Everything seemed to happen at once as Thor and the other man entered the room. Natasha pulled a gun out of her thigh holster, Clint aimed a bow and arrow at the dark-haired man, Tony pointed an Ironman hand that came out of seemingly nowhere at the man, Steve, Bucky, and Vision got into defensive positions, Bruce moved to the far side of the room and Wanda and Pietro stepped in front of me protectively. I snorted at my siblings, knowing that they defended me because I was the youngest.
"Wait, wait!" Thor said, raising his hands. "He is here for a good reason, I assure you!"
"Thor, that's your brother you're talking about. I doubt it is good," Tony said, glaring at the man.
Everything suddenly clicked. The dark-haired man was Loki, Thor's brother. Thor had told me hundreds of stories about his brother. It was obvious that he loved Loki very much, and he was deeply troubled when everything went downhill.
I took a good look at Loki. He had raven, shoulder-length hair, and emerald eyes. Those eyes showed signs of annoyance and a hint of smugness. His clothes were similar to Thor's. They looked like they came out of a fairy tale, with green and gold and black looking really good together.
"Trust me," Thor said joyfully, "it is!"
Loki rolled his eyes and huffed.
"My brother will be staying here with the Avengers to right his wrongs and help out with Midgardian problems!"
Everyone froze. Tony started spluttering, Clint and Natasha glared at Loki and Steve told Thor how much of a bad idea that was.
I studied Loki again, not wanting to be apart of the argument. His eyes roamed around the room, taking every Avenger in. His eyes landed on me, and I gave him a small smile. His left eyebrow lifted slightly before he continued looking around the room.
I sighed, sinking down into my chair, already bored.
"He will not be staying here! He threw me out of a window, and you think that I'll just let him stay here?" Tony argued.
I started laughing and everyone in the room looked at me.
"Wait... he actually threw you out of a window?" I wheezed. "I thought that was a joke!"
Tony glared at me while Clint rolled his eyes and continued arguing.
"Enough!" Thor yelled. "Loki is my brother, and the All father has requested that he resides here until he proves himself worthy."
A few people grumbled but everyone eventually agreed to let Loki stay.
"Fantastic," Thor said, clapping his hands once. "Now, you haven't met everyone yet."
Thor introduced Vision, who was only slightly weary of Loki, Bucky didn't let any emotion show, and my siblings seemed protective. Again.
Finally, Thor got to me, but before he could introduce me, I stuck out my hand and said, "Do you charge per murder, or do you do it for the fun?"
Loki looked extremely confused at my joke and Pietro hit my arm. I glared at Pietro, but kept my arm outstretched. Loki smirked as he took my hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed it.
"You look brilliant in my colour, Lady..."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," he purred.
Wanda glared at him and Pietro growled – actually growled.
"Well," Steve said awkwardly, "I think we should go over the rules with Loki being here."
I waited expectantly for everyone to start talking, but no one did.
"By we, Cap means the adults," Tony said, looking at my siblings and me.
I huffed and stalked out of the room with my arms crossed. My siblings followed me into the elevator.
"Did you have to make that joke?" Pietro asked me once we were travelling up in the elevator.
"Hey," I said defensively, "that was a great joke. I don't know why no one laughed. I was just trying to lighten the mood."
"I don't like him," Pietro said darkly.
"Me neither," Wanda said.
"Really? I think he's pretty cool," I said.
Both of my sibling looked at me, slightly shocked, but mostly angry.
"Oh, I know what this is about. It's because he called me beautiful, isn't it?" I said teasingly. "I know that you two are my older siblings – by 13 and 25 minutes might I add – but you have to accept the fact that I'm going to date people-"
"No. Absolutely not," Pietro said, Wanda shaking her head with him.
"Wait, what?"
"We don't want you dating Loki," Wanda said, her accent thickening with her anger.
"Woah, woah, I didn't mean Loki, I just meant... people. In general."
The elevator dinged open and I got a text from Maria Hill.
Agent y/I Maximoff, I need your mission report tomorrow at 9am, sharp.
I groaned, earning looks from my siblings.
"I have to do a mission report," I huffed, "I'll see you two later."
My siblings said their goodbyes and I trudged to my room. I opened my laptop and got to work typing. Sure, my life motto was due today, do today, but my work was due at 9am tomorrow, and I usually don't get up until after 9. I sighed and continuing my work, cursing at SHIELD and everyone who needed a mission report.
About half an hour after I began my mission report, I heard voices outside my room. I was about to play some music when I heard a loud, "ABSOLUTLEY NOT!"
I jumped out of my chair and rushed to my bedroom door, listening carefully.
"He will not be staying in that room!" I heard Wanda say.
"It is the only free furnished room, Lady Wanda..."
That was Thor.
"We don't care if it is furnished or not, he will not be staying anywhere near y/n," my brother said.
That was it. I opened my door, startling Thor, and looked at the group assembled at the door across from mine. Wanda and Pietro were glaring daggers at Loki, Bucky and Steve were standing with their arms crossed and Thor looked slightly annoyed. Tony stood off to the side, a holographic tablet in his hands. Loki's face was cold and impassive, but when his eyes landed on me, a little light entered those emerald orbs.
"I heard you were talking about me," I said coolly.
"They want Loki to be in this room!" my brother exploded in Russian, pointing to the door across from mine.
"What's wrong with that?" I asked.
"You know what's wrong with that," my sister snapped at me.
"I don't actually," I said, losing my temper. "Care to enlighten me?"
"He is evil. He tried to take over the world, printsessa," Pietro said angrily.
"And we didn't?" I retorted, feeling my fisted hands warming.
Wanda and Pietro glanced down at my hands which were glowing with heat. I took a deep breath to cool myself down.
"I'm fine with it," I said in English, before looking at Loki. "Looks like we're floormates."
I re-entered my room and closed my door. I heard Thor say, "Well that settles it."
I chuckled and sat down at my desk to finish my mission report.
Thank you for reading chapter two! If you could comment what you think or some feedback, that would be great!
Thanks lovelies!
P.S. The meme isn't mine.
~ LadyLokiLaufeyson
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