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Hey guys! I know it was kinda abrupt without any former warning, but yes, this is the end of TOOO ( The Odd One Out ). I would like to thank all the readers, commenters and voters for reading, commenting and voting for this story. Thanks for sparing your time. I would also like to give a shout out to actualtrash666 for being the number 1 fan of TOOO.

The soundtrack of this story is "FLY " by the amazing Avril Lavigne whose audio was attached in the previous chapter. So if you haven't listened to it, please do. It's great!

So...ummm...thanks! Please do check out my other stories! Bye...till next time!  :)

Stay amazing!

(Edit : The sound option has been taken off Wattpad, so its not possible to listen to the song here. You can check it out in the internet.)

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