Chapter 31: The Escape

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Gotham North, otherwise known as the Old Gotham, the Original City, now abandoned and remaining decollate to this day, becoming the place where criminals roam free, their home territory, and the city built on top of the metropolis that would've been Ra's Al Ghul's monumental gift to the world, Wonder City. As of now, it is only the temporary base of operations for the League of Assassin, and the prison to 9 of 11 children, The Loud Sisters and Lincoln Wayne. There was still hope, as the two remaining free sisters, Luna and Lucy, were heading their way there now as Lucy was flying there and Luna rode a motorcycle she supposedly bought off a man outside Gotham General.

She-Bat:"I'm over North Gotham. I've yet to find the Entrance into Wonder City, however."

Alfred:"(via com) It's not impossible to find, but you're going to have to head deeper into the city. Quite literally, I might add, as the foundation for North Gotham is practically hollow. Look for an collapsed streets that might be a possible entrance to the Gotham's Underground."


She-Bat:"That's...not good."

Alfred:"Do you believe that to be Ms. Luna?"

She-Bat:"She must be heading home. Brief her on what's going on the moment she's back at the Manor."

Rita:"I just hope she doesn't to go out there. Not after what she's been through."

She-Bat:"Mom, that's her decision. You can't really stop her...alright, I see an opening. I'm heading down now."

Cutting communications, Lucy dove down an opening to the Access of the old Subway Maintenance system of North Gotham. It was a maze of steel and ironwork that has been abandoned for decades. Normally, it would be impossible to move through by normal means as it connected to the sewers and most of the tunnels had been collapses, but it was hardly any trouble for Lucy and her abilities. While it was desolate and void of any life, Lucy couldn't help but bare the feeling that she was being watched. Moving through places high and low, the sewer/subway tunnels soon turned to collapses streets and Lucy found herself in the Outskirts of Gotham's wonder to the world. Old Gotham was held up by the very foundations of Wonder City, which had been operational to this day as Lucy was staring as a giant elevator probably connected to the tower just above this place. The underground just up ahead, as she passes an ancient mechanical guardian and through the doors and finds herself at the gates of Wonder City...

Announcer:"This world is doomed. Cities like Gotham will grow to resemble hell breaking through the sidewalk, continuing up into the sky. Structures will grow to blot out the sun, and the people who live in them will be choked by the pollution they create. Eventually, when no space remains, this world will die, struggling for breath as man's mistakes nail the coffin shut. But this doesn't have to be your future, Gotham..."

The first gate opened what was shown would've been rather horrific to most people, but it hardly bothered Lucy as she saw about 9 dead criminals hanging from the ceiling. She merely continued on as the second get opened.

Announcer:"There is a better way. Behind this wall is mankind's chance for survival. A glimpse as a future based on an amazing discovery. A discovery that will allow Gotham to rise like Lazarus, becoming a beacon of hope for this world. Are you intrigued? Then step closer. Witness the future of Gotham City."

Upon doing so, the only thing Lucy witnessed where three female assassins appearing in puffs of smoke as they drew their swords towards her. Try as they did, they hardly landed a scratch on the She-Bat, as her bat like abilities left her with heightened senses, allowing her to hear which sword was coming the closest, timing her dodges just right, the flexibility of a lemur as she was too far her the assassins to even come close. And let's not forget her wings, which created a great gust of wind that pushed the assassins' back against the wall. After that, they were rather quite easy to deal with as Lucy defeated them quickly. Pretty soon, the third gate slowly opened for her.

Announcer:"The heart of Gotham's future beats with Lazarus technology. The power of Lazarus is pumped into every street, every home, providing clean, safe energy. Mechanical Guardians will serve you, watch over you and where necessary, protect you from the worst of mankind's sins. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow us to present to you the future...Wonder City!"

...Or rather, one of it's streets, Wonder Avenue. Yet, by the display alone, was the city years ahead of it's time, along with the technology that went with it, building up the place. The center of attention was the huge door that was opening to "The Temple of Wonder City'", yet it looked like it hasn't been opened for decades. Lucy sniffed the place and found some female pheromones' leading to the left wall.


Pushing against the wall, it moved back and then up, reveal a sort of keyhole.

She-Bat:"Now, where am I gonna find a key?"

Sensing immediate danger, Lucy moved out of a way as an assassin came, thrusting their sword into the lock. Coincidentally, that's just what she needed as a secret passage opened up just as Lucy knocked out the assassin. It appeared to have been another sewer tunnel that lead downward until Lucy approached a latter to which the pheromone trail lead upward. Now inside...wherever she was, she took not how quiet it had been. Minimal enemies, silent atmosphere, it was then that Lucy realized...this was a trap. Her suspicions were confirmed when a knife dove through one of her wings and stuck her to the wall.


Looking towards her attack, she met the eyes of Heretic's little weapon, Talon...

Talon:"Poor little girl playing hero."

She-Bat:"What have you done to my family?"

Talon:"You will be joining them soon enough."

Back at the cave, were the parents and Alfred worried sick of the children. While they knew Lucy had her abilities, she was just a little girl who's never been in a fight. It wasn't until Luna suddenly coming in through one of the cave's hidden passages that it felt like hope was lost to them.

Rita:"Luna! Thank God, you're okay. (hugs her)"

Lynn Sr:"Are you alright? Did anything happen?"

Luna:"No. I'm fine? I was too late, wasn't I? He already took them!"

Rita:"Yeah. Lucy went after your siblings!"


Rita:"We didn't want her to go, but there was no one else to do it. She's already at North Gotham!"

Lucy:"Then I'm going there myself as well!"

Alfred:"Miss Luna, you just came out of the hospital-"

Luna:"And I took a motorcycle and rode all the way back here. I'm perfectly fine, so I'm going!"

But before she could get back on her bike, one shot blew it to pieces. They were all taken back from where that shot came from, coming from the smoking barrel of a gun, in the hands of Heretic. The Loud parents and Luna were looking scarred, but not Alfred, who was rather emotionless at the moment, but had feelings of guilt and anguish, over the Waynes for abandoning their son and to himself for failing to give Bruce a proper life.

Heretic:"You're not going anywhere. I was planning to kill in front of your brother's eyes, but I may as well kill you now and reanimate you later. Afterall, I have the resources."

Alfred:"...Miss Luna. Take your parents and get out of here."


Alfred:"This cave is big. Find another way out."

Lynn Sr:"You can't seriously think of-"

Alfred:"Go! Now!"

Not wanting to argue, Luna took both her parents by the wrists and ran off. It didn't stop Heretic from trying to fire at them, and he did managed to get a shot off Luna before they ran off.



But then, Alfred intervened grabbing hold of Bruce's arm in an attempt of making him let go of the gun. Bruce merely kicked him away before walking towards him as the old man struggled to get back on his feet.

Alfred:"Bruce...Stop. Just stop!"

Heretic:"Out of my way, Pennyworth. I'm merely taking back my home."

Alfred:"You're endangering the lives of an innocent family! You're parents wouldn't-"

Heretic:"My parent's wouldn't have wanted anything for me, because they didn't even want me! I was nothing but a disappointment the second I came out of Martha Wayne's womb. If not for you, I wouldn't even be here right now."

Alfred:"My greatest regret was not being able to take care of you. To give you the life you deserve."

Heretic:"And yet, you were fine with taking care of that brat who my birth parents scraped off the side of the neighborhood? You do nothing but lie to yourself, Alfred. I would've thought you'd be more...(punches Alfred)...honest."

Alfred fell down quite easily after one punch as Heretic walks over him and admires the Batcave.

Heretic:"Consider this a merciful end. I will retake my place as the heir to the Wayne Family Name, and become the hero this city deserves. Gotham will be mine."

Little did he realize that Alfred was still conscious and crawling towards the batcomputer as he slowly brought himself back up.

Alfred:"Computer...activate the Nightfall Protocol."



Before he could react, Heretic didn't even know what had hit him as everything turned white.

Minutes Earlier...

Back in Wonder City was Lucy desperately fighting back against Talon, but her lack of battle experience left her in a physical disadvantage, to which Talon was showing no relent, no mercy, and no remorse for her wings, which were being filled with holes from the many blades he had thrown at her. Fortunately, their battle had made its way to a hall where there appeared to be holding cells, and inside were Lucy's sisters. They could hear everything that was going on outside their prison, and began recognize the voices of those fighting...

Lynn:"Why is Talon grunting?"

Lisa:"Shh. Listen..."

She-Bat:"This is where you're holding them isn't it?"

Talon:"The last cage is for you!"

Lori:"Is that Lucy?"



Luan:"Kick his butt, Lucy!"


Lana:"Make 'em hurt, Lucy!"

Lisa:"We gotta help her! She can't take him on!"

Lori:"If only there was a way out of these cells!"

And, just as she said that, Talon's sword had accidently gone through the wall, right where the door would be."

Lori:"That works!"

As she tried to free herself, Lucy continued to hold Talon off for as long as she could be the boy assassin just couldn't be beat. Even if she tried flying, would he bring her back to ground with either a grapple or by simply jumping up the same height as she was, landing on top of her and forcing her down to the floor. A maneuver he just used as he then his foot over Lucy's head.

Talon:"Pathetic. You truly believe that an organization as vast and powerful as the Legion could be brought to its knees by a handful of children?"

Little did he know that Lucy was, and the roaring of an engine coming their way.

Lucy:"Maybe not. But how about some heavily armed children?"

He didn't know what she meant until the wall to his left practically exploded. Lucy looked to see that it was the Batmobile, and in the driver seat was Luna, looking quite peeved as she activated the weapons system. Talon was about to attack until he was hit in the head with a round coming from the car's sentry gun. incapacitating him. Just in time to as Lori managed to get out of her cell with Talon's sword in hand. She dropped it and ran towards her sisters.

Lori:"(hugs them both) Luna! Lucy! Thank God!"

Luna:"It's good to see guys too. Nice costume, Lucy."

Lori:"Why are you wearing that? And why do you have bat wings?!"

Lucy:"Sigh. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Lynn:"(through the walls) Helllooo! We're still trapped in here!"

Luna:"Oh, right."

At the press of a button, did the turret on the Batmobile blow open some doors for the rest of the sisters, who came running out. They hugged each other happily as Rita and Lynn Sr got out of the Batmobile.

Rita:"Hey, room for one more?"

Lori:"Mom! Dad!"

And while they enjoyed their family reunion, Lori and Luna realized two people were missing.

Luna:"Wait. Where are Lincoln and Lily?!"

Lisa:"I could've heard Lily's cry echoing east of here."

Lori:"Then let's go get her."

Lana:"Yeah! Let's go get our brother and sister back!"

Rita:"Hold it! Most of you are gonna have to stay by the car!"

Lola:"What? Why?"

Lynn:"(adjusting her suit) Anybody not properly suited for combat stays. The rest of us, let's do it."

It was then that Luna took out a two Bo Staffs and a pair of Escrima Sticks for Lori and Lynn.

Luna:"You're gonna need these."

Nightwing:"(Takes her sticks) Thanks."

Robin:"(Takes her staff) Back in action."

Luna:"Let's go."

As they went however, Lucy had put her fingers to her comlink, and was hearing beeps; Morse code. Heading deeper into the Temple, they followed Lily's wails, she wasn't far. They hated the sound of their baby sister crying without anyone to care for her, and this was enough to make them start running. Unfortunately, when they did find her, both Lily and Lincoln weren't at the best of positions. Lincoln was tied to a chair, unconscious while Lily was crying, in the hands of Talia Al Ghul, hold up a gun towards the trio.

Luna:"Let them go!"

Talia:"You are in no position to demand anything of me. At the moment, my beloved is beginning to claim his place as Gotham's prince and savior. Our crusade will rule this city through the shadows, and it will be reborn in our image."

Nightwing:"That's not gonna happen. Not while we're still around."

Talia:"(Cocks her gun) If you insist."

But before she could fire, Lincoln broke out his bonds and grabbed hold of Talia as her gun went off. Lily was sent flying before she was caught by Lori. Holding nothing back, the Dark Knight laid out a barrage of punches on the female assassin, even landing a strike on her necking, right on the control collar. It was enough to send her down as Lincoln simply towered over her in silence, his messy white hair covering his eyes. He slowly turned his head to meet the eyes of his sisters, staring at him in awe.



Lynn:"It's good to have you back, bro."


Seeing the heir to the demon regain consciousness, Lincoln wasted no time walking towards her and grabbing her by her neck. He slammed her against the wall, and even grabbed her gun, looking ready to break his code just so that he could break her.

Lincoln:"You have a lot to answer for, Talia."

Talia:"L-L-Lincoln. I remember you..."

Lincoln:"Do you? And do you also remember everything that you've done up until now?"

Talia:"Please...Let me explain..."


He turned to see his sisters looking at him in shock.

Luna:"Put the gun down, bro...before you do something."

Staying silent, Lincoln turns back to Talia before dropping the gun and letting Talia have a chance to breathe.

Talia:"I was under...Bruce's control...I couldn't stop myself...from listening to his commands...but I was still aware...of everything I've done."

Lincoln:"You and your father should've called off this crusade when you had the chance."

Talia:"We couldn't...Gotham was ours to begin...Bruce made us believe that he was the answer. But in reality...he merely used us to get what he take his revenge...Please, you had to believe me. His obsession with you near ruined the Legion. This is not how we wanted things to go. "

Lincoln:"I don't have to believe anything. What's important now is that we stop Bruce."

It was then that, Lucy came running in, looking rather panicked.

Lucy:"Lincoln. Good to see again. But right now, we have trouble."

Lori:"What is it now?"

Lucy:"Alfred. He sent out an S.O.S."

Reactivating the holo-display on his right gauntlet, Lincoln was shocked to see that Wayne Manor was set ablaze, practically falling apart at the seams as he recognized a pattern in the explosion being caused. The Knightfall Protocol had been activated...and Alfred was still inside.

Batman:"We need to get back to the house, now!"

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