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"Awh , I thought choosing to reap here would draw me nearer to Bassey my love , but I guess I was wrong" Grell whined as they reaped Jessarie's soul.

"What do you see in that demon ?" Asked Alexandra as she reaps Edgar's soul. The grim reaper looks at the deceased boy's cinematic record.

Her eyes widened upon seeing it. "Emily ..." she muttered.

She pitied the girl. But she couldn't do anything about it. She has no ability to bring Edgar back to life.

"At times , I hate doing this" Alexandra muttered.

"You only feel bad if the cinematic records you see reminded you of your brother" Grell spoke.

Alexandra shot a glare at them.

Grell scoffed. They then turned their attention to Jessarie's cinematic records. "Oh , this girl's life is quite dramatic - abandoned , tortured , given false hope , driven mad... The usual harvest I get. But at least she hasn't been laid by my Bassey" they spoke.

"Disgusting" Alexandra noted.

"What are you two doing ?" A stern voice asked.

The two grim reapers looked behind them to see him.

"William ?" Alexandra mumbled. Grell let out an excited squeal seeing him.

William didn't look pleased. "You two should pick up the pace , you're clearly wasting time" he said.

"Uh... r-right. Apologies" Alexandra said looking down.

"Come on , William. Lighten up a bit - Alexa here is doing her best" Ronald appeared. Grell let out a squeal once again.

"Oh joy ! I never thought two of my dear old buddies are hear - my handsome buddies that is" Grell swoon over them.

"Huh ? Why are you both here ? I thought there weren't that many deaths tonight" Alexandra says.

"There aren't , love" Ronald said winking at Alexandra. "Allow , William here to explain".

Grell and Alexandra turned to William who had a serious expression.

"We have reason to believe He is here" William said darkly.

Alexandra's brow raised in surprise. "H-how ? I-I thought-" she was in disbelief.

Grell on the other hand was excited. "Really ?! Oh what joy ?! Another babe coming !!!! I can't wait" they waved their chainsaw around.

"Guess , someone's happy" Ronald noted.


"Now , the crown...." Prince George said as he held the late King Edward's crown and was about to place it on Peter's head.

(Y/n) was getting impatient on Edgar and Emily. "Tch ... Where are they ?" She said.

By this time , they should have been here already. The more the two took their time the more (Y/n) became much more worried and frustrated.

"Where are you two ?!" She mumbled in frustration.

"....I proclaim you , King Peter". Everyone applauded

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. They were wasting time. She had to do something by now or else it would be too late. Sebastian was just awaiting his Mistress' orders.

Peter felt proud , the day had finally arrived. The day he had been waiting for came at last.

He then spoke up.

"Everyone , My prince , I am grateful you are here to witness an occassion - my occassion. I never thought that I have been chosen to rule this kingdom... I promise to do my best and surpass the Late Great King Edward -".

"HOW DARE YOU ?!" someone interrupted him.

Everyone was stunned to hear someone disrespect the newly crowned King.

"Pardon ? Who said that ?" Peter looked around.

"I did !" (Y/n) rose her hand and walked towards them.

"A royal guard ? What right do you have to the King ?!" The fake prince said.

"Every damn right to !" (Y/n) took of her helmet , and revealed herself.

Everyone gasped seeing (Y/n) Phantomhive still alive. Whispers filled the room. Ho-chien , King Sohma and his son beamed seeing her.

"You're alive ?!" Peter scowled seeing her.

Sebastian face palmed seeing what the Mistress just did. "She's the only one who complicates things..." he mumbled.

"Yes , I am alive ! And let me tell you this - I wasn't the one who killed King Edward. They did" (Y/n) pointed at Peter and the fake prince.

"Peter is in league with the Condolence party who are the ones who attempted murdering Ho-chien and the Midfords... He also is comrades with a shapeshifter , the real killer of King Edward !".

"What ?"
"But how ?!"
"Prince George and King Peter did this ?!".
"Shapeshifter ? The condlence party ?".
"The Midfords are alive ?!".

Everyone doubted what (Y/n) said. Peter grinned as he was aware nobody would believe her.

"Such accusation Phantomhive ! You don't even have any proof I would do such a thing ! And to include the prince in your stories ... Are you that desperate ?" Peter mocked.

(Y/n) clenched her fists tightly. "Bastard" she muttered under her breath.


"You are babbling nonsense Phantomhive" The fake prince said. "Guards sieze her !" he ordered.

One came walking up to her , but rather than apprehending her. He placed his hand on her shoulders. He took of her helmet and revealed himself to be none other than her beloved butler.

"Forgive me , but I only take orders from her" Sebastian said.

The guards then broked down the door and surrounded (Y/n) and Sebastian. The visitor's were in a panic and decided to run out of the abbey.

"Surrender peacefully Stray Dog" one of the guards said.

(Y/n) gripped unto her sword tightly. She then stood back to back with Sebastian.

"What is your order my lady ?" The butler asked getting excited.

"Clear a pathway for me as I charge towards the bastards" she spat.

"As you wish my lady" Sebastian said as he licked his lips. A devilish smile crept on his face.

"There will be no fighting today" a voice cutted through. "Stand down men".

"That voice-"
"Prince George?".

The guards turned to Prince George at the front and were confused on his order.

"What are you doing ?! Kill her !" Demanded Peter.

"And I order them to stand down !".

2 figures entered the hall. Many gasped at what they were seeing. Emily Midford carrying a bloody and bruised Prince George.

"The prince ? But how ?" Asked one of the Guards.

"Two Prince George's ?" One gasped.

(Y/n) was grateful seeing Emily with Prince George. But she wondered why Edgar was missing. She looked at Emily whose eyes were hidden by the shadow of her bangs.

Emily clearly showing sadness.

(Y/n) didn't have to think twice to know what it meant.

"No...." she muttered.

Her heart sank. But this isn't the time to be mourning... There was still a battle to face

"What are you , fools ?! That is an impostor ! Sieze them!" Exclaimed the Fake Prince.

The real Prince let out a weak chuckle. "Funny hearing it from a real copycat ... Men , if you think I am the real prince then strike me down at once , but not before pouring this on your eyes to see the truth" he said as he threw a small bottle at one of the guards.

Peter knew what it was. "No ..." he said. "Throw that bottle away ! That is poison !" He exclaimed making up a lie.

"P-poison ?" The guard was shocked hearing this. He wanted to throw it away , but hearing what the prince said- he aas confused on what to do.

"I said throw away that blood poison away !!!" Shouted Peter.

The guard was taken by surpise and drop the bottle breaking it.

"No !" Emily and the Prince exclaimed.

"Sebastian..." (Y/n) whispered to her butler something.

The butler smirked. "Yes , my lady".

6 knives then flew across the room , 3 flying to the prince standing along side Peter and 3 flying toward the Prince.

Both were stab at the same places - at the left and right leg , and at the right shoulder.

Everyone was shocked.

"The Prince !".

"Prince George !" Emily rush to his aid. "(Y/n) what is your butler doing ?!".

Sebastian licked his prized knives. "I'm just doing what my mistress has ordered" he said cheekily.

"(Y/n) ?" Emily said in disbelief. "But why ?".

"How dare you hurt Prince George, stray dog !" Exclaimed Peter.

(Y/n) was intimidated the slightest. "There are other ways in revealing a shapeshifter , and it's injuring them to the point they are unable to impersonate" she said. "See for yourself" she pointed at the fake prince.

Everyone gasped.

Peter's eyes widened. He didn't want to see what has happened behind him.

"It's melting ?!".
"What's going on ?!".
"That's disgusting !!!".

"P-peter...." a weak voice called to him.

Peter looked behind him , he was stunned. "C-cicinta" he mumbled.

Cicinta transformed back into her real form.

(Y/n) smirked at what happened.

"A-A child !?".
"Then that's the impostor".
"So , the real prince is.."
"Men ! Assist the prince immediately".

The guards then ran to the real Prince George.

"That's a quite the gamble" Prince George muttered. "But I have to thank your butler's crazy trick , Phantomhive" he said.

"It's just getting started" (Y/n) mumbled.

"The game's over Peter ... It's the end now !" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Men ! Apprehend Peter and his assistant right this instance !" The prince exclaimed. "By order of I , King George , you are to be executed  for what you have done Peter !" He said with full authority.

"P-peter..." Cicinta looked at her master with fear in her eyes. What would become of them ?

'Cicinta....Cicinta... All those years planning...of waiting...of hoping...of suffering...'

"I won't let it all go to waste !" He gripped Cicinta's shoulder tightly. "Don't give up!!! We haven't yet ! This isn't the end ye-"


Cicinta's eyes widened. She trembled upon seeing her master shot.

"P-Peter !!!!" She cried out. She held her master's hand.

"Cicinta..." Peter said weakly as he held her hand tightly. Blood gushed out from his wound.

"Don't you see ? This is the end ... It's time to die Peter" (Y/n) said as she walked towards the two pointing her gun at them.

"One bullet is needed ... And this bullet is sign of my vengeance for what you did to me , to the King , to the Midford's. To every bloody sin you've committed" (Y/n) said darkly as she loaded her gun and pointed at Peter.

"Peter ..." Cicinta trembled. She didn't want to accept it ... She didn't want to...

"No.... No... No !!!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Cicinta then crashed her lips on Peter.

"Disgusting !!!" (Y/n) was about to shoot when Peter's body suddenly deteriorated...

Cicinta was devouring him. Her form turning - not into peter... She mixed all the forms she had copied and turned into one giant monster. Multiple arms , a body that is 3 times as large than an average human. And eyes around it's body. Atop , is a faceless head that only has a large mouth. At it's chest is none other than Peter's face.

"I-I will p-protect peter" Muttered the now horrific Cicinta.

She then let out a horrific roar.

Everyone was shocked at what they were seeing right now.

"M-monster ....".
"A freak !".
"What is that ?!".

"W-what is that monstrosity?" Emily questioned , stunned at what she is seeing. "Uh- (Y/n) !!!!".

Cicinta was about to crush (Y/n) , but Sebastian manages to save his mistress. He even cut of some of Cicinta's limbs. 

The monster howled in pain.

"You are very much reckless my lady" Sebastian says as he carries (Y/n) to Emily and the Prince.

The guards were stunned to see Sebastian's swift moves.

"(Y/n) , are you alright ? What do we do now ?!" Emily asked.

"All of you must escape this vicinity this instance , take the prince to safety" (Y/n) ordered.

"B-But (Y/n) -" Emily wanted to argue but (Y/n) cut her off.

"You'll only be in the way" she said. "Besides ...  They were my enemies since the beginning".

"Uh...Right" Emily said.

They then evacuated , leaving (Y/n) and Sebastian alone with the monster.

"You could've join them my lady , I could handle her myself" Sebastian said fixing his gloves.

"I know... But I'll be the one to deal the finishing blow" (Y/n) said holding unto her necklace

The contract glowing... Sebastian's eyes flickered magenta.

"Sebastian , I order you in assisting me taking this foul  beast to hell" she said opening her top buttons revealing the contract.

"Yes , my lady...".


Oh look , I made another update !!!

Yup , it's going to end soon.

Everyyytttthiiiinngggggg is about to end !!!!!!!!!!!!


Btw , sorry if this chapter was messy and poorly written.

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