Hey everyone, just wondering how y'all like the new prologue, and was curious if you all noticed what the protagonist's character is. By that I mean if you noticed what exactly he does between being with others compared to how he is alone. That will have an effect on how his arc will go throughout the story. Also suggest some villains, they can be canon to any season/series from the rangers/sentai or even a random idea you came up with. Ie Surban the tank, he was a random idea I came up with.
The main villain for the story is already set for me, but a few threats besides the ones in their universe would be great to spice things up. After all you can't exactly blow up a green ape hell bent on world domination, but is too incompetent to actually do it. So I wanna see what you all can come up with. Give me some real threats! Small time thieves, big criminals, galactic terrorists! Let's see what you can throw at our young S.P.D. cadet!
I'll get around to the next chapter eventually, but I got multiple books on my list to do. Till then ciao!
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