Chapter 32: The Showdown

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Over at Wayne Manor, Vicki Vale from the Gotham Gazette, Jack Ryder from his own TV show, every possible News Network from within a hundred mile radius came over to the Mansion to find it being burned to pieces. No ones how, when, why it was happening, but police were suspecting it to be arson, as they were seeing unidentified charred bodies that has been blown from the Mansion and were now laying lifelessly on the ground nearby. The Knightfall Protocol was underway, activated by Alfred in order to stop Heretic, aka, Bruce, the prodigal son of the Waynes. The Protocol was designed as a last resort, should something like Lincoln's Identity being exposed to the World, the explosion would leave no trace of anything behind to connect him to the Batman, both inside...and underground. Speaking of whom, Lincoln and his family arriving to see what was happening using both the Batmobile and few other armored vehicles taken from Wonder City, on account of their being so many passengers. They were about a mile away from the house, just under it's hilltop, but it appeared to be too late.

Batman:"Oh, God. Alfred..."

Lori:"It's literally the whole house. Are we sure he's even alive in there?"

Lincoln:"I don't know, but I'm not leaving without?"

Lynn:"How are we event gonna get to him? Not only is the place burning up, but there're reporters and people everywhere at the gates!"

Batman:"There's an off road entrance, leading back to the cave. I'll head through there, all of you head to Gotham General."

Lynn:"No way! We're doing this together, Lincoln!"

Lori:"We already lost you once...we don't want that to happen again!"

Batman:"And I don't wanna lose you! This is my fight! I have this end this!"


Rita:"Kids...let him go. He's right."

All the sisters have been through a lot this night. They felt as if nothing could've scared them now. But this might just be it.

Lori:"If you don't come back...I'll never forgive you, Lincoln."

Leni:"Please, safe, okay?"

Luna:"I know you'll win, Lincoln."

Luan:"You'll pull through, Linc. I know you will."

Lynn:"Kick that bastard's ass for us. Will ya, bro?"

Lucy:"You are Gotham's Savior, Brother. Don't let us down."

Lana:"I don't want you to go, Lincoln."

Lola:"Me neither..."

Lisa:"It's...been a privilege, working with you, Lincoln."


Lynn Sr:"...Go get 'em, son."

Rita:"We love you, Lincoln."

Batman/Lincoln:"...Get away from here. And if I don't make it back...thank you...for being part of my life again."

And with that, the Dark Knight drove the batmobile over to the off road entrance to Batcave. Upon reaching it, and wasting no time driving through, the cave was already bellowing in fire, but thanks to the Batmobile's power core, he could see through it. Fortunately, when he arrived, he was lucky to see that the rest of the cave wasn't already consumed by flames. But, the ceiling above them was getting covered in fire, so it wouldn't be long before all of Wayne collapsed above him. Getting out of the Batmobile, he quickly did his best to search the cave.

Batman:"Alfred?! ALFRED?!"

Heading to the main deck, Batman could hear a gun click and turned his head to see, coming out of the smoke, was Heretic, albeit with his coat torched and blooding running down his temple as he slowly walked towards the Dark Knight, gun in hand as he pointed it directly at Lincoln's head. The unmasked Batman glared at his metaphorical brother, who always had a crazed and evil look in his eye.

Heretic:" never disappoint."

Batman:"Where's Alfred?"

Heretic:"...Oh, he's just down there."

Gesturing towards the edge, Lincoln was shocked to see his oldest friend laying in the shallow waters below the cave, unconscious and motionless.


Heretic:"Relax, he's alive. That old fool nearly got us all killed."

Batman:"I'm getting him out of here."

Heretic:"'re not."

Batman:"Bruce, if you want the Wayne's fortune so badly, you can have it. Just leave me and my family alone."

Heretic:"I offered you a choice like that before, Lincoln. And like Ra's al Ghul, I don't give second chances..."

The Dark Knight held a tight glare on his face.

Heretic:"If only you were delivered in a timely fashion, like the rest of the subjects."

Batman:"...What are you talking about?"

Heretic:"Have you forgotten to wonder how you even ended up in this city?"

That question was still in need of answering. It would seem that Heretic knows more than what he's leading on. What is getting at?

Batman:"...How did I end up in Gotham?"

Heretic:"(smirks) Ra's and his daughter commander a drafting operation, picking a select few of children all around the world to be indoctrinated and become part...of the next generation of the League of Assassins. You...were just one of be misplaced..."

Lincoln's eyes widened at what he just said. That was it? He was taken away from his family, suffered from amnesia...all because of the League of Assassins wanting to make soldiers out of him and many others?

Heretic:"I guess it was only by fate that you ended up coming to us anyway. People who see retribution always want to learn how to kill...What do you think, Lady Shiva?"

Turning around, Lincoln was reunited with another friend from his childhood. Stella Zhau, as he once knew her, once a good friend...working for the League as Shiva, and holding him at gunpoint as well.

Heretic:"Care to reinforce that statement? And while you're at it, relieve Bats of his gadgets, will you not?"

Shiva:"Your belt. Hand it over."

Batman:"Stella, we were once friends. Why would you do this?"

Shiva:"That lifetime has long since past. I was born into this Lincoln. The League of Assassins are my true family."

He didn't want to believe this. Was she one of the many children, taken away from her life? Or was this just the real her? Seeing no reason to resist against her, he complied and removed his belt, handing it over to her.

Batman:"Now, why are you trying to instigate? Shiva is an ally of mine; I have her complete loyalty. Get over there."

He forced the Dark Knight to move over by the destroyed Batcomputer while Shiva walked towards Heretic.

Heretic:"You have been a nuisance for far too long, Lincoln. And it's about you learned-"

But then, Heretic felt the end of Shiva's gun pointed at the back of his head.

Heretic:"What are you doing?"

Shiva:"Now you give my your gun."


Shiva:"(clicks gun hammer) I won't ask again."

Forced to comply, Heretic reluctantly gives his gun over to Shiva as he turned to face her and backs away a little.

Heretic:"You are being profoundly stupid right now."

Shiva:"And you've destroyed the entire League...just to settle your vendetta with Lincoln here. And with what you just said? Was I one of those children? I don't know too much about my birth family, thanks to you, not even sure if they're still out there."


Shiva:"And I sure as hell don't know need your help to figure that out, Lincoln. I'll find my own way."

Batman:"So you're just gonna leave us here to die?"

Shiva:"Oh, I'm just leaving. Whether you two die or not, I don't really care."

She made her way to the stairs that lead to the burning mansion above and saw a button that would shut the entrance to batcave behind her.

Heretic:"Shiva, wait-"

Shiva:"So long, Bruce."

And then, she shuts the door. Bruce runs over to it and slams his fists against it.

Heretic:"Shiva?! Shiva! You open this goddamn door right now!"

Batman:"Bruce, she's gone! Come on, help me with Alfred and we'll all get out here."

He was about to find a way down, when he could hear Bruce ranting.

Heretic:"Oh, no, no, no. That'll never work."

Batman:"Look, just help me get Alfred and I'll take you out the way I came in."

Heretic:"No...I'm not gonna enjoy...(readies sword) bit of my family's fortune...Knowing you and your worthless family are still sucking air."

And then, Lincoln sees the crazy look in his eye as he points his sword at him.

Batman:"Bruce, whatever you're thinking, now's not the time to settle this-"

Heretic:"Linc, just shut up!"

Seeing no way out of this, Batman got into a defensive stance as he and Heretic circled the platform while the prodigal kept his blade pointed at the Dark Knight.

Lincoln:"Bruce, this is idiotic, even for you!"

Bruce:"You want to hear what sounds idiotic to me? Lincoln Wayne inherits his family's fortune and builds up Wayne Industries!"

As he said that, he swung his sword to the right, to which Lincoln had to quickly dodge.

Lincoln:"Ah! Damn it!"

Bruce:"Lincoln Wayne...promises to help bring Gotham to a brighter tomorrow!"

Another swing and a miss and Lincoln almost came in contact with Bruce's sword as he swung to left that time.

Lincoln:"For God's sake! Come on, we can get out of here together!"

Bruce:"Lincoln crowned the fabled...PRINCE OF GOTHAM!"

Swinging the sword two more times, Bruce came closer and closer to slashing Lincoln through his heart. If it wasn't for the armor taking the blow, the blade would've cut right through him.

Lincoln:"Goddamn it! Bruce, stop this!"

Bruce:"Lincoln a hero. You know, I...I stabbed the man who told me that one."

Lincoln:"Look, I get it, you don't like me very much."

Bruce:"You know, for all your greatness, have nothing...You ARE nothing...And I warned get out of my way."

Seeing that there was no point in getting through to him, Lincoln held his ground as the sword was once again swung with killing intent. Just as Bruce came close enough, the Dark Knight grabbed his arm before he could strike again and punched Bruce in the face, but not before Bruce had forced himself upon Lincoln and threw him to the ground, and held the sword at his neck.

Heretic:"(inching the sword closer) I've sacrificed everything to get this far, and I'm not gonna couple of two-bit vigilantes, a senile old man, and a bunch of spoiled brats take that away from me!"

Batman:"(Pushes him away) Enough!"

Regaining his footing, Lincoln heads over to the console and next to it was a relic from his past. The sword from which he wielded during his time with the League of Assassin, wielding it not so that they would be on equal footing. He swore to never kill...but, with the entire Manor burning and soon to be crashing, he was sure that would be a problem.

Heretic:"You care, about that family of disappointments so much...I'm going to make sure."

Batman:"(enraged) To arms, you bastard."

Heretic:"Now that's the spirit...You remember how to use that sword?"

Batman:"And learned to mind my surroundings."

Heretic:"Well, this should be interesting."

And it was then that two met in combat as their blades clashed. On equal footing, they seem to have matched each other step-for-step, but with all this madness and insanity growing within him, Lincoln could see Bruce slipping, as he finally lands a blow, slashing through his ruined jacket. Heretic hissed from pain but held his ground as he continued to slash like crazy, his moves, desperate to land a hit on his brother. Soon enough, they grabbed each other's sword hands as they tried hard to overpower the other.

Heretic:"Come on, Linc!"

Getting the upper hand, Batman had managed to strike his side and force him off as two continued to strike each other's blades, their speed and strength in their arms increasing in order to stay on the advantage. Batman saw how Heretic moved, how he swung his sword. this was not the master assassin who had nearly brought the death of him before. This was a man who had lost his humanity, due to the ones who brought him into this world throwing him away. It fueled his rage, his determination, but also his insanity. He saw all this as Heretic simply appeared to be toying with him, unaware of how outmatched he was becoming...

Heretic:"Come on. Quite prolonging the arm's getting tired."

Batman:"You talk too much, Bruce."

On the offensive, the Dark Knight forced Heretic to try and defending himself, blocking a series of attacks before he made a misstep and then had to endure a whole lot of slashes and hits coming his way. But, not before he took Batman by the should and slammed him against a rock wall, clashing their swords and hoping to cut through his throat.

Heretic:"Now, we're getting somewhere."

Batman:"(throws him off) What is wrong with you?!"

It was getting harder to breathe, since the whole cave was beginning to ignite in flames and the two warriors were getting roasted alive. But they would not rest, least of all, Heretic, not until he's disposed of the Bat in the most brutal way. He fought relentlessly, seeming to get the upper hand for a second as kicked Batman to the ground and once again had his sword at his neck.

Heretic:"This might hurt a little."


Once again, managing to push Heretic off, Batman did not waste the chance to land a hit as he slashed at his abdomen, making Heretic stagger backwards. He held his wound and saw the blood running out of it. The sight of it made him want to puke as he put his hand on his mouth. But then...the only thing coming out of his mouth...was laughter, as he removed his hand from his mouth and revealed...a great, bloody smile...

Heretic:"Come on, Hero."

Now, completely driven fully insane, Bruce fought like a maniac, swinging his sword every which aiming at any spot that could've been exposed in the full intent to slaughter the Dark Knight. Batman waited for his moment, forced to block and counter every time the sword came close to striking him, before he could attack himself and let Bruce have all of it. Lincoln could've sworn that he was hearing Bruce laugh in between each strike he endured. It was clear that Bruce had problems, and it was up to Lincoln to rid him of them, as their swords clashed once more, forcing to two men to try and overpower the other.

Heretic:"Now that's the Great Batman I hear so much about."

Just about done with this, Batman forced Heretic against the destroyed batcomputer, now having his sword at the insane assassin's throat.

Batman:"We're done here. I'm taking Alfred and we're leaving. You wanna stay and burn with this cave, you be my guest."

Heretic:"Heh...You got me."

Or did he? Suddenly, did Heretic free himself Batman's grip as he slashed through the Batman's armor, the same way he did to him. Staggering backwards, Batman found himself at the edge of the platform, and Heretic wasted no time kicking him off and making him fall into the shallow waters below. Following suit, he jumped and met with the downed Dark Knight, who struggled to try and get away, moving back as much as he could, but couldn't ignore the pain at this point. It almost felt like this was it for him as he saw the insane Heretic staring down at him, laughing as he pointed his sword at him.

Heretic:"Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...You know, Linc...underneath all the bravado, you're just a lonely little boy with delusions of grandeur...who, by the way, has gotten sloppy at fencing. So long, Lincoln Wayne."


Before the madman could deal the finishing blow, both his and Lincoln's head turned to see, Alfred, having regained consciousness and having just enough energy to toss Batman's sword back to him. The Dark Knight used this as his chance to counter Heretic's blade, as he was forced to block everytime the blade came down.

Heretic:"Heh, heh, ha! Don't know when to give up, do you? That's good! Don't hand it to me!"

He got in close with the blade to Batman's neck again, but the Dark Knight desperately held it back.

Heretic:"Soon, I'll have everything handed to me...on a goddamn silver platter. EVERYTHING. (slashes) EXCEPT. (slashes) FOR THIS!"

The last slash was strong enough to break Lincoln's sword in half, leaving the Dark Knight at Heretic's mercy as the assassin once more held his sword near Lincoln's head.

Heretic:"I've earned this...all of it."

Desperate, the Dark Knight saw only one way out of this, and he remembered that this place was rigged to blow at the right time. One of the armed explosive was just a little bit to the right from where he was.

Batman:"...I can't kill you, Bruce..."

Heretic:"(smiles sinisterly)"

Batman:"But I don't have to save you."

Caught off guard, Heretic wasn't prepared for Batman to throw the broken blade at the cave wall, where the explosive was set off. The whole side of the cave blew to pieces as Batman rolled out of the way while the explosions ran up the wall and blew off the hanging stalactites from the ceiling...on right on top of Heretic. Batman could barely see what happened, but he was certain that Heretic didn't survive. In any case, he quickly grabbed Alfred and grabbed hold of a pole that activated a lift that brought him back to the Batmobile's runway. Throwing the old man in the passenger seat, the Dark Knight quickly got in as punched it, hoping to outrace the explosion as the entire Batcave was now being destroyed. They barely made it out as the Batmobile raced out and landed onto the highway. Lincoln was only happy no one was out there, not even his family, making him hope that they did what he asked and headed out to seek shelter. Breathing heavily, Alfred turned to meet the boy he raised.

Alfred:"(raspy voice) L-Lincoln..."

Lincoln:"Don't talk, Al. Just hang in there. We'll get you fixed up."

Alfred:"Uggh...Ah...Proud...of you..."

Lincoln looks at his father figure with stone face, but it did nothing to hide the emotions he was feeling right now. The deed was done, the Head of the Demon was no more, the League of Assassin most likely scattered to the wind, and his family were saved. But there was a whole about everything that has happened that made it too much for Lincoln to take in all at once...

Leslie:"This reminds me of the time I've spent in Africa."

The entire Loud Family was in a private suite, being looked at by Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Maria Santiago and Ronnie Anne, who were surprised by the amount of injuries that they have. They were also surprised by the uniforms Lori and Lynn were wearing. It kinda helped Maria and Ronnie Anne put a lot of puzzle pieces together. Fortunately, it was nothing Leslie didn't already know as she reacted to this with a nod and a small smile.

Maria:"How does something like this even happen?!"

Rita:"You wouldn't believe us if we told you."

Luna:" the wrong the wrong time."

Lori:"That, and...apparently our brother has enemies in high places."

Lynn:"Lori, keep talking like that

Ronnie Anne:"And...where's your brother?"

Lynn:"We're...we're not sure."

Leslie:"I'm sure he'll turn up. He always."

While treating Lynn, Ronnie Anne decided to just let it out.

Ronnie Anne:"So...Robin, huh?"

Lynn:"Heh. seemed like a good idea at the time."

Ronnie Anne:"You, Lynn, I can understand getting in on this. But Lori?"

Lynn:"She's stubborn, trying to prove a point to Lincoln. He really didn't want us doing this."

Ronnie Anne:"I would agree with him on that part."

And it was then, that a surgeon's assistant came in with an unconscious Alfred on a

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