call an ambulance

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Lizzie's pov

my next scene is starting in 8 minutes, and it's a long one.

i was sipping some orange juice when Tori taps my shoulder. "hey Tori, everything all right?" i take another sip. "have you seen y/n? brie said she saw her coming in but hasn't seen her since. i was meant to start her makeup 15 minutes ago." i stand up frowning. this wasn't like y/n she was never late to things. a quality her and i both share. i assume she's just in her trailer doing lines or fell asleep. "i'll go see if i can find her." i smile and walk off.

y/ns pov

my thighs are littered with cuts and i'm just staring numbly at them, waiting patiently for them to stop bleeding so i can put on the band aids.

i stand up and my head spins, holding onto the sink for support. i can hear my heavy breathing as i stumble through the trailer to my bag. not even checking the time.

when i'm sure i've got everything i need to film, i fiddle with lock until it unlocks and opens.

in my haze, i don't notice lizzie standing right behind my door, so i trip and practically fall into her.

"whoa carful!" she helps me to my feet. "sorry, i was rushing." i mumble. "yeah, your scene starts in 5, you could've called me to help you know." she smiles, but i see it fade as she notices the slight limp in my walk. we walk in silence for a while.

"everything thing ok y/n/n? you seem a little off."
she asks, a hint of concern in her voice.
"all good yeah, just tired i guess." i say hoping she believes me.

i hate lying to Lizzie, it makes me feel something i've never felt before. and i don't like the feeling. but there is no way i'm telling her about my cutting, no one knows, not even Maddie.

i manage to walk in a straight line the remainder of the way to the filming spot, and we ask where we're needed.

time skip

lizzie's pov

we've been filming for a good twenty minutes now. the scenes not too bad but Paul keeps messing up his lines so it's taking longer than expected.

i glance over to the teen as the cameras aren't on me right now, and a proud feeling washes over me.
when i first saw her act i could see the potential instantly, but with everything that's happened in the last month it's like it's gotten better somehow. it's like she's using her traumas to fuel her acting, and it's incredible to watch.

she still looks a little off though. her skin is paler than normal, but i blame that on the fact she hadn't been to hair and makeup.

every step she took there was the smallest limp, or strain on her face. i kept my eye on her, not wanting to cut the scene. for now.

the scene progresses for another 5 or so minutes until someone yells cut.

i immediately walk over to her and engulf her in a hug. "you did so good y/n/nnn" i kiss the top of her head. that was definitely one of the more emotionally intense scenes thing she's ever had to shoot. i don't think she heard what i said though because she was just staring blankly ahead.

i feel her forehead but it's normal. somethings wrong and i'm going to find out what.

"scar could you come over here?" she's really worrying me now. her eyes are darting all over set.

"what's wrong liz?" Scarlett asks coming over with a pretzel in hand.

"does she look all right to you?" i feel her grip on my arm get tighter and her head started drooping.

Scarlett drops the pretzel and goes into full mom mode. y/ns legs give way and she collapses into me.

Anthony and Evans run over and take her from me, as im struggling to hold both our weight. "call an ambulance!" i yell. i don't even know who at, but that's not my main concern right now.

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