Chapter 14

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"I can't believe we are graduating," Irfan sighed.

"Yeah, time really flies so soon," Heather muttered.

"I can't say I'll miss this school", Steve said, "But I'll definitely miss you guys."

Today was our graduation ceremony and all the students, parents and teachers had assembled on the school ground.

"Guys," I spoke, "I - uh - have something to tell you all."

"You and Elliot hooked up during prom!" Maria gasped.

Everyone looked at me excitedly.

"What? No!" I rolled my eyes, "I applied for Cambridge University. . .and I got in! The letter arrived just this morning."

"What?" Maria squealed, "That's awesome! Congrats!"

"Oh my god, congrats bro!"

"Fuck! Am I only one that's probably gonna end up in the street after graduation?"

"But guys," I intervened timidly, "I. . .uh. . .I don't think I can go. . ."

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked.

"What if the students there tease me? Or bully me? Or, I don't know, hate me for being gay? Or Asian? I'm just so scared. . .what if they don't accept me? What if..." I ended up blurting out all my insecurities.

"Hey hey hey," Elliot placed his hands gently on my shoulders, "Calm down, ok? You are gonna be fine dumpling, you're gonna be the most amazing person in the whole college, ok? You'll NOT be told shit about your sexuality or race! And if they do, just raise your middle finger at them - just like this, ok?" - He raised his middle finger as a demonstration - "Listen Poh, not everyone are judgemental assholes, and you shouldn't worry about what others think of you all the time. Just be yourself! Yes, there will be haters, there will be other people like David out there, but there will be people who love you too - who accepts you with ease, who'll not judge you because you are gay or Asian. There will always be friends who'll support you no matter what, who'll love you for who you are, and they are the kind of people you should stick to. They are the ones you should stay with because they'll never let you feel insecure or low. The haters? - Ignore them! Let them bark at you like dogs, you just raise your chin up and walk confidently because Poh, you are a phenomenal, amazing, wonderful and awesome person and you deserve the best. Do you get that through your thick skull?"

Elliot took a deep breath as I just stared at him with my mouth wide open. Who the hell was this guy? How dare he break my walls of insecurities and make me feel so confident and proud of myself? Is he for real?

"You have us here," Heather muttered to me, "You'll have someone there too."

"Although not as awesome as us," Steve added cheekily and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Thanks guys", I smiled, "I just. . .thanks. Thanks for being the most supportive and wonderful friends. And yes, you're right, I will find friends there but they'll never be as awesome as you guys!"

After a heartfelt group hug (where Maria was basically squeezing us all), we sat down on our respective seats as the graduation ceremony began.

I had never felt so great about myself.

* * *

"Remember to call me as soon as you land, ok?"

"Yes, dad."

"Did you pack your charger? Your toothbrush? Your - "

"Yes mom, I have everything."

I was at the airport waiting for my flight to be announced, surrounded by my family and friends who had come to bid me farewell. Only Steve was absent because he had to go to Harvard earlier.

"Flight number XXX01 from Pittsburgh to London will take off shortly. All the passengers are requested to board the plane immediately."

"I think that's my cue to go," I muttered. Irfan, Heather, Elliot and Maria came forward to hug me. "We'll miss you," they said. "I'll miss you too," I mumbled as I hugged them back tightly, trying hard not to cry.

Next, I hugged my mom, dad and Jim (with whom I surprisingly ended up getting along but I still disliked him to a certain extent). Then I turned to Elliot and said, "If it weren't for you, I would've still been a pathetic mess."

Elliot chuckled, "That's true!"

I smiled and continued, "I would've never gained my self confidence back, I would've never gotten over my insecurities, I would've never been here flying off to England. And I thank you for that, Elliot. I thank you for bringing light to my life, for helping me to rediscover myself and for showing a whole new world to me. I'm not really good at speeches, but I just want you to know that you're awesome and you mean a lot to me. So. . .well, uh. . .goodbye. Toothpick."

Elliot was quiet. I think it was the first time that I saw him so solemn. He just gazed at me, as if memorising my whole face so that he could remember it when I was gone. I couldn't vouch for him, but I was doing the exact same thing. I was trying to memorise each line, each eyelash, each freckle on his face because I never wanted to forget him. And I knew I never would.

"Goodbye," he whispered. It seemed as if he was speaking with difficulty.

I turned to my friends and family and said, "Goodbye!"

Dragging my heavy luggage behind me, I turned around and started walking towards the plane. But halfway, I stopped. I had this sudden urge that I couldn't stop from surfacing out. I hesitated at first, but then I thought - What the hell, just do it! So I did.

Turning around, I rushed at Elliot and pulling him close to me, I kissed him passionately on the mouth. Elliot froze at first, but soon, he was kissing back. Tongues and teeth clashed, but who cared about the awkward mess? What mattered was the emotion, the feeling, the love that was being conveyed to each other through that passionate gesture. Okay, we may have looked like wild animals to everyone else, but we didn't care.

Finally, we pulled apart. Gazing deeply into each other's eyes, we remained silent. There were so many things that I wanted to say, to confess, and I knew that he wanted to say something too, but somehow, just looking at each other in silence was enough. It was as if all the unspoken words were somehow being telepathically transmitted to each other.

I didn't know if we would ever be together in future, I didn't know if things would change between us after I went abroad, I didn't know if each of us would find someone else. But I did know that in that moment, I loved Elliot Williams and even though I didn't say it aloud, he knew it too.

With that silent confession, I picked up my luggage and finally boarded the plane.

The End.

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