Chapter thirty-two:Return.
The boys searched individually in the forest. Lan Ying saw a cottage and whistled to call the other two who quickly came.
❝Who would live here? ❞Mo Feng asked and walked to the window in an attempt to see inside.
The window was too dirty for him to be able to see anything.
❝Let's enter. ❞Wei Zhan said and opened the door.
Inside it was dark and dust entered their noses making them cover their mouth and nose with one hand.
❝Pretty sure no one lives here anymore. ❞Wei Zhan said.
Mo Feng got his fire sword out making light with the fire.
The room had a bookshelf, a table with a chair , a bed on the floor and a stove.
Wei Zhan and Lan Ying began to look around while Mo Feng kept the sword for light.
❝There is a door on the floor under this table. ❞Lan Ying who was on one knee said.
Wei Zhan moved the table and Lan Ying opened the door.
A disgusting smell hit their noses making them frown.
Mo Feng covered his mouth and tried not to vomit.
Lan Ying put a cloth around his nose and mouth and climbed down on the wood ladder.
Wei Zhan followed and lastly Mo Feng who's stomach was turning in disgust.
Lan Ying saw a coffin in the corner and walked up to it.
❝That's the source of the smell, there is a corpse rotting here. ❞Lan Ying said and closed the coffin.
❝Perhaps the owner of the cottage. ❞Wei Zhan said and looked around.
He found an interesting book wrote in a language he couldn't understand.
❝What's that? ❞Mo Feng asked looking at the book in Wei Zhan's hand.
❝A book, but I don't understand the language. Let's take it with us, I feel like her majesty would be able to read it. ❞Wei Zhan said and put the book in his robe.
❝There is a chest with gold and other weird items here. ❞Lan Ying said looking at the content of the chest.
The other two waked to the chest to check it out. Besides the gold there were metal things foreign to them.
❝This looks like a weapon, it designed to be held in your hand. ❞Wei Zhan said taking the gun in his hand.
❝What's the hole for? ❞Lan Ying said inspecting the shotgun.
❝I'm not sure. There is a note there, what does it say? ❞Wei Zhan said and pointed to the note between the gold.
Lan Ying took the note and read it out loud:
❝If you are able to read the book I've left behind you'll know what the weapons are. I left instructions for them in case you are not familiar with the gun, I hope they'll help you, whoever you are, stranger. May we meet in the future.
❝Daniel? I've never heard such a name before. ❞Mo Feng said.
❝He is a foreigner for sure. So these are weapons after all, I'm curious about how they work. ❞Wei Zhan said and looked at the gun in his hand.
❝Let's take them back with us. You took the book? ❞Lan Ying asked closing the chest.
❝Yes. Let's find a way back now. ❞Wei Zhan replied and helped Lan Ying carry the big chest.
They traced their steps back to the entrance of the forest where the fog stood, waiting for them.
They stepped in and luckily they were back.
❝They are back! ❞Mi Que shouted and ran to the boys.
❝Welcome back. ❞Jiang Yun said smiling.
❝What did you find here? It's a big chest. ❞Mi Que said looking at the big chest smiling.
❝You'll see at the Palace, let's go back now. ❞Wei Zhan said.
❝Alright, alright. Let me tell you, I've made a new technique! ❞ Mi Que said happy and proud of herself.
❝Elaborate. ❞Mo Feng said.
❝Using the beast taming technique I can control nature now! Look! ❞Mi Que said.
She walked to a big rock, infused a drop of her spiritual energy and said :❝Explode. ❞
The rock obeyed and it exploded, shooting little pieces all over.
❝That's so cool! Congrats! ❞Mo Feng said excited.
❝Good job. ❞Lan Ying said smiling.
❝Impressive.❞Wei Zhan said nodding his head.
The group was reunited again. Each shared stories from their missions on the way back.
❝I'm glad you're all back safe.❞Wang Shu said and smiled.
❝It was quite an adventure. We fought a fire dragon! ❞Mo Feng explained with a smile on his face.
❝A fire dragon? How did you managed? A dragon isn't easy to take down. ❞Lizhui asked.
❝Let me tell you! The fire sword you gave me has a fire spirit in it and while we were thinking of a plan to kill the dragon, it spoke to me and we made a blood pact. Now, fire can't touch me anymore. With that, I blocked all fire attacks while brother Ying's sword is made of dragon scale so it cut through the dragon and brother Zhan sneaked under the dragon and cut his guts. ❞Mo Feng explained in one breath.
❝Well done, I'm proud of you all. ❞Wang Shu said looking at them.
❝We found a cottage and there was this weird book and some weird weapons, but we can't understand the language the book in wrote in. I have a feeling her majesty will be able to understand it. ❞Wei Zhan explained and took the book out and placed it on the table.
Wang Shu flipped through the pages.
❝I can't understand it either. ❞ he said helpless.
Wei Zhan opened the chest leaving everyone quiet.
❝I've never seen such weapons... ❞Lizhui said and took a hand gun and looked at it.
❝Me neither, but they look powerful. If we manage to learn how to use and make them we may become the strongest Empire. ❞Wang Shu said looking at the different type of guns.
❝They look weird, what's with the hole? ❞Mi Que said looking at the gun.
❝This one is bigger and has two holes. ❞Jiang Yun said.
❝Let's wait for Yu An's return and she may know what these are. ❞Wang Shu said.
Everyone agreed and the guns were put in a safe spot.
Another week passed, a week in which Yu An trained the twins daily.
❝It's time for me to go back, I bet they're worried. ❞Yu An said smiling.
❝I'm excited to meet the elite group you've talked about. ❞Xiao said munching on some meat.
❝I'm sure you'll like them. Let's leave tomorrow. ❞Yu An said and looked at the sleeping girl in her lap.
The next day, Yu An took the twins and searched for the field she woke up in.
❝Hell yeah, the barrier is still here. ❞Yu An exclaimed and took the kid's hands crossing the barrier.
❝The spiritual energy here is weaker. ❞ Xiao said.
❝It is. Let's fly back, it's quicker. ❞Yu An said and took Xiun in her arms.
Xiao already reached expert level so he could fly by himself. Yu An was impressed on how fast he progresses, he is indeed a genius.
It was a little past lunch time when Yu An arrived at the palace making a commotion.
❝Master, you're really back! ❞Mi Que said and ran in Yu An's arms.
❝I missed you too. ❞Yu An said and pat her back.
Then a loud cough caught her attention and the angry face of Wang Shu popped in front of her.
❝Um... how is the best Emperor doing? ❞Yu An said trying to escape a scolding.
❝Xia Yu An! How could you throw yourself in danger like that? You're the Empress, you can't make foolish decisions! ❞Wang Shu angry scolded.
❝Yeah, yeah, I know. But I had fun there so no need to scream at me now. ❞Yu An said rolling her eyes.
Xiao stepped in front of Yu An and spread his arms protective.
❝Stop bullying master! ❞Xiao shouted looking at Wang Shu.
Wang Shu stopped speaking and looked down at the boy who shouted at him. He then noticed the girl as well.
❝Who are those? ❞Wang Shu asked confused.
❝The boy is Xiao and the girl ia Xiun, they are twins. I found them in a unfortunate situation so I took them with me. They are very strong. ❞Yu An said proud.
❝You found a pair of twins and decided to take them with you? ❞Wang Shu asked and sighed hopeless.
❝Master saved us, who are you to question her? ❞Xiao rudely asked.
❝I'm Wang Shu, the Emperor and also her husband. ❞
❝No one can be rude to her, I don't care if you are an Emperor. ❞Xiao said and turned to Yu An with a "humph!".
❝It appears that you taught them your lack of manners. ❞Wang Shu said looking at Yu An who was proud of Xiao'a bold personality.
❝Ah? Oops? ❞Yu An said and smiled.
❝Master, we have a lot to tell you. ❞Jiang Yun said.
❝What is it? ❞Yu An asked.
❝Bring the chest and the book.❞ Wang Shu ordered.
Soon two guards placed a chest in front of Yu An and opened it.
Yu An's eyes widened and she covered her mouth.
❝It seems that you really know what these are. ❞Wang Shu said.
❝Where did you get them? ❞Yu An asked.
❝We found them in an abandoned cottage in one of our missions. There was also a note, here. ❞Lan Ying said and handed her the note.
Yu An read it shocked.
❝Another person who woke up in this word all of sudden? So I'm not the only one? ❞
❝Was the man who wrote that still there? ❞Yu An asked with hope of finding someone like her.
❝He was dead already... ❞Mo Feng said awkwardly.
Yu An's smile dropped.
❝I see. ❞ She said and turned her head at the book held by a guard.
She took it and opened it.
❝It's indeed English! I can't believe it, it's really English! ❞
The page had instructions for the guns and how to make them with materials from this world, some interesting techniques using spiritual energy and also notes about Daniel.
He was a law student, 25 years old. One day he was shot on the street and then he woke up in the body of a scholar.
Daniel cracked a joke here and there making Yu An giggle from time to time.
She read under everyone's gazes. What Yu An didn't noticed it was that tears fell down her face.
She felt happy to see someone in the same boat as her, but he was already dead.
The last pages of the book were his goodbye, he planned to kill himself and hopefully go back in the modern world and wake up from a coma.
❝I hope your wish came true, Daniel. ❞ Yu An spoke in English and raised her head.
❝The book has a lot of interesting things that will definitely be useful. I will translate the useful parts, alright? ❞Yu An said.
❝Did you knew him? ❞Wang Shu asked.
❝No, I didn't. Oh, right, let me explain to you about the guns. Better, let me show you how to use it. ❞Yu An said a took a handgun and some bullets from the chest.
She loaded the gun and pointed it towards a tree. Then she pulled the trigger and the loud soud of the bullet being shot surprised everyone.
Then they saw the bullet who made a deep hole in the tree.
❝You put the bullet in, then press the trigger and the bullet is shot. Similar to an arrow I guess, but it doesn't take force like a bow.❞ Yu An said looking at the gun.
❝That's is amazing, it's so fast I could barely see it. If someone shot that at me I don't think I could dodge in time. ❞ Mo Feng said.
❝Teach me how to use one. ❞Lan Ying said looking at Yu An.
❝I will, let me go and translate the book now, it's full of interesting ideas. ❞
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