29. Date 8: Our Babies

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"Wheel time before this gets awkward. If that's alright with Izuku"

"Yeah, it's alright with me" Midoryia smiled. Jiro whispered somthint to Midoryia and he just shook his head with a confident smile.

"Alright. Wheel it is." Dio spun the wheel and it landed on Hatsume.

"Nice" Hatsume

Izuku had just entered the support shop to bring Hatsume some materials for her babies.

"Hey, Hatsume, I'm here with the supplies." Midoryia called out to only hear a crash. "Hatsume?" Midoryia called out. Hatsume soon came running from a corner straight to Midoryia.

She started to rummage through them until she pulled something out.

"Thanks Izu" she said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You've been a real help since you transferred"

Midoryia just stood there frozen at the fact a girl kissed him on the cheek.

People were laughing at his reaction. People looked back at Midoryia to see what his reaction was. But he wasn't even paying attention. He was doing something Jiro and Eri.

Inko smiled at seeing how the three of them already are bonding like a family.

Midoryia finally snapped out of It and walked over to Hatsume, bending over.

"Hey, what if you tried connecting this wire to this instead" Midoryia suggested. He seen Hatsume connect it to many other ports so many different times for it not to work. She ignored one of them saying it won't work.

"It won't work" she said overlooking it.

"Just try it. If I'm wrong, I'll be your personal servant. But If I'm right. You have to eat an actual meal and get some real sleep."

Hatsume just squinted her eyes at Midoryia, thinking for a second.

"Deal" she said as she hesitantly plugged it in. Nothing happened. "Ha. I was-" but her victory was short lived as it came to life.

"See, told you. Now a deal is a deal" Midoryia stood up. Hatsume just pouted. "You could waste time down there or get it over with."

Hatsume just sighed and stood up.

"Where are we eating?" She aske.

"Well, the cafeteria is closed. So I'll personally make you something. Come on" Midoryia grabbed Hatsume's hand and dragged her to the support dorms. No one was in ther since they were most likely sleeping.

Midoryia made Hatsume sit on the couch as he went to work in the kitchen. Hatsume was already bored sitting on the couch.

Midoryia quickly made something simple for the two of them to eat. When he was done, he brought it over to Hatsume.

"Hope you like scrambled eggs" Midoryia sat next to Hatsume as she smiled.

"Thanks" she Thanked him. They ate in silence for a while.

"Hey, Hatsume. Can I ask you something?" Midoryia asked, breaking the silence.

"GO for it"

"Why do you spend so much time in the support shop working on your babies. You barely even eat and sleep. It's kind of worrying" Midoryia asked a bit worried about his friend.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me. But that's just it. Time. For only so much time before I'm out there on my own yknow. So I want to spend as much time as I can building now instead of regretting it in the future. I know it sounds stupid." Hatsume looked down.

"No. No it isn't. It isn't stupid at all. I get what you're trying to do. But doing it all on your own like that is risky."

"So, then what should I do?" Hatsume asked.

"Why don't we do it together" Midoryia grabbed Hatsume's hand. "Let's make babies together." Hatsume smiled at Midoryia

Most of the boys snickered at Midoryia's choice of words. The girls just sighed.

Midoryia place his other hand on Hatsume's cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. She melted into it right away. The two started to make out on the common area couch, but started to make their way up to Midoryia's room.

"Well that's enough of that" Dio said stopping the video.

"That was kind of awkward at the end." Sero said.

"Totally" Kaminari agreed.

"What did you think Mi-" Mina turned around to see Midoryia's reaction. He wasn't even watching one bit. He was doing something as Katsuma and Eri were in his lap. Jiro was just laughing. Dio smiled at the new couple.

"So, I've decided to do the dates whenever I feel like it instead of after every verse." This got a few groans from the girls. "Well imagine how Izuku would feel if he kept seeing himself on date with random women while sitting next to the girl he confessed his feelings to"

"I guess that makes sense" Momo said with the rest agreeing.

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