Hosu Incident: Izuku Midoryia, Shoto Todoroki, and Tenya Iida Vs. Stain
"Wait, I thought Endeavor took care of Stain?" Sero asked.
"You all thought wrong. It was Izuku, Todoroki, and Tenya. They fought him during hosu Incident. Iida went after him to get revenge for his brother. Midoryia just got there in time and later Todoroki showed up. Endeavor took the credit so they wouldn't get in trouble with the law. But that reminds me" Dio snapped his fingers and stain appeared.
"Where am? I'm surrounded by fake heroes and even villains. But I do see two true heroes here" Stain said looking at Midoryia.
"You're here to watch your fight with Midoryia and his friends."
"This should be interesting" Stain said as he got comfy.
Iida was laying on the ground as stain had hid sword in his shoulder.
"I'll kill you." Iida yelled.
"Your far from a hero. You're a fake. You use your power for your own gain. And that is why... you'll die" Stain raised his sword. "Goodbye child. Your death will contribute to the change of this world."
Stain looked over to his left only to be punched.
Everyone was cheering that Midoryia made it in time. Even Stain was smiling at him.
"I came to save you Iida" Midoryia kept his gaurd up and didn't look away from stain.
"I-i can't m-move my body" Iida groaned.
"Co cutting activates his Quirk?" Midoryia asked.
"Midoryia, don't get involved" iida called out.
"I can't do that Iida" Midoryia said right before he ran at Stain. Right as Stain was about to slash Midoryia, he ducked. He turned and jump to Stain from behind. "Five percent Detroit... Smash"
Midoryia threw his punch at Stain only for him to block and Midoryia to collaps. He got grazed from earlier.
"People who talk are Dime a dozen. But you are worth let living" Stain said as he walked to Iida. When he made his way, he lifted his sword and swung.
"Stop it!" Midoryia yelled as a fire ball went towards Stain and dodged it.
"Midoryia, you need to give more detail at a time like this" it was Todoroki.
"First Midori, and now Todoroki to the rescue" Mina cheered.
"It took me a few seconds to know what you meant Since you only sent your location info. Don't worry. The pros will be here soon" Todoroki ran towards Stain and threw more fire. "I won't let you kill them... hero killer"
"You have Good friends ingenium" Stain jumped at Todoroki with his sword ready. Right as he swung, Todoroki used his foot to create an ice wall to block him and push him away.
"I have to get up" Iida could only watch.
"Iida, stand up and be Ingenium. Become the hero he wanted you to be." Todoroki yelled as he used his fire.
"Ice and fire" Stain said as he dodged all of Todorokis attacks. He went in for the kill.
Iida forced himself up and ran at Stain.
"Recipro boost!" He yelled, running to Todoroki fast as he could. Iida kicked the sword, snapping in two. He also kicked Stain to the side.
"Iida!" Midoryia smiled.
"I'm ok" iida said standing straight.
"Its no use pretending to be a hero now" Stain said holding his broken sword.
"If I give up now, then the name Ingenium will die." Iida said.
"You're the sickness that plagues this world and ruined the name hero" Stain said as Todoroki full blasted his fire at Stain.
Stain stabbed his sword in the wall just above the fire to stay out of the way.
"This dude got hacks" Kaminari said getting a slap from Sero.
"Jokes are funny but not now dude"
"My engines are shocked. You gotta freeze my legs" Todoroki looked confused at Iida. Stain took the opportunity to throw one of his knives at Todoroki, only for Iida to Jump and take it in the shoulder for him.
"Why won't you stay down?" Stain yelled as he threw another one, hitting iida in the arm.
Midoryia stood up slowly, but his leg was no good. It felt like hell.
"My is no good. But that's ok" Midoryia charged up one for all.
Everyone was chanting Midoryia and Izuku. Stain was more than happy to know there was someone like Midoryia out there.
Todoroki threw a barrage of fire balls as Iida charged Stain
"Recipro Extend!"
"Full Cowling!" Both Iida were charging up the building towards Stain.
"If I just..." Iida pushed himself even more, heating his engines.
"If I just..." Midoryia started to put more percent into himself.
"GO guys" Todoroki smiled up at his two friends.
"Can use my leg" Iida wounded up for a kick.
"Can use my arm" Midoryia wounded up for a punch.
"To beat this guy" Iida connected his leg to Stains Lower back and Midoryia connected gis punch to Stains cheek. Right then and there, Midoryia felt his arm shatter.
While the two were stunned, Stain went for an attack and went for Iida to only miss.
"DONT LET HIM GET AWAY!" Todoroki threw fire.
"IM GINNA BEAT YOU STAIN, BECAUSE YOU ARE A CRIMINAL" Iida went for another kick which connected. "AND IM A HERO!"
Todoroki used his ice time freez him on the wall
"Let's restrain him and get him to the pros" Todoroki said. The three tied him up and brought to the street
"That was so awesome. Mr. Deku was like hya" Kota said mimicking his Detroit smash.
"And then he was like whoosh" Katsuma joined in. Everyone laughed at the two kids reaction. To the fight.
"I will admit. I am glad I was taken down by a hero like Midoryia" Stain admitted. "But I still believe that Ingenium over there is not a true hero."
"Why you" iida stood up only for Uraraka to stop him. While that went down, Jiro made her way back to Midoryia
"How's she doing?" Midoryia asked. Jiro sighed in relief.
"She's doing alright." Jiro smiled. "Nice ass kickin'."
"Thanks" Midoryia rubbed the back of his neck.
"Alright, why don't we move on."
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