24. The Black Reaper | Part 2

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Tokyo Ghoul Part 2

Midoryia and his father. were walking down a long tunnel. It was all too familiar to Midoryia. His father stopped to bend over, lifting up a metal plate. Inside were two masks. He handed Midoryia one of them.

"It's been a while, uncle" Midoryia said before putting it on.

The mask once belonged to his Uncle, Ayato Kirishima. Who is actually Eijiro Kirishima's father. Midoryia had always wanted to tell him that they were cousins.

But that would also mean telling him what kind of man his father was.

"I guess I had a terrible father in this universe. Not manly" Kirishima shook his head in disapproval.

"Not at all" Tetsutetsu copied Kirishima

Todoroki just looked back and forth between Kirishima and Midoryia.

"How many?" Midoryia asked.

"Two men, 5 women, and 3 children. It's a small load today" his father answered as he put his mask on.

"Where to?" Midoryia asked.

"Musutafu City. The place is a safe haven for Ghouls." His father said as they continued down the tunnel.

"You can thank my principal for that. He was quiet ecstatic when a ghoul joined UA" Midoryia said keeping his eye out for ex CCG members. "Why do the even still fight?"

"Its simple. They hate us."

"Thats the case for most villains. They either hate people or want revenge" Aizawa explained.

The rest of the walk was silent. Not because it was awkward. It was so they could listen on their surroundings better.

On their way to their destination, Midoryia heard something and activated his kagune.

(For those who don't know what it looks like.)

"Woah, that looks so cool" Kaminari said.

"They, look so pretty" Hagakure said.

"Can he fly?" Hawks asked.

"Sadly, no. If you poses an ukaku Kagune, you can't fly. It's both too heavy and too small for flight. Some of you may be asking, then why can someone like Ryukyu fly? Well it's simple because her wings are larger than her. Side fact, did you know Ukaku means Shining Feather"

"What you see?" Ken asked as he activated his kagune, which was a rinkaku.

"I'm not sure, but I can smell two ghouls" Midoryia said as he was about to fire his kagune

"Hold your fire" His father said as he stepped in front of Midoryia "banjou, Tsukiyama"

Two men stepped out of the shadow. One had brown hair, while the other had purple hair.

"Ah, Banjour, Kaneki. It has been too long" The one with purple hair spoke with a French accent.

Everyone watching the verse with No problem.


"Kaminari, really?" Momo asked shaking her head. Kaminari just shrugged.

"Its been a while kiddo" Banjo said approaching Izuku.

"Sure has" the two high fived each other.

"Let's not waste anytime. Me and Izuku have the front. You two watch the rear" Kaneki said as he took point.

"Why did you ask Tsukiyama to come?" Izuku asked his dad quietly.

"We're short handed at the moment. I'm not bringing your mother back into this. All she knows is that right now, we're training." his father said with izuku just giving his father a nod.

The walk was quiet. Too quiet.

"Dad" Izuku yelled pushing his dad out of the way and using his Kagune to block a barrage of bullets.

"Holy shit that was a close one" Sato said excitedly. Ibara just narrowed her eyes at Sato.

Banjo and Tsukiyama hid behind a wall while Kaneki hid behind a pipe.

"Are you alright?" Kaneki asked. Izuku shot a few feathers with his other wing towards the Gunshots. They immediately stopped and there was a bunch of groaning.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's continue" The four finally made there way to there destination. There were 2 men, 5 women. And 3 children who were all ghouls. "We're going to get you put of here and to safety"

The ten ghouls quickly grabbed their stuff. The four quickly escorted them to their destination. Unlike their trip there, there was nothing.

Banjo was about to open the door, but Izuku stopped him.

"Dont. It's a trap." Everyone looked at him confused.

"He's right. We had some resistance on the way in. But not out. It's a trap" Kanki said stepping forward.

"Whar are we going to do?" One of the civilian ghouls asked. Kaneki and Izuku just nodded at each other.

"Stabd back" kanekj said before opening the door, both Izuku and Kaneki ran out, getting mowed down with bullets.

Everyone nearly jumped at the sudden Gunshots.

"What kind of plan is that?" Kaminari asked.

"I would tell you, but I don't wanna spoil it"

A bunch of men in white uniforms stepped into the room. The ghouls immediately started to surrender.

While the men in white thought they were getting the upperhand, two men stood up from behind them. One of the heads of the men rolled off its body. They turned around to see both Izuku and Kaneki.

"Regeneration bitch" Izuku said before launching a bunch of feathers at the men, killing them instantly.

"Ok, I change my mind" Kaminari said. Aizawa just said knowing the problem child had another terrible idea.

"Are we going to ignore that he killed six people?" Momo asked.

"Yep" Mina answered Momo

"Good work guys. These two gentlemen will help you the rest of the way. Welcome to Musutafu where Ghoul discrimination doesn't exist" kaneki said welcoming the new citizens to the town. "And now you, let's get back before your mother kills me."

"I still love how you'll fight a psychopath aka Best boy Juzo, nearly the whole CCG, the owl, and become the dragon. But mom is what scares you"

"You'll understand when you find the right one, Izuku"

"That. Was. AWESOME" Kaminari yelled as most of the boys agreed. Some girls agreed. Midoryia was busy writing about Kagunes and their types.

"Uh sir. I feel like I should call you something. But are ghouls in our universe." All Might asked.

"I cam neither confirm or deny that. Anyways, moving on.

I'm not sure when I'll do it. But like Lil Bomber, I'm going to give Izuku another stand ability or I might do another JoJoverse. Which one sounds better.

Stand ability

JoJoverse Izuku (Padr 2: Battle Tendency)

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