I swore as I ripped my shirt trying to put it on. I quickly threw it to the ground as I ran around my room, trying to find another shirt. I found a green one and put it on, before running out of my room towards the kitchen. I ripped open the fridge door, finding the leftover pizza from last night in the fridge.
"Yes!" I triumphantly whispered to myself, taking out the box and putting a few pizza slices on a plate and then putting it in the microwave.
I sat on the kitchen counter, swinging my legs as I waited for the microwave to finish heating up my breakfast.
"You got to the pizza first, huh?"
I turned around and saw Natasha standing on the other side of the room, near the hallway.
"I saved some for you, don't worry," I said, winking at her.
She laughed and opened the fridge as the microwave beeped. I jumped off the counter and grabbed my food before devouring two slices it in the amount of time it took Natasha to heat hers up.
"You really like your pizza," Nat commented, ruffling my hair.
"This has already been established," I said picking up my final slice. "Pizza is the best thing that has ever happened, and if I don't eat it fast enough, Piggy Pietro will eat it before me."
Natasha snorted at my nickname for my brother, before biting into her pizza slice. I finished mine, putting my plate into the dishwasher and bidding goodbye to Nat.
For the rest of the morning, I lay around, doing anything except writing my mission report for my latest mission. I liked everything about being an Avenger, except the paperwork. It wasn't due today, so I wasn't going to do it today. After a while, I got bored of lying around, so I got up to do something.
My siblings and I had been with the Avengers for just over a year now, so I knew my way around the tower. For the first half of the year, we had been living and working at the compound, but Tony decided to buy the avenger's tower back and moved us all here.
I walked around the tower, looking for someone to annoy, when I found Bucky.
"Hey, Snowflake," I said, smiling.
Bucky and I were pretty close. I was the only one of my siblings who decided to not fight in the Civil War, so I originally thought that Bucky wouldn't like me, but he was genuinely nice to me. At first, Wanda and Pietro didn't want him around me, but they soon realised that he wasn't a threat.
"Hey, Doll," he said, giving me a side hug. "What's up?"
I sighed dramatically, flopping into his arms.
"I am bored like you wouldn't believe," I said, placing the back of my hand on my forehead.
Bucky chuckled and set me upright, tugging me along the hallway.
"Haven't you got a mission report to write?" he asked, pulling me into the elevator.
"Not due today, don't do today," I said.
This earned another chuckle from Bucky.
"Why don't we train for a bit?" he suggested, and I nodded.
Just before Bucky could press the elevator button, FRIDAY's voice filled the elevator.
"Thor has requested that everyone meets in meeting room 5."
I stood up straighter, excited to see Thor. Even though he could be extremely loud, I still loved him because he was like a big teddy bear.
Bucky and I got to the meeting room fairly quickly, and I was surprised that my brother wasn't there yet. I was going to rub that in his face.
I sat in a swivel chair and started spinning around. Pietro suddenly ran into the room, startling me enough that I fell off my chair. My brother and Bucky both laughed as I got up and stuck my tongue out at them.
"You're so slow, Speedy Gonzalez. I was here first and you say that even sloths move faster than me," I said, trying to take the focus off the fact that I just fell off a chair.
"You are so childish, sister," Pietro said to me.
I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair as Wanda entered the room.
"Wanda," I whined, dragging out the 'a', "Pietro is picking on me."
Wanda just rolled her eyes and pat my head. Pietro poked his tongue out at me, and I slumped into my swivel chair. My triplet siblings were always teasing me, but to be fair, we all teased each other.
Clint and Natasha entered the room next. Clint was like a father to my siblings and I. He acted like one towards us and made sure we felt loved and secure. Ever since the moment Pietro sacrificed his life to save Clint, Clint made sure that we all knew that we had a place in his family.
My blood went cold as the memory replayed in my mind.
Pietro's body jerked before he dropped to the ground. I screamed and rushed over to him, not willing to let him die.
"Pietro? Piet? Don't leave me. Don't leave us," I cried as his eyes fluttered.
Tears ran down my cheeks, and all I wanted to do was take the pain away from my brother. Clint had quickly run to the lifeboats and dropped the kid off before coming back to my dying brother and me. I cried, holding Pietro in my arms when an idea popped into my head. I immediately ceased my crying.
"Clint," I said quietly. "I can save him, but I need your help."
Clint looked at me with tears in his eyes, before nodding and saying he'd do anything.
"Protect my body," was all I said before I dived into my power.
I knew that this plan was extremely risky and dangerous. I had never used this much of my healing power before, but I wasn't just going to let my brother die. I heard the warnings of my sister in my mind before it all shut off and everything went silent.
I concentrated on my power. I could see it as a golden mist, hovering around my body. I placed my hands over Pietro's heart, making sure it was beating steadily before beginning to heal the bullet wounds. The bullets were pushed out of his body as his body healed. When it was all finished, I was gasping for air and the world was spinning. I heard my name being called physically and mentally as my vision faded and I slipped into unconsciousness.
I shook my head, trying to forget it. I'd had nightmares of that moment ever since, not that I'd told anybody. It didn't matter anyway, and Wanda and Pietro didn't ask questions if I went to their rooms in the middle of the night.
Wanda looked at me with sympathy in her eyes before placing a hand on my shoulder.
Everyone else slowly filed into the meeting room. Sam made a joke about me being childish after I called him birdbrain, so I threw a handful of snow at him. I made it evaporate as soon as it hit him, faking innocence as he squawked with outrage.
"You really do that nickname justice when you make that sound," I said, giggling.
Everyone laughed a little bit at that, but the laughter died as soon as Thor entered the meeting room, with a gorgeous, dark-haired man in tow.
A/N ~
Thank you for reading Chapter One of The Maximoff Triplets! The name might change, and if you have any suggestions, please let me know! If you could comment what you think or some feedback, that would be great! Thanks Lovelies.
~ LadyLokiLaufeyson
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