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Everything was perfectly fine. Encre met with Fallacy every night at their favorite place in the forest, and they talked about their lives... That was until one night, after Encre had gotten home and Fallacy had returned to his castle, he had been attacked by hunters. He knew it was no longer safe to stay there, for him and his family. But taking Jasper with him, risked him a lot more than most of the Vampire children, so he left Jasper in front of Encre's door. Many of the Vampire hunters attempted to find Jasper the most, but that's kind of hard if you don't know what someone looks like. 『••✎••』WARNINGSᕯ GoreDeathᕯ BullyingHomophobiaᕯ RacismAssault⚠︎ Even with all if these warnings, I do place a warning specifying what would be triggering in the chapter!✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏☹︎ ⧽ This book is cancelled! There is a second version of it being written by my friend @Random_Bees ! Time taken: 12/25/2021 - mm/dd/yyBook word count: N/A until book completionThe multiverse, vampireverse, belongs to TheGreatRouge. I do not support them or their actions.…