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"Hey (y/n)" Ho-chien said casually as (y/n) entered the guest room to meet him. "Seems you've hired some more associates to your household. I thought your incredible butler can do all those tasks without any help"

"I am not an incredible Butler Master Ho-chien , I am ... A one hell of a butler" Sebastian said , proud of those words.

(Y/n) sighed at her butler. "Anyways ... Shouldn't we head off now ? I thought you've come to take me to spectate the Black Championship" she said.

"Yes and that I will do" Ho-chien stood up.

They then went to Ho-chien's carriage. Sebastian assisted them inside. (Y/n) sat across Ho-chien , facing him while Sebastian sat beside her. Ho-chien instructed the coach man to the location where they'll be heading. During the trip , Ho-chien and (y/n) discussed.

"Its uncommon for you to be watching these kinds of events" Ho-chien began to speak. "But I'm not surprised if you only did this because if the King requested you too"

(Y/n) gave a smirk. "You do know allot about me ..."

"Its a gift and a curse" Ho-chien said in an arrogant tone.

"And its annoying" scoffed (y/n). She then continued speaking. "Anyways , I'm surprised you have fallen victim to whatever's happening. The fact that you've watched that competition continously"

"Ah , you mean those who have suddenley disappeared" Ho-chien said stroking his imaginary beard , feeling wise. "I must be a very lucky then" he chuckled. "Of course , since I am a careful and cautious man. Also , if I disappear you'd miss me"

"I would celebrate if someone was able to erase your existence" (y/n) said as she rolls her eyes.

"That's mean (y/n)"

It was already dark when they've arrived at London. They stopped at an old bar in an eeries street. The only thing that can be heard are the carriage's noise.

"Ho-chien ... Are you dumb or something ?" (Y/n) said as she stood down the carriage looking at the old bar which looks as if in any minute would fall down.

"The place looks as if it was built before the time of creation!" She exclaimed.

"Calm your nerves (y/n)" Ho-chien said as he walked to the front door. "This is one of the many passageways to the place" he opened the door leading (y/n) and Sebastian to come in.

Conpare to what's outside , its far more worse in the inside. A dimly lit place. There were some spilled drinks and broken glasses on the floor. There were even chairs and tables whose legs are broken. Pests running from time to time. An old frail man who seems to be the bartender was wiping some glasses at the counter

(Y/n) was disgusted at what she's seeing. But before she could open her mouth to speak , Ho-chien cut her off. "Allow me" he spoke.

He went to the old man. "Excuse me sir..."

"Ah , if it isn't Master Ho-chien !" The bartender said happily. "I presume the usual then ?"

"Indeed , along with my colleague and her butler" Ho-chien said as he pointed at (y/n) , who looks very impatient , and Sebastian who was just standing there beside his mistress.

"I see ... Then if you would follow" the bartender then left the counter and entered to the back room. (Y/n) was confused by this. Ho-chien gestured her to follow him.

The trio followed the Bartender into the backroom , then lead them into a cellar where there is a hidden trapdoor. The Bartender knocked 3 times , then it opened slightly , enough to reveal another old man carrying a lamp.

"What is it ?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Master Ho-chien is here , and a new visitor as well , lady Phantomhive and her butler" the bartender said.

"Very well then" He fully opened the door. "Follow me" he guided them inside.

Sebastian assisted (y/n) in climbing down the stairs. "My lady , please ba careful" he said as he held her hand.

As they climbed down , they were in a long and dark hallway. The man the gestured to follow them. The walk was quiet long , there were even other paths. They went left , then right , then left again. It went on for minutes. It looked as if they were passing through a maze.

"Ho-chien , how long are we supposed to walk before we've arrived" (y/n) asked starting to get impatient once again.

"We're near" he replied.

Then after awhile of endless walking , they could hear the cheers of people. They then stopped at large metal door where the noises can be heard. The man knocked on the door , a short stout man was the one who opened it.

"2 nobles , lady Phantomhive and Master Ho-chien" the man said.

The fat man nodded and opened the door. "Welcome to the VIP section" he said and bowed. They then went inside.

There were many nobles and lords that (y/n) recognized. Even some who had a run-in with her.

'So majority of the nobles who watch this game is from the black market' (y/n) thought.

Many distanced themselves from the newly arrived group. Before it was a room filled with joy and excitement , now , anger , fear and hatred filled the air. And all of it was turned to (y/n) , who carries the Phantomhive name.

Many glared at her , many walked away from her , and some are starting to talk about her-not in a good way. But this wasn't new to her...

"So , why don't we grab ourselves a seat ?" Ho-chien suggested. He then lead (y/n ) and Sebastian into at the front row of the top VIP section.

It had a view of the whole fighting arena. Below their elevated section are the lower class. Standing around the arena. Cheering , roaring with excitement.

"The seating arrangements here are based on social classes" Ho-chien began to explain. "High class nobles such us ourselves are given special seats to spectate the fight in a widescope ... while the lower class , they just crowd arround the arena. They don't mind as long as they get to see a good brawl"

"It seems its about to start"

A man , wearing a sparkling attire and hair swept back walked at the center of arena. He grabbed a microphone and spoke in a loud voice.

"Welcome ! Welcome ! Welcome , ladies and gentleman , young and old , rich and poor , ugly and gifted , to another special night !!!!"

The crowd cheered

"I am your host , commentator , and referee- call me by the name Mr. Smilez !!!!!" He said and gave a bright smile. "Tonight we're starting off with a battle between Griet !!!!!!!-"

A woman who is wearing an orange body suit appears riding none other than a tiger. "Let's take them on Willy" she said as she stroked the tiger's fur.

"A cat ... Such fur ..." (y/n) heard Sebastian mutter. She turned to her butler , who was in awe of the tiger. "Sebastian , try and move even an inch from your seat and you'll regret it" (y/n) threatened.

Sebastian sighed. "As you wish...." his tone a bit down.

"And on the next corner ... He's everyone's favorite , one-shot wonder...... His eyes are none other than of a .... HAWWWWKK!!!!!!!" The man announced. A hooded figure appeared. The crowd cheered.

"Alright , settle down ... settle down" the announcer said. "Let me explain the rules- Anyone can join in this tournament , literally everyone ! You can have any weapons , any support items , etc. Lastly ... You can go wild on your opponent !!!!! Even killlll them !!!!!!!"

"No rules then ... Expected of an underground fight tournament (y/n) muttered to herself.

"(Y/n) , do you want to place a bet ?" Ho-chien asked.

"No , I'm not into those stuff... I just want to watch the fight. And not attempt to go down and pet the tiger" she emphasized the last words that were meant for her butler. Sebastian may not show it , but inside he was sulking and (y/n) knows about this.

"And ... maybe I'll get to find a new employee here" (y/n) said , something catching her eye.


The two enemies glared at each other.


Griet took out two sabers.


Hawk prepares his guns

"1 !!!!!!"

(Y/n) focus on what will be happening next.


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