It couldn't continue like this any further, he had to make sound-proof walls; every blood moon, he has that same anxiety; at that rate, he'll rather become an over-natural himself. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but that didn't stop his determination to improve his base.
He got out of the tree trunk, and stood foot on the Healbloom Field. The same presence that watched him enter also saw him leave.
He picked up his leaf camouflage, and went to pick up songflowers.
He saw the zombie army across the forest, and the vampires leading them above; he had to be fast in order of evading them.
But just before he left the Healbloom Field, he froze. He saw an untransformed werewolf, bleeding through her arm, unaffected by the blood moon. He knew the leaf camouflage was useless against werewolves; their sense of smell can't be hide from, so he took it out.
He meditated for a short instant, as she saw him. Finally, he decided to help. "Maybe not all over-naturals are evil when not hungry?" he thought to himself, but he was ready in case things went wrong. He took some cotton vines that were hanging nearby, and made an improvised cloth. He started approaching her, with extreme care, and she responded with a skeptical gesture of aggressiveness. She was also well aware of how things work in nature, but nonetheless, she figured she needed a way to stop the bleeding anyway, so she looked away, and let him cure her. He hit a megacure to the cloth, ensuring the cloud was kept inside, and put it on her arm. She Inmediately ran away, to not risk any danger from him, or other over-naturals. This was a relief to the human; for a second, he thought she'd attack him, as he alredy had his hand on his slingshot.
He picked up the leaf camouflage once again, and kept on going. He was determined to make his base sound-proof, and just because there was a very dangerous blood moon going on, didn't mean he wouldn't do it. He traversed through the bloodflower tree that he uses as a waypoint, and finally reached the music plains.
Some goblins watched as he approached, and raised their wooden walls to the music plains.
🗣️ "Come on, you guys alredy know I'm a human, I don't bite"
🏵️ "And you want us to believe that, with you calmly walking at night on a BLOOD MOON!?"
🗣️ "That's not true, I just don't show my stress in the way I walk, but I'm very much as worried as you guys. I just want a songflower, that's it"
🏵️ "Maybe once the sun rises, we'll talk, until then, scram!"
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