Chapter Sixteen

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Loki POV

I sat at the bar, watching Thor and his lover, Jane, dance. My brother had mastered Midgardian dancing, and, if I was being honest, he was better than me.

I wished that y/n was here with me. I would have danced with her. Instead, I was sat here, drinking a drink that I had little interest in, and thinking about a woman who was currently halfway across the country.

I sighed, shaking my head. This woman – this glorious, intelligent, beautiful woman – was always in my head.

I looked around the bar, spotting my oaf brother walking towards me.

"Brother!" he bellowed, clapping me on the back.

"Could you be any louder?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

Thor just chuckled, shaking his head.

"Don't be sulky that the Lady y/n isn't here with us," he said, quieter than before.

I rolled my eyes, but once again began thinking about y/n. I thought back to our conversation before she left for her mission. I smiled and shook my head.

"You really love her, don't you?" my brother asked, sipping on his beer.

I froze. I did love her. I think I'd loved her since the moment she told me to throw a knife at her. I didn't want to tell her, though. What if she didn't feel the same way? Sure, being with a monster is one thing, but loving one? That is something completely different.

At my silence, my brother smiled widely.

"She loves you too, you know," he said.

I whipped my gaze to him quizzically.

"How do you know that?" I demanded.

My brother just winked at me before going off to dance with Jane again. I watched them dance as I thought. Could y/n genuinely love me? I thought about it for the rest of the night and on the ride back to the tower.

When we arrived at the tower, I sat on the couch, looking at the blank television. I wanted to tell her so bad. I felt like I needed to. But how? A simple 'I love you' was not me and completely boring. Although, it would be sweet.

"Y/n does that too."

I looked up to see a tipsy Clint hanging out of the vents. I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"She stares at the tv without turning it on," he said, and then crawled away.

Well, that was strange. I shook the tingles from my spine. I sat in the common room before the AI announced that the quinjet had landed. I teleported to the hangar to greet y/n.

The sight that greeted me, however, made my heart drop. Only three people came out of the jet, but they all had tears streaming down their faces.

"Th-they... They got her. HYDRA has y/n," Wanda whispered.

I dropped to my knees. Y/n, the woman I loved... she was gone.


Thank you lovelies for 500 reads!! <3 I am literally so happy, thank you all! I hope you all have a lovely day <33 

Anyway... this was my first time writing in Loki's point of view and honestly... I'm not hating it.

This chapter is kinda short and I'm really sorry about that.

P.S. Meme isn't mine <3


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