Fei suggested.

❝Hmm. ❞Yu An said thinking about the suggestion.

❝I'll tell Lizhui to prepare a party. ❞Wang Shu said leaving.

❝Where did you found the bottle? ❞Fei asked curious.

❝I got through a weird barrier and I played a game there. After winning, I was rewarded with it. ❞Yu An explained.

❝It's something I haven't seen until now. I wonder what it can do. ❞Fei said.

❝Should I drink it? ❞Yu An asked tempted to know what the liquid can do.

❝I'm not sure, let's try something else before. Pour a drop on the soil here. ❞Fei said.

❝What if it destroys the life tree and spiritual herbs? ❞Yu An asked reluctant to try.

❝I don't think they'll give you something that will destroy. We just need to see the effects ❞

Yu An sighed and dropped a small drop on the soil.

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