30. The Rabbit and The Vigilante

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"I have a good universe right here it's dark. But it's also light hearted in some ways.

"Ooh, I'm excited" Mina said excitedly.

It's been two years since class 1A had graduated from UA and became beloved hereos around Japan. They all were making a name for their selves. Like Bakugou reaching the number Two spot. Uraraka reaching number 10.

"Nice one Uraraka" the girls complimented the girl.

"You too Bakugou" Kaminari gave him a thumbs up to only get a tch.

"Who has the number one spot?" Jiro asked.

"I bet it's Deku" Kota said raising his fist, making Jiro and Midoryia laugh.

"Actually it belongs to Mirio. Before graduating, he got his Quirk back thanks to Eri and Aizawa"

Eri smiled knowing she could help Mirio.

"But let's continue."

But there was one who didn't get the chance to make a name for himself. He was stuck playing Vigilante on the run from both police and pro Heroes. The problem is, everyone knows exactly who it is.

On the roof stood a man watching over the city. It was the Vigilante known as Deku

"Deku, a Vigilante? How?" Uraraka asked

"Simply, in his third year, he accidentally killed Killed shigaraki."

"Is that a bad thing" AFO asked.

"Well for One it's your successor and two, he's not the only one who died in the battle. Due to Midoryia's actions, Kirishima was also killed in the battle."

"How did I die?" Kirishima asked.

"Midoryia was filled with rage. Shigaraki had you as a Hostage. Izuku wasn't thinking right, so he punched right through Kirishima, into shigaraki, killing you both"

Midoryia looked at Kirishima. He was wondering how he couldve allowed himself to harm a close friend of his. Kirishima felt his chest.

"But in the end, you forgave Midoryia. Telling him it wasn't his fault"

"You do know the pros are almost here" Someone stepped next to Midoryia.

"Thanks for the warning Ground Zero" Midoryia stared lifelessly into the distance.

"Now thats a manly name, Bakubro" Kirishima wiped a fake manly tear.

"Deku, just get out of here. It's not safe anymore. If you're caught, you're going away for a long time" Bakugou placed a hand on Midoryia's should. "You also need to stop blaming yourself for his death. It wasn't your fault."

"Nice Catch Ground Zero" Someone interrupted their conversation. It was none other than the rabbit hero, Mirko. All of a sudden, Midoryia leaned forward, free falling from the building. When both Ground Zero and Mirko looked below, he was gone. "You get north, I got south."

Instead of talking back. Bakugou nodded and ran off north.

"Bakugou taking orders? Whaaat?" Mina said surprised

"Shut it racoon eyes!"

As Mirko was running and jumping south, she saw Deku running in the alley way. So she took the chance to pounce on him.

"Kick his ass me" Mirko yelled with Hawks just staring her with the "da fuq" look

Her pounce was successful as she pinned Deku to the ground.

"Just give up and turn yourself in already. This game of cat an mouse is over" Mirko said right as she got flipped onto her back.

"This game isn't over yet, rabbit" Deku pinned her to the ground. Mirko got out of his pin by a kick to the gut. The two went at it for nearly ten minutes until Deku got the upper hand with the combination of smokescreen and black whip.

Deku had Mirko in an unescapable pin, even for her.

"Did you think I'll lose that easily?" Midoryia asked right before he kissed Mirko. Mirko sunk right into the kiss.

Mirko was beyond disbelief as Hawks was laughing his ass off and Ryukyu was trying to hid her chuckle.

"What is happening. One second he's talking to Bakugou. Then fighting Mirko and now they're kissing. What the hell man?" Kaminari ranted wanting answers.

The two pulled from their kiss.

"God I hate you, you know that." Mirko said annoyed.

"I hate you too, love. Until next time" Midoryia said disappearing into the darkness, leaving Mirko behind.

"So they're lovers?" Momo asked.

"Yes, they are. But since yknow, hero and Vigilante. It can't really work out all that well."

Midoryia was now sitting up on a different roof, undisturbed. Until he heard familiar footsteps. They belonged to his old teacher.

"Long time no see Eraser Head"

"How did he know I was there?" Aizawa asked

"You taught him" Dio said as Aizawa groaned.

"That was awesome. Can we see more?" The boys begged.

"Hmmm. Maybe later. I have an interesting one I found and it made me laugh so much"

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