Summary: Princess Beatrix is surprised to see her personal servant on Earth. She soon meets the Superior in the city. Subject 21, for reasons unknown, begins to act out of sorts.
In the quiet, moonlit alley of an unassuming city, a peculiar figure moved with a grace that seemed out of place among the dumpsters and graffitied walls. Cellulose, a blue-green extraterrestrial with a slender, almost ethereal form, paused to gaze at the night sky. His large, glowing eyes searched the stars, looking for any sign of home. The last thing he remembered was the fiery descent and the panic that filled the cockpit before everything went dark. Now, all he had was the cold concrete beneath his bare feet and the stench of human waste.
As he turned a corner, a sudden rustling caught his attention. A group emerged from the shadows, with the tallest dressed in a garb that was as foreign to this place as Cellulose himself. It was Princess Beatrix, his master and the reason for his journey across the cosmos. But there were others with her; two of them he did not recognize.
"Master?" he called out, hope lifting his voice.
The figure stopped, her eyes widening in surprise. "Cellulose!" she exclaimed, rushing toward him, her companions following suit. "What are you doing here?"
He stepped back, bewildered. "I should ask you the same question. What are you doing on this...strange planet?"
"It's a rather long story. But the short of it is, I've crash-landed here, and it's all part of a prophecy."
Cellulose tilted his head, his curiosity piqued. "A prophecy?"
Princess Beatrix nodded, her expression grim. "Yes, one that says I must save this planet, and others like it, from the MoDs."
Cellulose's antennae perked up at the mention of the MoDs, the Masters of Darkness. He knew of their infamy across the galaxies, across the infinite dimensions. "The MoDs are here?"
Beatrix nodded gravely. "They're planning to destroy Earth. We must stop them."
Cellulose felt his body tense with a mix of fear and determination. He had heard tales of the MoDs, their power and malice, but he never thought he'd find himself fighting them alongside his master.
"Wait," Natalie interrupted, "who is this?"
"This is Cellulose," replied Beatrix, "my personal servant."
"My friends just call me Cell," the little alien added.
"You don't have any friends."
Cell did not respond to that. Instead, he demanded that the two earthlings introduce themselves. After they did so, they proceeded to explain what the city they were currently in was, going so far as to give a more thorough explanation as to what was going on and what had occurred thus far.
"That is quite enough," Beatrix said as she rubbed her temples. "Let's return to Henry's mansion. He will explain where we must go next."
Once they returned to the mansion and went inside, Henry and the others welcomed them back, relieved to see that they made it out of Nightfall safely. Everyone immediately took notice of the blue-green alien standing next to Beatrix, with Pinstripe asking who it was.
"The name's Cellulose," replied the extraterrestrial, "but you can call me Cell if you want."
"Yeah, I think I will," Pinstripe said. "That'll be easier to remember."
Cortex glared at the racing champions, Violet, and Alice. "And what are they doing here?" he growled.
"They were trapped in Nightfall," explained Natalie. "Someone by the name of Lyra was to blame."
"Lyra?" questioned N. Tropy, his eyes widening in horror. "She has returned?"
"Have you met her before?"
"It is a complicated story," Aisleen said to her daughter. "Once we are able to take another break, I will be sure to explain everything."
"Speaking of which," Henry spoke up, "perhaps the lot of you should relax for a while."
"Are you sure?" Coco asked. "The planet could be destroyed at any moment."
Henry nodded. "Yes, I am quite certain. It would seem that Beatrix here needs another break."
The princess crossed her arms and scoffed, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I imagine that your journey through Nightfall was no easy feat."
"That may be true, but--"
"Let's just do as the man says," Alice interrupted. "I'm not exactly in great shape right now anyway."
Beatrix sighed in defeat. She did not say a word as she exited the mansion once again. The others stayed behind, watching as the princess made her way down the street. They all wondered the same thing - was there something the matter with her?
Beatrix heaved a sigh as she sat on a bench near a pond, her eyes darting back and forth, making sure she hadn't been followed. Groaning, she rested her chin in her palms as she gazed at the clear water. Her moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. She turned to glare at the one responsible, only to see that it was Cell.
Turning away again, she asked, "What do you want, Cellulose?"
"I apologize, Master," said Cell. "I just couldn't help but notice that you seem down. Is everything alright?"
"I'm fine, I assure you."
But Cell was not buying it. He sat down next to his master, being careful so as not to scoot too close. He, and everyone else who had known her for years, was aware that anything could set her off. "Care to share what's wrong?"
"I said I'm fine!"
"Are you certain?"
Beatrix hesitated before sighing in defeat. "You always did have a way of seeing right through people. It's...everything, Cellulose. This planet, the organization...I just want it all to end."
"You have been gone for quite some time. Everyone has been worried about you, not just me."
Beatrix scoffed. "I doubt my father feels the same way. He only cares about himself."
"That's not true. I've heard whispers, Master. The emperor is not what he seems."
Beatrix raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Cell looked off to the side, thinking of the proper words. "He...cares about his family. He may not treat his subjects with respect, but he does care about you and the empress."
"Well, he sure has a funny way of showing it."
"You may not believe it, but it's true. Before I left to search for you, I overheard him say that he is concerned."
Beatrix did not respond. She continued to gaze at the pond. Was it true? Did her father really have a good side? It was difficult to believe, but it may have just been true.
"Anyway," Cell continued, interrupting her thoughts, "shall we be off?"
Beatrix turned to her servant in curiosity. "Where to?" she asked.
"To explore the city, of course! There's nothing better to do at the moment, and this is my first time on this...planet. What's it called again?"
"It's called Earth, Cellulose."
"Ah, that's right."
The two proceeded to take a walk around the city. The early evening air was crisp, the kind that sent a shiver down Beatrix's spine, as she strolled alongside Cell through the dimly lit streets. The city was waking up to the night's embrace, street lamps flickering to life like stars descending from the heavens. The gentle clack of their shoes echoed against the cobblestones, a rhythm that seemed to whisper secrets to the shadows.
Suddenly, the rhythm was pierced by an unexpected sound - quick, purposeful footsteps that seemed to come from a hidden alley. Beatrix felt a jolt of adrenaline. Without a word, she grabbed Cell's arm and pulled him behind the cover of a large oak tree, its gnarled roots reaching out like welcoming arms. Her heart thumped in her chest as she held her breath, listening intently. The steps grew closer, each one more deliberate than the last.
They peered around the trunk, their eyes searching the darkness for any sign of movement. A figure emerged from the alley, shrouded in a black cloak that fluttered with the evening breeze. The hood obscured their face, leaving only a pair of piercing eyes that reflected the flickering streetlights like shards of gleaming ice. Beatrix's grip on Cell's arm tightened as they watched the cloaked individual pass by, noticing the slight limp that accompanied their stride.
"Who do you suppose that is?" Cell murmured, his curiosity piqued.
His master did not respond immediately. She waited for the figure to pass before taking a deep breath, after which she replied, "A member of the organization, no doubt."
Cell raised an eyebrow. "Why would one of them come here?"
"Isn't it obvious? That organization of theirs will stop at nothing to destroy me, but I refuse to die. My colleagues and I will do whatever it takes to ensure their defeat."
"In that case, let me help."
Beatrix crossed her arms. "You don't have much combat experience, Cellulose. What makes you think that you could be of any assistance?"
"I at least know how to use a ray gun. I beg of you, Master. Let me help you to the best of my abilities."
Beatrix held her chin, deep in thought. "Fine. Just don't get in anyone's way."
Cell nodded. "Understood."
Natalie and Markus chose to have a date at Brio's Bistro. It had felt like an eternity since their last one, and they needed a break from it all. As Natalie set her fork back down, she said, "Oh, I do hope Princess Beatrix is okay."
"I'm sure she is," Markus assured his girlfriend. "I haven't known her for that long, but I can tell that she can take care of herself."
"Perhaps you are right. Still, I cannot shake the feeling that something is amiss."
"What do you mean?"
"It is no secret that she despises us, but what if there is something that she is not telling us?"
"I'm not sure that I follow..."
"Are you two speaking about the chosen one, by any chance?" a feminine voice behinds Natalie asked.
The hybrid turned around to see an elderly woman gazing at her. Markus chose not to respond. Instead, Natalie spoke up, "You are quite the nosy one, aren't you?"
The woman's smirk only grew. "I merely seek answers, child. This individual that you speak of is not who she seems."
Markus, deciding that he had had enough, asked, "And why should we listen to a complete stranger?"
Finally, the woman's grin faded. "Teenagers... they never respect their elders. Very well, then. I'll leave you with this: do not believe a word that Beatrix says." With that, she stood up, grabbing her purse as she did so, and left the bistro.
"That was...peculiar," Natalie stated.
"Don't let it get to you," said Markus. "She's just an old woman who has no idea what she's talking about. Now, let's continue to enjoy this food."
At the mansion, Alice was in the middle of an arm wrestling match against Crunch. In the end, it was she who was the victor. "Earthlings are so weak," she remarked.
"Be quiet, fool," Crunch barked.
"No one has ever managed to beat Crunch before," commented Pasadena. "I'm not sure whether I should be frightened or not."
Before Alice could make a retort, Beatrix and Cell returned. "We have some news," the former said before anyone could ask any questions. "We have just seen a member of the MoDs in the city."
"Don't tell me you got into a fight without us," Cortex grumbled.
Beatrix shook her head. "They didn't notice us, and they just kept walking. I'm surprised they haven't attempted to destroy anything by now."
"And you didn't do anything about them?! You didn't approach them or anything?!"
"Yell at me again, and there will be consequences. To answer your question, the last thing I want is to cause a scene intentionally. Should they cause any destruction, I will take care of them."
"I suggest you speak with the city's mayor," Henry said.
"Seriously? We can deal with the Masters ourselves."
"I'm sorry, but if Megatropolis were to take any damage, all of you would be held responsible."
"That is stupid," N. Gin grumbled.
"I'm sorry you feel that way. Speak with the mayor, Beatrix. He will find a solution."
Beatrix rolled her eyes as she exited the mansion once more. Cell looked out the window, trying to decide whether or not to follow his master. He ultimately chose to stay behind.
After minutes of searching, Beatrix located the city hall. The mayor, a portly man with a thick beard and combed hair that was brown in color, sat behind a wooden desk, looking through various files. Before he even found what he was searching for, he noticed Beatrix and looked up, his glasses sliding down a bit. He pushed them back up as he cleared his throat.
"I don't believe we have met," he said, his voice gruff.
"No sir, we haven't," Beatrix said as politely as she could manage. "My name is Beatrix, and I have come to--"
"Beatrix? As in...Princess Beatrix? The chosen one?"
"I assume that everyone has heard of me."
"Indeed. What is it that you need, Your Highness?"
"I have come to warn you that one of the Masters of Darkness has been spotted in this very city. Perhaps you could find a solution to this predicament. I would normally dispatch them, but I do not wish to see this city harmed." Beatrix forced a smile, hoping her lie would be enough to persuade the man.
The mayor stroked his beard, tapping his fingers rhythmically against the desk. "That is troublesome indeed."
"I agree," a voice echoed throughout the room.
A portal appeared, and out stepped a figure wearing a black cloak. As the portal vanished, the individual lifted the hood back, revealing his/her face. Beatrix's eyes widened, her mouth agape as she stared at the newcomer. It was the Superior, Subject 21, the half-demon she and her colleagues had seen in Henry's videotapes.
Summoning her sword, Beatrix snarled, "You need to leave."
21 raised her hands in a placating gesture. "I am not here to do you harm," she assured the princess.
"Don't lie to me! You have been trying to destroy me this entire time!"
"Enough!" the mayor boomed as he stepped between the two. "If either of you cause destruction to my city, I will see to it that you are both banned and can never return! Do I make myself clear?"
"Of course, Mr. Knox," said 21, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.
Beatrix lowered her weapon, but she refused to put it away. "Wait, what's going on here?" she wondered.
"Allow me to explain," Knox spoke up. "I met 21 when she was around the age of ten, eight years before someone ended her life. I have been searching to discover the one responsible, but I have yet to find the answer. I met 21 again just recently. Needless to say, it was rather shocking and horrifying to discover that she had become a demon."
"I am only half," 21 corrected. "Anyway, Mr. Knox here has kept many secrets close. I wish to find out what they are, but in order for him to help me, I must do a favor for him first."
Finally sliding her sword back into her amulet, Beatrix asked, "And what would that be?"
"It is quite simple, really. I just need to ensure that no harm befalls the city. As for my minions... I am uncertain as to why one of them would come here. I specifically told them not to show up!"
"Is that another lie?"
"I do not tell lies, and neither should you. Now tell me, where was the last place you saw this...individual?"
"Just a few blocks away. Wait, why am I telling you any of this?"
"Thank you, Princess Beatrix. You have been most helpful."
As 21 took her leave, Beatrix wondered, What in the galaxy just happened?
The city was plunged into darkness hours later, and Beatrix had yet to return to the mansion. The others were growing restless, wondering just where the princess had run off to. She had been tasked with speaking with the mayor, but it shouldn't have been taking her that long.
Finally, N. Tropy rose from his seat and announced, "We must search for her."
"I can't believe I'm saying this," Pinstripe spoke, "but he's right. For all we know, she could be in danger."
"Then let's go," Henry said, "all of us."
The others nodded in agreement as they exited the mansion, with Henry locking the door as they went. They searched nearly every dark alley and building for Beatrix, but they had no luck. The last place to search was the inside of a large chapel. The princess was indeed present, but she was not alone. A teenage girl wearing a black cloak stood before her, but her appearance was the most shocking factor. They immediately recognized Subject 21, leader of the MoDs.
They donned their respective weapons as they approached. 21 turned toward them, a smirk plastered across her face. "Ah, I see your little friends have arrived," she sneered.
"What are you doing here, Subject 21?" snarled Henry.
"I prefer just 21. And what I am doing here is none of your concern."
"She claimed that she was looking for one of her minions," Beatrix explained. "According to her, said minion had come here without her knowledge. I don't believe a word of it, though."
"Yeah," Komodo Joe agreed. "For all we know, she could've sent that persssson here to harm us."
"I did nothing of the sort," 21 retorted. "I am uncertain as to who exactly it is who disobeyed me, but when I find them, I will punish them accordingly."
"Do you think we care about any of that?" Alice barked. "We don't trust you people, and we never will."
"I don't expect you to. I certainly do not trust you. You mortals cause nothing but destruction."
"Well, not all of us are mortal," Violet pointed out.
"And what have you been doing?" Cortex added. "You've ruined more lives than I ever have!"
"It is only to complete my mission, I assure you," 21 stated.
"And what mission would that be? To destroy every planet in this dimension?"
21 shook her head. "Nothing so...disastrous. That was my original intention, yes. It would be more accurate to say that I am only focusing on this planet. Other galaxies do not interest me."
"What do you mean?" Coco asked as she took a tentative step forward.
"My main objective is simple, really. I will see to it that this planet is destroyed. That theme park you care so much about is already toast."
"Not Motorworld!" Von Clutch wailed.
"Why are you doing all of this?" Pasadena asked. "What did we ever do to you?"
"Mortals caused me a great deal of pain in the past," 21 reluctantly admitted. "That's all you need to know."
" you mean?" Aisleen asked, though she was nervous as to what the answer might be.
"That does not matter. Now, I shall take my leave. Remember, I have not come to this city to harm you...this time. I only spoke the truth."
Before anyone had time to react, 21 vanished in a puff of smoke. Alice stared at the spot where the Superior had once stood and said, "Well, that was...weird."
"What did she mean by all that?" Crunch wondered.
Henry bit his lip, but no one seemed to notice. "I am...not sure," he said in response. "For now, let's return to the mansion. You need all the rest you can get."
No sooner had he uttered those words than the entire building began to shake. The group rushed outside to see what all the commotion was about, with some of them horrified to see the same wolf they had fought a while back. As for those who had not encountered it before, they were equally terrified.
"That thing is h-huge!" Cell stammered.
"We've fought that creature before," Beatrix
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