Final Exams: Izuku Midoryia and Katsuki Bakugou Vs. All Might
"This was a fun one to watch" Jiro said knowing Midoryia punched Bakugou during the fight.
"Yeah it was. It was so intense" Uraraka said.
"Midoryia did some heavy damage to All Might." Sato commented.
"But he had the weight restrictions on" Sero said.
"But that also meant he had to punch the weight of All Might and the weights combined. It was so manly seeing that" Kirishima wiped another fake manly tear.
"Alright, why don't we just start."
Midoryia went up to Bakugou ad he walked through the city.
"Kacchan, keep in mind, we're the Heros in this"
"Stop following me!" Bakugou yelled.
"If we keep going straight, we could run into All Might right away. We should take a detour" Midoryia suggested.
"Why should we run?" Bakugou asked.
"And this is why Midoryia always wins against Bakugou" Momo said with Bakugou just sitting there, grinding his teeth.
"We need a strategy" Midoryia spoke up.
"I'll just toy with him and when he's tired, I'll beat him"
"He did know he was fighting All Might right?" Kaminari asked.
Midoryia stopped for a second and then caught up to Bakugou.
"Who do you think All Might is? Even with the restrictions we can't win like this" When Midoryia caught up, Bakugou turned around, back handing Midoryia with his gauntlet.
Jiro squeezed Midoryia's hand as he reassured her its OK.
"Not cool bro" Kaminari said with many people agreeing with him.
"That is not the way a hero should act with his teammate despite what difference they have. Like Aizawa and Emi" Midnight teased Aizawa as he just groaned.
Midoryia laid on the road holding his nose. Bakugou just stared at Midoryia intensly.
"Dont say another word. Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you should talk. It's pissing me off." Bakugou started walking again.
"I'm going to..." All Might wounded up, ready to punch
"Listen Kacchan" Midoryia reached out to Bakugou.
"I told you your isn't needed to pass..." Bakugou yelled
"This is why we can't have a real conversation!" Midoryia yelled back.
All Might punched the air, destroying the entire street, sending both Midoryia and Bakugou flying through the air.
"If you think this is an exam. You'll be sorry" All Might stepped through the dust in the air. "Come at me with everything you got"
"Yknow, you two sound just like a grumpy married couple" Sero chuckle.
"I'm going to kill you tape dispenser" Bakugou yelled, earning once again another slapped from his mom.
"If even you didn't say that, I was going to do that" Bakugou launched himself at All Might just to be grabbed by the face. Bakugou used his right hand to send multiple explosions to All Mights face.
All Might slammed Bakugou into the ground. Midoryia just watched as All Might disappeared. He felt a scary presence behind him. So turning around, all he saw was All Might.
"You're not off the hook either, young Midoryia" All Might menacingly smiled.
Midoryia jumped up to get away.
"Look out" Bakugou yelled as he hit Midoryia in the air, causing the two to fall.
"Kacchan" Midoryia stood up.
"Get out of the way. I will win. That's what it means to be a hero" Bakugou said walking towards All Might.
"Wrong" Literally everyone but Bakugou and the villains said.
"Kacchan think" Midoryia place his hand on Bakugous shoulder.
"Dont touch me" Bakugou removed Midoryia's hand.
"Here's a present for who wants to run away" All Might said as he pinned Midoryia to the ground with pipes. He swiftly moved onto Bakugou, punching him in the gut. Making him fly through the air again.
"Kacchan" Midoryia yelled.
"I know why your so angry. It's because of Young Midoryia's sudden improvements, isn't it?" All Might asked as he approached Bakugou.
"Shut... up, All Might. If I have to get help from that scum, then I rather lose"
Jiro's blood was boiling. She may have saw what happened that day, but she didn't hear it.
"Damn it.." Bakugou said as he tried to stand up straight. But his was met with a punch. But it wasn't from All Might. It was from Midoryia.
"So that's why he punched you during the exams. I approve" Aizawa smirked.
Midoryia grabbed Bakugou and carried him as he jumped into an alleyway.
"I let my guard down" All Might rubbed tbe back of his neck.
Midoryia and Bakugou sat across from each other in the alley way, breathing heavily.
"Dont say you're OK losing. You're you because you never give up on winning, right? You've been saying that since we were kids."
Bakugou screamed as he threw a punch at him making his palm explode. But he only hit the wall.
"Against that crazy speed, no matter how you run or hide, you won't be able to run without fighting." Bakugou said.
"But we don't have a chance in a fight. Not against All Might-"
"Shut up bastard. I'll kill you" Bakugou interrupted Midoryia. "So..."
"Where are you looking?" Bakugou yelled as he just around the corner, surprising All Might. Bakugou launched a small explosion in All Mights face. Midoryia snuck up behind All Might, wearing one of Bakugou's gauntlet, pulling the pin.
"Sorry, All Might" The explosion sent All Might flying away from the two.
All the students were cheering on their fellow students now that they were semi getting along
"Run You idiot" Bakugou yelled as he flew past Midoryia.
"Right" Midoryia ran after Bakugou, catching up easily.
"All Might isn't chasing us. Don't tell me we knocked him out" Midoryia said as he ran.
"If he does catch up, it'll be my turn to blast him away."
"Yes, yes, and then?" All Might asked as he ran right next to Midoryia and Bakugou. Right as Bakugou was about to use his gauntlet, All Might smashed it to pieces. Same with Midoryia's.
"Now die heroes!" All Might kneed Bakugou in the chin, sending him into a building. Bakugou quickly recovered and flew to All Might. When he was in range, All Might used Midoryia to swat him away "it's over" All Might stepped on Bakugous back.
"Shut up" Bakugou charged up his explosion, it made a crackling sound. There was a large explosion. This gave Bakugou the chance to recover and stand up.
Bakugou grabbed Midoryia and threw him over his shoulder. He used his explosions to propel him towards the gate.
Aizawa just sighed knowing he doesn't get paid enough.
"New Hampshire Smash" All Might punched the air, propelling him back. He collided with Midoryia. As he did, there was a sickening crunch from his back. He landed and rolled into a bus, bouncing off it.
Everyones eyes were wide after hearing from the crunch coming from Midoryia's back.
Bakugou followed all Might using his explosions. But he reached his limits, causing pain to his hands.
"Hurry up, deku" Bakugou yelled in pain. Midoryia slowly rose up, screaming in pain from his broken back.
Everyone just stared listening to Midoryia's screams.
"His back is broken and he's-"
"Still getting up" Yui said finishing Kendos sentence.
"Make yourself useful" Bakugou yelled as he let out a giant explosion wide as the street. Midoryia slowly walked towards the gate, with every step sending a sharp pain to his spine.
All Might grabbed a hold of Bakugou's face again and slammed him to the floor.
"Hurry up damn nerd" Bakugou placed his hand All Mights wrist, preparing another explosion. "I break... and break myself... I won't accept I can beat you like that." Bakugou bit All Mights hand. Midoryia slowly charged one for all.
He launched himself at All Might, hitting him in the face. He grabbed Bakugou and sprinted to the gate with a broken back.
All Might coughed up blood.
"He hit me with everything he had left"
The gate read cleared.
Everyone except the villains, Bakugou, and Endeavor cheered. Midoryia had been standing while watching. After he saw the clear, he sat down with a sigh. Yes he knew how it would end, but watching and hearing your back break doesn't help.
The moment Midoryia crossed the gate, he set Bakugou down and fell. He saw his classmates running towards him before blacking our from the pain.
"This just proves my point even more. Deku is a true hero"
"I hate to say it. But I agree with Stain" uraraka said looking down.
"Its nothing to be ashamed of Uraraka. Midoryia is a true hero" iida said putting his hand on her shoulder.
Jiro was basically wrapped around Midoryia's arm. She definitely wasn't one for PDA, but after what Bakugou did and said to him, she just wanted to hold him.
"To be fair. ALL Might didn't purposely break his back. That was just bad timing" Dio explained.
"See. I told you" All Might said standing up. "I told that to Recovery Girl. But she never believed me"
"Well you don't know how to hold back on your student." She said
"No, it's ok. I told him not to. I wanted to receive the same training he got with Gran Torino." Midoryia said with a confident smile. Gran Torino just smiled.
"You've definitely grown a lot, Midoryia" Gran Torino. "I'm proud of you"
"Thank you, Gran Torino" Midoryia bowed. "That means a lot coming from you"
"Alright alright. Let's see whats next"
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