Chapter Fifteen

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It had been two months since I'd found out Loki was a Frost Giant. For the first few days afterwards, he was wary of me, thinking that I was lying to him about accepting him. Soon enough, though, he realised that I actually do care for him.

Everything was going fine until we had to go on a mission.

"Why?" I whined as Loki braided my hair. "Why do I have to be stuck on a mission while everyone else gets to go out and party?"

Loki just chuckled and pressed a kiss to my head.

"Trust me, Love, if I could, I would switch places with you," he said, smiling. "Besides, it is just a bar, and you cannot drink."

I rolled my eyes at his logic and he finished my braid. I turned around in my seat to press a quick kiss to his lips.

"That's why they're sending us kids out," I grumbled.

My team for this mission consisted of my siblings and Spiderman. I'd met Peter a few times now. He liked Star Wars and was super smart, which was pretty cool.

"Are you sure this mission will be quiet? The last few you've been on haven't," Loki asked me anxiously.

I kissed him on the nose and assured him that this one would be quiet.

"We're taking Peter with us," I told him. "Do you honestly think Tony would let the kid on a serious mission?"

Loki shook his head and we walked to the hangar. When we got there, Peter was talking excitedly to my brother.

"An increased metabolism? I have that too! Obviously, yours is much higher than mine. How much do you have to eat, then?" Peter said quickly.

"Yeah, he has to eat a lot more," I said, nudging my brother in the side.

"Hi Miss Y/n," Peter said politely, waving at me.

I waved back and I saw Peter's eyes travel to the god walking beside me.

"Peter, have you met Loki yet?" I asked.

Peter looked at Loki curiously and shook his head.

"Well, Peter, this is Loki. Loki, this is Peter," I said, introducing them.

"Hi Mr Loki," Peter said holding out his hand.

Loki hesitated for a moment before shaking the teenager's hand.

"Hello Peter," Loki replied.

"Well, we need to get going now," Pietro said, looking at his watch.

"Bye, Mr Loki!" Peter called, walking up the quinjet ramp.

I giggled at his adorableness. I turned to look at Loki. He pulled me to him and enveloped me into a hug.

"Stay safe," he murmured pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"I always do," I said, raising my head to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

"I don't need to be the god of lies to know that was a lie," he muttered shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes at him and kissed him one last time before getting on the quinjet. My brother was up front, driving the jet. He, surprisingly, was the best flier out of all of us. Wanda was sat next to him, reading over the mission files.

I sat next to Peter, who's face lit up as soon as he saw me.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him, buckling in as tight as I could.

It didn't matter if my brother was the best flier, I wasn't going to take that chance.

"A little bit," he admitted, looking at his feet. "I mean, this is my first mission without Mr Stark."

"Don't worry," I assured him. "We'll take care of you."

Peter and I started talking about random things like school, Star Wars, and the rest of the Avengers. It was adorable the way Peter looked up to Tony. I obviously knew that Tony loved Peter like a son, but I was strictly told not to tell him that. We eventually got to the HYDRA base without my brother crashing the quinjet.

"Alright," I said, getting ready for the mission. "This base is abandoned, so we're just going to see if there's any new info we can get. Stick together at all times," I commanded.

Our group walked into the HYDRA base. There was nothing off about the place. We walked to a computer room and started digging.

"Hey, Spidey, can you get these computers working?" I asked.

He nodded and got to work. My siblings and I started looking around for files that we could use. Peter got the computers working, so Pietro and Peter started looking through them for any new information. There were only a few paper files worth keeping, but no electronic ones.

I was about to suggest leaving when Peter faintly whispered, "oh my god."

Pietro looked over Peter's shoulder and Wanda gasped, obviously reading their minds.

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking up to them.

Pietro looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at the computer screen. There was a document titled 'Maximoff's', and underneath the title, were three words that made my heart drop.

'Set for recapture'.

"We need to get out of here," I said. "Now."

My siblings scrambled to the doorway, followed by Peter. We got as far to the hallway before we were surrounded by Hydra agents. I swore colourfully, causing Peter to look at me.

"Get down!" I yelled to my teammates and threw a wall of fire at the enemy.

I burned most of them, but a few jumped out of the way. I told Pietro to get Wanda out. He grabbed her and ran, punching an agent along the way.

Spiderman and I fought back-to-back, him throwing webs and me throwing the elements. Everything was going fine until I was shot with some sort of tranquilizer. I started to feel dizzy, and my powers were slowly fading.

Pietro raced back into the room, re-joining the fight, but there were too many agents for us all to handle.

"Piet, grab Spidey and run!" I commanded, using some vines to drag away a few agents.

"I'm not leaving you!" he yelled, still fighting.

"You can come back for me," I called, throwing some ice shards at another agent.

Pietro reluctantly did as I said, grabbing Peter and running. I slowly started exiting the building, getting as far as the front door. I burst through and saw what was taking Pietro so long. There was an army of agents keeping him, Wanda, and Peter busy.

By now, I was extremely dizzy, and I could barely feel my powers. I threw a fireball at an agent, but it fizzled out before it could reach him. He laughed evilly.

"Nowhere to run now, girlie," he said, shooting at me.

I dodged the first and second shot but got hit by the third. I looked down, expecting to see a bullet hole, but instead there was a small, red dart. My head started spinning extremely fast, and I collapsed to the floor. I heard a scream from my sister, before I slipped into unconsciousness.


This one's a cliff hanger! Don't worry, I'll try to post an update tomorrow. Anyway ~ I am having so much fun writing this story! Thank you to everyone who has been reading, voting and commenting! It honestly makes me want to write more! Anyways, thank you for reading lovelies!

P.S. Meme isn't mine <3


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