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The year is 2025, Earth had become a haven for all alien races, who come from the farthest reaches in the galaxy to live in peace. 99% of the newcomers live in harmony, but for the 1% who can't, there is Space Patrol Delta. The new breed of police, to bring them in. A specialized group of individuals who handle crime on a galactic scale, they're made up of the very best of every species that have chosen to join the fight against tyranny. Some humans have evolved to possess innate powers, many who have joined S.P.D. to help protect their world.

Separately in the year 3000, another batch of police officers were formed to handle crimes that threaten the very fabric of time itself. These special enforcers were known as the Time Force. They were capable of traveling through time in order to prevent criminals from disrupting timelines and altering history.

This is the story of one special member of the S.P.D. and the Time force, who ends up in a very peculiar situation. A simple cadet known only as Y/n, a human who has a special, yet dangerous innate power.

[3rd pov]

Commander Cruger: "How is the young cadet today?"

The head of S.P.D. asked his feline colleague, as he approached the observation area for the holo-training deck.

Kat: "He is a fierce fighter, strong and agile. However he still doesn't follow orders properly, refuses to work with a team, and even broke his training weapon."

Commander Cruger: "Well at least he didn't break the training deck."

As the commander says this all systems fail and the training sim disappears. Both adults sigh at this before heading into the training deck to confront the young cadet.

[Y/n pov]


I yelled as I punched the side of the training room red sparks radiating off my fist. The sound of the training deck door opens behind me as I hear a familiar voice.

Commander Cruger: "Please refrain from damaging the training deck any further cadet."

I stand at attention as my commanding officer enters the room with Ms.Manx right behind him. Both had disappointed looks on their faces.

Y/n: "Commander, sir, and Ms.Manx. I swear I had it under control this time. I just needed a little more ti-"

Commander Cruger: "At ease cadet, I'm not mad, I'm actually impressed at the progress you're making. However it would be in your best interest to start focusing on the other aspects of being a member of S.P.D., you need to learn to work with others and follow orders. After Kat is done with you you both should join me in the command center."

The commander said cutting me off before giving me the same speech about what it means to be a member of S.P.D., the same stuff he's been telling me since I was 10. Then he left meaning it was Ms.Manx turn to speak, however unlike the commander, Ms.Manx has been my mother figure I guess you could say.

Kat: "Well at least you have a new record for controlling your abilities. Now we just need to get you a training weapon that won't break so easily. I'm sure within a few more years we can get you ready to join the other rangers."

Y/n: "You've been saying that for 6 years. I get that I was brought in early compared to others, but I'm still nowhere near ready, for all I know I may never be ready."

I say grabbing my limiter and strapping it to my left wrist. Funny enough it was almost an exact look alike of the once mighty quantum morpher, rumored to have been used by a group of time traveling rangers. The only difference is I can't morph, it only shows my vitals, works as a communication device, and limits my power from causing power outages. Probably a prototype for the one designed in the future.

Kat: "Y/n, you know that's not true, you heard the commander. You're greatly improving, you just need to work harder."

Y/n: "Bull! Everyone else managed to master their abilities as kids! Look at me! I'm a young adult and I still can't master keeping it at a stable level! I can't control my strength, I've just barely mastered my enhanced speed, I'm literally the walking time bomb of S.P.D.!"

I started to spark a bit, but not too badly thanks to the limiter. My vitals were causing it to beep so I slowly started to calm down, once calm enough I walked out of the training deck. Walking passed B-squad, which was comprised of 5 members, I never bothered to learn their names, other than Sky Tate, his father was apparently the one of the first red S.P.D rangers, yet the outfit was too similar to that of a Time Force ranger.

I always thought there was more to that reason, believe it or not I met the rangers of the 31st century. It was a minor accident around a prototype of an old alien device. I had unintentionally opened a pathway between times. Nice place, nice people.

Anyway I guess they were heading out to deal with a crime or something. Because I bumped into their red ranger as I walked passed.

B-squad red: "Hey watch it."

Y/n: "Shut up you're too loud. Why he made you a red ranger is beyond me, disgraceful."

The red ranger obviously took offense, and rushed me, only to be held back by the females of his team. Sky then spoke up obviously not to thrilled by my presence.

Sky: "Look Y/n we're kinda busy and commander said he's waiting for you in the command center."

Y/n: "Yeah I know now how about you and the red reject get on your way. I have enough of a headache as is."

B-squad green: "Power surge again?"

Y/n: "Yes now shush."

I say as my limiter was starting to go off again. I took a deep breath and turn to leave. Only hearing sky speak to his leader.

B-squad red: "The heck is wrong with him?"

Sky: "He's stubborn and a lone wolf, just ignore him."

B-squad yellow: "I say he's just lonely and probably needs a friend."

B-squad pink: "Tried that before, wouldn't recommend it."

With those comments made I turn and make my to the command room, somehow Ms.Manx beat me here.

Y/n: "How did you beat me here?"

Kat: "Good now that we're all accounted for."

Y/n: "Just gonna ignore me huh? Fine."

Commander Cruger: "Kat and I believe it's time for you to get some time out in the field, as such I am giving you a temporary delta morpher."

Y/n: "Wait, are you serious sir!? I-I'm nowhere ready for real missions! I could end up doing more harm than good!"

I say out of surprise as I was still a little bit ... explosive if things get too intense and my limiter was ever broken. Last thing I needed was more people saying I was a threat.

Commander Cruger: "I can understand where your concern lies, but I believe you will gain a better understanding of your abilities in the field, than you will in a confined space."

Kat: "You will only have a short period of time to use it before it needs to be returned."

Commander Cruger: "I want you to use this particular delta morpher to assist B-squad on their latest assignment. Use it well."

They told me as Ms.Manx handed me a temporary delta morpher. As I looked at it I could feel my nerves getting to me as it sat in my hand. I swear if it wasn't for the limiter I might've sparked too much and fried the thing.

Y/n: "Sir?"

Commander Cruger: "Yes cadet?"

Y/n: "I'm sorry but you chose the wrong person to give a delta morpher to. I'm not a team player, they slow me down."

I said as I tried handing the delta morpher back, gaining a questioning look from Manx and the commander. Everyone else, looked like they just heard the world was going to explode. Not a single person who has been given a delta morpher, has ever turned it down. So this type of thing was completely out of the ordinary.

Commander Cruger: "Everyone, give us the room."

Everyone in the command center left the room including Ms.Manx, leaving only me and the commander. The room was dead silent as he walked up to me, I thought he was gonna remove my cadet status and throw me out. Yet if he was, he had plenty of chances to do so before. He then sighed and looked me dead in the eyes.

Commander Cruger: "I understand you don't trust anyone, that you feel others will slow you down. However you and I both know that's not the reason you push others away. That power of yours is unstable, and unpredictable. You're worried about harming others. Believe me I understand what it means to lose those closest to you."

Y/n: "I know commander you lost your plane-"

I said only to be interrupted by a growl from the commander, however it wasn't one of his angry growls, more like one a parent would give out of frustration.

Commander Cruger: "I'm not finished cadet, I'm not telling you this for my sake. I'm telling you this so you understand that in order to control this power you will need others. You can't continue to hide away, and expect to control that power out in the field. You have to learn from experience, only then can you really grow. One day, I'm sure you'll be one of our best rangers. Until then, you need to grow, an I know you will I have faith in you."

Wow now I feel like a complete jerk. I gripped the delta morpher tightly as I looked down, took a deep breath and sighed. Honestly I'm not certain about this, however I always complained that they may never give me that chance. Now here I was delta morpher in hand, yet I was trying to turn it down. If I don't do this now, I may never have another chance.

Y/n: "Okay, I'll do it, I'll try to work with the others. I don't know if I'll be able to, but I'll try."

Commander Cruger: "Good to hear cadet. Dismissed."

For the first time since I joined, I gave the proper salute to the commander before leaving. I head to the garage and grab one of the bikes and headed out towards the location of B-squad.

[3rd pov]

Meanwhile with B-squad they were morphed and fighting some sort of giant crustacean like criminal and his army of krybots.

Unfortunately they were losing this battle, the krybots were far more organized, and this criminal seemed far tougher than what was originally described in his file.

Crustacean: "Look at that, these enhancements really turned the tide! I will be well rewarded for destroying not one but five rangers!"

As the crustacean laughed at his soon to be victory, the rangers stood back up, albeit they were stumbling.

Pink: "Maybe we should call command for backup."

Red: "No we got this, we can still beat them!"

Yellow: "Jack, use your head, these guys aren't fighting the same."

Green: "They're a lot smarter that's for sure."

Blue: "Not just smarter, they're organized without a blue or orange one to lead them."

Jack: "You don't think I can see that!?"

Jack and the blue ranger began to argue as the crustacean just laughs.

Crustacean: "Look how fast they turn on each other when they're losing. Just makes them an easier target! READY!?"

The krybots encircle the rangers, causing the two to stop arguing.

Crustacean: "AIM!"

The krybots aimed their blasters at the rangers, if they got hit by this much firepower they would certainly lose.

Crustacean: "FI- What's that noise?"

The crustacean asked as he looked around trying to find that noise. The rangers also looked around trying to find the origin of the noise.

Pink: "What is that?"

Yellow: "Is that a bike?"

Green: "Not just any bike, that's the new prototype"

As the green ranger said that, said prototype was seen flying in the air before hitting the crustacean with it's front tire. Causing the crustacean to fall to the ground. As the prototype comes to a halt near the rangers, they notice the rider's uniform colors.

Blue: "No way, is that?"

Pink: "They actually let him out!?"

Green: "I guess so."

Three of the rangers said as the prototype's rider got off and ditched the helmet.

Y/n: "Don't get too excited scum, you haven't won yet. You still got one more to deal with."

Y/n said pulling out a delta morpher and pointing it at the crustacean.

Y/n: "Surban the tank, you are hereby under arrest!"

The crustacean named Surban got back to his feet, glaring at the new addition to the fight.

Surban: "Ugh, save that police speech, these weaklings already gave it to me and look how they are. One more ranger won't stop me!"

Y/n: "Maybe they couldn't, but you're not facing them. You're facing me!"

Jack: "What are you doing!? Get back to base, we don't need you're help!"

Yellow: "Jack!"

Just as the yellow ranger was about to scold Jack, Y/n scoffed and looked at B-squad over his shoulder.

Y/n: "Sorry red reject, I don't take orders from some street punk in a fancy suit."

Jack: "WHAT!?"

Jack tried rushing Y/n again, but was held back by the blue ranger.

Blue: "Just leave him be, commander Cruger probably sent him."

Jack: "That doesn't give him the right to keep calling me that!"

Jack said sounding really annoyed as Y/n began walking towards Surban, who also began walking towards him.

Y/n: "The blue one is right, commander sent me to help. Although from the looks of it, I'll be handling the frontal assault. If you backup rangers really wanna help, take out the tin cans. The seafood platter is mine."

Jack goes to say something but was denied that by the blue ranger.

Blue: "Fine, be careful, he had some enhancements implanted."

He said as the rest of B-squad reengaged the krybots, leaving Surban and Y/n alone.

[Y/n pov]

Surban: "You must be brave or foolish to think you can defeat me alone. Not even your allies could stop me when it was five on one! What can you do that they couldn't!?"

Y/n: "Oh believe me, I can do ten times what they can."

I say putting my delta morpher back on my hip. Seeing as how I need to keep it for emergencies due to the limited time on it.

Surban: "Not gonna morph, or is that just for show?"

Y/n: "Don't need to morph, not yet anyways. I wanna test my skills first. Let's see if you're worth the trouble of me morphing."

I say getting into a fighting stance as Surban growls and rushes me, causing me to dodge. I tried my best to avoid using my power, as I didn't want to over do it. Each attack he threw at me I dodged trying to find an opening. Eventually I decided to stop being on defense and started attacking. Our attacks collided multiple times over, each time creating a small shockwave, I did find an opening to kick him away from me. My leg was sparking as I landed the hit, doing some damage from the looks of his smoking side.

Surban: "Enough! You are really getting on my nerves brat! Take this!"

Surban blasted highly pressurized black sludge at me, causing me to take cover behind a parked vehicle. Unfortunately said vehicle was blasted in half from the force of the sludge.

Y/n: "Okay, maybe I need to shift gears. Lowering my limiter's setting should allow me to utilize my abilities a tad bit more."

I say as I start messing with the settings on my limiter, looking back, I probably shouldn't have. As I was messing with it, Surban shot another blast at the remaining half of the vehicle, making me fly through the air. When I hit the ground I heard sparking, this caused me to roll over. As I looked down at the limiter, revealing it to be busted. My eyes widened at the sight.

Y/n: "Damn it, now I got to finish this quickly, or else things are going to be worse."

Surban: "Done hiding brat!? Have you finally grown a shell, and decided to fight!?"

I heard Surban say as he began to laugh at me. I just shakily stood up, and looked back at him, my arms already sparking slightly.

Y/n: "You could say that."

I say before rushing into him using my enhanced speed, tackling him back into the wall of an alleyway. However after I kicked him through the wall into the middle of an empty street, I was blasted into the street by a group of krybots. Causing me to roll a good few feet from Surban, who was getting back on his feet.

Surban: "I'll admit, you caught me off guard, but don't think you'll pull that twice! KRYBOTS DESTROY HIM!"

After he said that, the krybots ran at me attacking me from all angles, making me dodge the best I could. Every so often one would land a hit on me, but a few would fall from me punching them while my arms are sparking. However I can't keep going at this rate like this. I was using too much energy, and my heart rate was growing. At any minute I would most likely cause a large power surge, and blackout. I needed to end this fast, so using my speed I put some distance between the krybots, Surban and myself. I pulled out my delta morpher before looking back at Surban and his krybots.

Y/n: "You want to play hard, then let's kick it into third gear! S.P.D.! EMERGENCY!"

I yelled out before activating the transformation function of the delta morpher, my attire changing into the set ranger form.

Y/n: "S.P.D. crimson ranger!"

I say as the sirens on the side of my helmet flash a few times. I then pulled out the delta blasters from their holsters and pointed them at the criminals.

Y/n: "Last chance Surban! Surrender and come peacefully, or else."

I say tightening my grip on the blasters as I stare at Surban, waiting to see his next move. I could see him getting nervous, now that I actually morphed. From the corner of my eye I saw the other rangers still fighting yet in shock. Well except for green, he seemed to be in awe.

[3rd pov]

Pink: "No way, he actually used the delta morpher without breaking it."

She said kicking a krybot away and blasting another. Yellow was seen blasting a group of krybots before looking back at Y/n.

Yellow: "Did he say crimson? He looks like an inverted version of Jack."

Green: "To be fair it is a cool look."

He says before jumping over a couple of krybots, and kicking one that was sneaking up on yellow. Jack and sky were back to back, surrounded by the mechanical fiends.

Jack: "Yeah, but can he back it up? Didn't seem like he knew what he was doing."

Blue: "It's his first real assignment, we weren't exactly coordinated when we met you two."

Jack: "Fair enough."

[Y/n pov]


He demands as the krybots rush at me, making me smirk under the helmet.

Y/n: "Alright me first."

I then rush at them, blasting each krybot as I encounter them, on my way to get to Surban who seemed to be panicking as I got closer and closer.

Y/n: "This power is amazing! I feel like I don't even need the limiter."

I say

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