31:Kill those who wronged you.

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Chapter thirty-one:Kill those who wronged you.

Yu An and the twins arrived in front of the palace.

❝Identify yourself, please. ❞ one of the guards said.

❝Move. ❞Xiao said harsh, a tone filled with hatred.

❝What did you - ❞

Before the man finished his sentence his head was rolling down on the cold ground.

The other guard was frozen and before he could recover from the shock his head was cut as well.

The three entered the Palace and barged in the throne room where a meeting was being held.

❝What? Who let you in? Guards! ❞the king screamed, but no guards came in aid.

❝Who are you? ❞ another noble man asked.

❝I'm here to kill you all. To pay the wrong you've done for so long. ❞Xiao said and slowly walked towards the men.

❝What are you talking about? Go back and suck your mother's milk child. ❞ a noble man said laughing.

❝My mother, huh? The one you took away and killed? ❞Xiao shouted and the black energy pierced the man who spoke heart making him die instantly.

The room was quiet, everyone frozen due to shock.

❝What do you want? I'll give you money! ❞the king said.

Yu An took a chair and sat on it with Xiun on her lap.

Xiao let out a sinistre laugh and looked at the king mockingly.

❝I want your life, isn't that obvious? Are you stupid, your highness? ❞ Xiao said smiling.

❝Insolent! I'm the King, do you know the price you'll pay for even threatening me? ❞the king shouted spraying spit all over.

❝What a disgusting pig. ❞Yu An said and sneered.

Xiao looked at the other noble man in the room and softly said:❝Kill them. ❞

Before they could manage to scream the dark energy stabbed them, blood spilling all over the table.

The king was petrified. He fell on his throne shaking.

Xiao walked to him slowly to taunt him.

❝Don't come! Stay away! ❞he shouted crying.

Xiao giggled and the energy caught his arms and legs lifting him in the air. His limbs were then pulled slowly making him scream in pain.

In the end his limbs were detached from his body, leaving his bloody torso. The king fainted from the pain.

Xiao woke him up with two slaps and began to cut his body into small pieces, the king screamed until his voice died and only silent screams could come from his.

Soon he died with his eyes opened and filled with terror.

❝Quite a sadist. ❞Yu An said looking at Xiao.

❝I went a little crazy, I apologize for exposing you two to such a gruesome scene. ❞

Xiun got down from Yu An's lap and ran to her brother with a handkerchief in her hand.

❝Brother got dirty. ❞ Xiun said smiling and cleaned Xiao's face.

Xiao smiled gently and pat her head.

❝Thank you, Xiun. ❞

The three left and entered a forest.

❝Xiao, ask the energy if there is any treasure here and see if it can show us the way to it. ❞Yu An said.

Xiao nodded his head and did as told.

❝North, in an underground cave. ❞Xiao replied.

❝Good, let's check it out then. ❞Yu An said satisfied and they set off to find the treasure.

After an hour or so of walking Xiao spoke: ❝Here, this hole is the entrance to the underground cave. ❞

❝Alright then, let's jump in. ❞Yu An said and took both kids in her arms and jumped in the dark cave.

❝I'll make light. ❞Mo said and created a fire ball lighting the whole cave room.

In front of them were three identical doors.

❝Is this like a guess which door type of stuff? One of them is good and the others are traps? ❞Yu An said and analyzed the doors.

Xiun looked at the doors and felt like the middle one called for her.

❝The middle door... ❞the girl said looking at the door.

❝What's with it? Do you think that's the right door? ❞Yu An asked and walked in front of the door.

❝It's calling me.❞Xiun said and looked up at Yu An.

❝Let's trust your intuition then. ❞Yu An said and opened the middle door.

A narrow path that glowed thanks to the crystals on the walls and ceiling.

❝So pretty... ❞Xiun said looking at the beautiful crystals.

❝I guess we can take some. ❞Yu An said and pulled a crystal out of the wall.

Nothing happened so Yu An took some more. After, they walked on the path and at the end a light waited for them.

They stepped through it and a garden laid before their eyes.

❝This looks so beautiful. ❞Yu An said looking around.

Xiun heard a call again and looked at the big old tree.

❝It's calling me again. ❞Xiun said and pointed to the old tree.

❝Is that so? ❞Yu An asked and looked at the tree.

❝There is something in it. ❞Mo said.

Yu An touched the tree and a bright light enveloped them and when they opened their eyes, a beautiful lady appeared before them.

❝Are you the one calling me?❞ Xiun asked looking at the girl.

❝Xiun, stay behind me. ❞Xiao said and got in front of the girl protective.

❝It is me indeed. You are special. ❞the girl said.

❝What do you mean? ❞Yu An asked looking at the girl.

❝She is able to grow the tree of life. The spiritual energy she absorbed is transformed inside her in the same spiritual energy I have. ❞

❝What are you? ❞Xiao asked.

❝A nature spirit. My name is Fei. ❞

❝What is the tree of life? ❞Xiao asked again.

❝You're inside it right now. A tree that can give life, I was born from it as well. ❞

❝What do you mean by it can give life? Is it only creating spirits like you? ❞Yu An asked.

❝I know what you are thinking and yes, it can revive people from the death, but that's a lot of work. This tree needs a lot of spiritual energy to grow and bear fruits. Those fruits can give life, but with this little girl a miracle may happen. ❞

❝Can I really do something like this? ❞Xiun asked.

❝Yes. You're a human with nature spirit powers, I think you may be one of my sisters reincarnation. If you put your spiritual energy in this tree it would grow and have fruits. ❞ Fei explained.

❝Did you hear brother? I can make the magic tree grow! ❞Xiun said and jumped excited.

❝Congratulations Xiun! ❞Xiao said and pat her head.

❝One has the gift of life while the other the gift of death. ❞Yu An whispered as she looked at the two twins.

❝You are able to take the tree with you, am I right? ❞Fei asked looking at Yu An.

❝Will you come along as well? ❞Yu An asked.

❝Yes.❞ Fei replied.

❝Alright. We found a treasure so let us leave now. ❞Yu An said.

Fei made everyone exit the tree and Yu An concentrated on transferring the tree in the same space she keeps her stuff and where Mo stays half of the time.

It's like a space in her mind from where she can pull out stuff or put in there.

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