Chapter 11: The Talon

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At the moment, Lincoln was on the Batcomputer, looking into what he could find on the demon symbol he saw. He knew it was familiar too him, he had a hunch. There was only one group in the entire world who used those kinds of symbol. He just had to confirm it. But Alfred, Lynn, Lucy and Lisa thought that he might've been over working himself, seeing how he's been up for several hours straight, without a break, or even a drink of coffee...


Alfred:"Forget about it, Miss Lynn. He's in too deep at the moment."

Lisa:"Though, it's unhealthy for anybody to be up at the time, starring deep into a computer screen."

Alfred:"And that up the question as to why you three are still up at this hour?"

Lucy:"Because we wish to help."

Lynn:"You just discovered this place. All you probably want to do is to gawk at all the cool stuff Lincoln's got."

Lucy:"That is very offensive of you."

Alfred:"I've heard enough. You three, upstairs, this instance."

Lynn:"Aw, come on, Al!"

Alfred:"I mean it."

With that, they all headed for a goodnight sleep. They hoped that Lincoln may be back to his old self by the next day. And, they were right, he seemed to be doing okay as he was heading off to work the next morning...

Lincoln:"Okay, you girls. Be good, stay safe and try not destroy the house while I'm gone."

Lori:"No problem."

Leni:"You can count on us, Lincoln!"

Luna:"You got it, bro."

Luan:"Easy as pie."

Lynn:"Done and done."

Lucy:"No worries."

Lana:"Leave it to us!"

Lola:"Not a problem at all, Lincoln."

Lisa:"Understandable, Eldest Sibling."

Lola:"(babbles agreeably)"


Lynn Sr.:"Lincoln, I'm gonna run down to the store. Do you need anything?"

Lincoln:"Oh, I don't really know. I..kinda half everything."

Lynn Sr.:"Heh. Alright, I'll see later, kiddo."


Lynn:"Welp, I'm gonna go and check out the town. See if there's anybody cool to hang out with."

Lori:"I don't know if that's a good idea, Lynn. We've literally taken a look at what most people are like in this city?"

Luna:"You mean crooks?"



Lori:"Well, that. But the fact that we were all over the news not too long ago may cause problems."

Lola:"What's wrong with that?"

Lisa:"Well, people might not take it too kindly when they see Lincoln Wayne's family around the city. Lincoln once told me that not many people really do like him."

Lynn:"Yeah, he did say that."

Lori:"Wait, when did you guys that?"


Lucy:"A few nights ago. He told me as well."

Lori:"Oh. Okay."

Lynn:"(whispers) Thanks for the save."

Lucy:"(thumbs up)"

Lynn:"But, anyway, I don't think I'll have a problem. If anybody messes with me, I'll show them who's boss."

Leni:"Just try to stay safe, Lynn."

Lynn:"Relax, I'll be fine."

In no time, she was on her bike, riding her bike down the side of the road, on some streets that didn't particularly seem 'nice'. But she didn't mind, paying no attention to anyone. She managed to find a gym, a basketball court, places that be perfect for her to hang around. And it was good for her to know that were actually some kids around her she could try to be friends with. Though, they didn't seem to friendly, as she found out when two boys came towards her, and she could tell they shady...


Boy 1:"Hey."

Boy 2:"'Sup. Never seen you before."

Lynn:"I just moved here."

Boy 1:"You got a pretty nice bike."

Lynn:"You think so?"

Boy 1:"Yeah."

Boy 2:"How's about we take it for a spin?"

Lynn:"I don't think so."

Boy 1:"Oh, but I do. Now get off MY bike."

Lynn:"Excuse me?"

Boy 2:"You heard 'em! Get off the dang bike!"

Lynn:"...Just try to take it."

Before the boys got a chance to grab her, Lynn flipped off her bike, still holding onto one of the handles. Then, she spun the handle, spinning the front of the bike, making the boys back off as she grabs hold again, making the body of the bike begin to spin until she climbed back on it. She seemed to got the boys afraid, having a smirk grow on her face...

Lynn:"You boys don't know who you're messing with!"

Boy 2:"What do we do?"

Boy 1:"...Get her!"

Lynn:"You're welcome to try."

As the second boy leaped at her, Lynn pulls on the handles and does a wheelie, making the kid as he falls into a puddle of water. Seeing the next kid charge at her, she gets off her bike the grips onto the handles vastly, beginning to swing the entire thing around she until she hits the kid in the face, knocking him down. She then saw some kids at the basketball court who were watching cheer her on as the second kid got back up...

Lynn:"Wanna give it another go?"

Boy 2:"...No thanks, I've had enough."

Seeing the attention she brought upon herself, Lynn decides to move away from the place. As she continues down the street, she soon passes a boy in a black hoodie, black hair that covered his face and looked to have been no older than her...

?:"Those were some pretty nice moves."

Lynn:"(turns around) Huh?"

?:"(faces Lynn) Where'd you learn that?"

Lynn:"...Well, most of it is just from sports."

?:"Didn't seem like that too me."

Lynn:"Why does it matter to you?"

?:"It doesn't. I'm just curious. It's because seem pretty cool."

Lynn:"Really? Because the those boys said the same thing."

?:"Hmph. Well, I mean it. My name is...Gray, by the way."

Lynn:"I'm Lynn. And frankly, I'm in the mood for conversations with strangers right now."

Gray:"I'm not stranger. Come on, I'm not gonna do anything bad."

Lynn:"...Aw, what the heck? I got time to kill and you don't seem too bad yourself."

Gray:"Cool. Let me show you around."

It was then that Lynn began to follow the kid now known as Gray around. He should him a few parts of Gotham that were meant to be like tourist locations, Lynn thought,.saying that they were alright and that it was something you wouldn't see back home. Gray said that all of it was not even all that the city began to offer, telling her that Gotham has much more to show. They eventually stop at a coffee shop where Gray orders a latte for him and Lynn, but she didn't drink any.

Gray:"You're not gonna drink any?"

Lynn:"Wouldn't be good for an athlete like me."

Gray:"Suit yourself then. (Takes a sip) You know, it was kinda nice hanging out with you. I've...sort of been wanting to see more of your moves."

Lynn:"Sorry. Not unless you give me a reason too."

Gray:"Oh well. But if you want, I could show you some of mine."

Lynn:"Pssh, yeah right. What kind of moves do you got?"

Smirking and getting up from his seat, Gray looked around to see how he could show off. Seeing a pole above their heads, Gray decides to flip from off the table, grab onto the, do a spin before backflipping back down to solid ground. His little stunt made many people applaud him and also leave Lynn speechless...

Gray:"Heh. Surprised?"

Lynn:"No way. How did you do that?"

Gray:"Years of practice. (Checks his phone) I gotta go, that's my dad."

Lynn:"I...guess I'll see you around then?"

Gray:"Maybe sooner than you think."

And so, Gray left and Lynn felt stunned for the rest of the day. Heading home, she couldn't get Gray out of her mind, almost feeling love struck. She feared of what her sisters might say, so she decides to keep it a secret for now. For now on, she made it back home and decides to take a little trip down to the cave. There, she finds Lisa on the computer, having that demon symbol on the screen and she seemed to have been typing just as fast as Lincoln was last night...

Lynn:"Lisa? You doing okay?"

Lisa:"Hmm? Oh, yes. I'm alright. I decided to look into the symbol our fair brother was looking at myself and was surprised by what I have found."

Lynn:"What did you find?"

Lisa:"Almost nothing. However, Lucy seemed to have made some progress."


Suddenly, a flock of bats blocked Lynn's vision, only for Lucy to show up behind her.


Lynn:"GAAAH! Seriously?! Now bats?!"

Lucy:"Impressive, though, right? I thought it would add some flare. Anyway, I may have actually seen that symbol before?"

Lynn:"You have?"

Lucy:"I believe it be an insignia for some sort clan."

Lisa:"Appropriately, they're known as The Demon. One of many secret societies to exist within in Gotham?"

Lynn:"One of many, you say?"

Lisa:"That's right. And they serve a common purpose. Basically, they control the entire fate of all of Gotham. But, this certain clan wishes to spread its influence worldwide."

Lynn:"Does Lincoln know about this?"

Lisa:"I believe so. He's kept some documents and research about each of these clans for some time now. He was most likely identifying which of the clan this insignia belongs to."

Lynn:"Hmm, we'll have to talk to him about that later."


Then, an alert came on screen, and Lisa switch to video feed from inside the Manor to see Lori, calling out for the three of them...

Lori:"Lisa? Lynn? Lucy? Where does everyone keep disappearing to?"

Lynn:"We should probably go up there."


Lisa:"Right. You two head first, and I'll meet up shortly."

Lynn wasn't buying that and decides to simple drag Lisa from her chair and along with her. Heading upstairs, the head to where Lori is, greeting her and trying not to be suspicious. Though, Lori could already tell something was going with these three...

Lori:"And just where were you three?"





Lori:"...You know, at this point, I would believe that, because some things in this house just seem a bit weird. Like how you, Lynn, had just so happened to have vanished the moment you came back."

Lynn:"You're not gonna at least tell me about how my day went?"

Lori:"How'd you day went?"

Lynn:"It's was fine, but I don't wanna talk about it."


Lynn:"Okay, you got me there. But, I swear we're not hiding anything."

Lori:"I would hope so. But at least tell me where you're going before disappearing."

Lynn:"Got it."

Lucy:"Consider it done."

Lisa:"Sound's reasonable."


And with that, Lori walked away from the three, allowing them all to let out a sigh of relief.

Lynn:"That was too close."

Lucy:"We have to be more careful."

Lisa:"Perhaps now would be a good time to avoid going to the cave."

Lynn:"That's fair. Let's see if we can do something else in the meantime."

Lucy:"Hmm...just out of curiosity, how did your day go?"

Lynn:"...Can you guys keep a secret for me?"


Lisa:"I suppose."

Lynn:"Well...I met this guy.."

Later at night, above Gotham City, Batman and Robin jumped from one building to another in search of crimes in progress. But so far, it seemed to be their lucky day, as there seemed to be no real crime to stop. Batman was taking any chances, knowing that if it was too quiet, something was bound to happen. Robin was mostly just craving some excitement at the moment, having been searching for hours, wanting to teach some punks a few lessons, starting to die of boredom. But as she and her partner continued through the rooftops, the voice of someone almost familiar had stopped her in her tracks.

?:"You got some pretty nice moves."

Robin:"What? Who's there?"

?:"Just a friend. No need to be alarmed."

Robin:"Come out and show yourself."

From out of the shadows, someone approached the Girl Wonder and she was surprised by what she was seeing. It was like a ninja, and he was looking sharp, literally; wearing a black suit, having knives hanging by his side, wearing some sharp looking gauntlets, a sword on his back and a masks...that resembled an Owl...on top of all that, he was around the same height as Robin...

Robin:"A little early for Halloween, don't you think?"

?:"You hear that one a lot?"

Robin:"No. I got it from TV shows."

?:"I am Talon. I've been watching your friend from sometime."

Robin:"What do you want with him?"

Talon:"...Nothing at the moment. It's you that I'm interested in."

Robin:"I don't have time to talk to strangers."

Talon:"I'm not a stranger, I'm a friend. At least, I want to be."

Robin:"Get to the point."

Talon:"Fine. A little organization of mine wants to see if Batman is worth recruiting. As their enforcer, it's my job to see that for myself. But after you showed up as the Bat's new partner, I wanted to see if you were worth it as well. From what I can tell, you mean ruthless, cunning and are willing cross a few lines that Batman won't."

Robin:"That's a little...flaw of mine. I'm working on that."

Talon:"Did Batman the you it was a flaw?"

Robin:"Look, you can tell whoever you work for that me and Batman aren't interested."

Talon:"Hmph. That'd be a huge lost, they pay six figures. But I guess you're not really in it for the money, are you? Another thing that intrigues me."

Robin:"Six figures? ...Nah."

Talon:"Please, think it over. It would be nice working with you."

Robin crossed her arms and looked away, giving Talon the opportunity to vanish, leaving her looking to where he had gone...

Talon:"(echoing) I'll be in touch."

Robin:"Huh. We usually do that to other people."

Heading back over to where Batman was, she sees her partner prowling over the streets, seeing a crime in progress. Two thugs were beating a poor man and harassing his wife, and they were planning to have 'fun' with the woman while the put her husband out of his misery. Batman continued to prowl, but Robin felt like she couldn't let this go on...

Robin:"What's the matter? What are you waiting for?"

Batman:"Be patient, Robin. Wait for the right moment to-"

Robin:"This is the right moment! I can't let this go on!"

Without any further hesitation, Robin jumps from the rooftop, despite Batman's orders. All the while, the goons were about to cut through the lady's shirt...

Thug:"How about we have a little dance, lady?"

While the thug held a knife to her throat, Robin tossed a shuriken at him, hitting the knife out of his hands and getting their attentions...

Robin:"Mind if I cut in?"

Thug 2:"Who the hell is that?"

Thug 1:"Who cares? Just kill her!"

Heading straight for the kid, she brings out her staff and begins to show the two who's boss, rapidly hitting their faces, countering every pathetic attack they made and soon enough beats them to the ground. All while the poor woman and her husband watch...

Robin:"Get out of here."

As the couple leave, Robin picks up the knife that the thug has and begins to play with it a little. The thugs struggle to pick themselves up as they see the little terror towering over them...

Thug 1:"Hey, give us a break, kid! We're already down!"

Robin:"Sorry, buddy. That's not in the cards for you."


Seeing his partner ready to go for the kill, Batman intervenes and takes the knife from her hands, throwing it away. Then he simply scowls at her as he takes her by the arm and states that they're done here. Heading back to the rooftops, the two of them have a little discussion...

Batman:"What was that? You never acted like that before."

Robin:"I guess I just didn't like the look on the guy's face."

Batman:"That's no excuse. You were this close to killing him."

Robin:"You didn't know what I was gonna do!"

Batman:"We arrest, maybe even brutalize. But we do NOT kill."

Robin:"Yeah. Believe me, I know that!"

Batman:"I would hope so. Otherwise..."

Robin:"I'd be fired. Got it."

Batman:"...All I'm doing is teaching you, Lynn. That's all...Head back home for now. You need a break."

Robin:"And you don't?"

Batman:"I never do."

Seeing Batman leave her on the roof, Robin kicks at gravel as she calls on the Batwing to come pick her up...

Talon:"You did well today."


Talon:"You proven to have the will to do what Batman cannot."

Robin:"I just got a little angry, man. I don't know what you're talking about."

Talon:"I bet you do though. You delivering no mercy to thugs because you understood that they were irredeemable."

Robin:"Stop pretending that you know me! You don't."

Talon:"You're right. I don't..."

It was then that he takes off his mask, revealing his true identity to Robin. She was looking at the face of the boy she saw earlier today...


Talon:"'s Grayson. Richard Grayson."

Robin:"What?! The Richard Grayson?! From The Flying Graysons?!"


Robin:"Oh my gosh. You cannot believe how big of a fan I am! And I'm truly sorry for what happened to your family-"

Grayson:"That's all behind me now. I've moved on."


Grayson:"Yeah. I've become a whole new person, and I'm a whole different person now."

Robin:"'re like me. You became a hero too."

Grayson:"Something like that, yes. A hero that this city truly deserves."

Robin:"..But, wait. Did you kill Zuko? Anthony Zuko?"

Grayson:"Hmm. So you know about that. Yes, I did. But, can you blame me? He murdered my parents, destroyed my family, ruined my some way, it was the most logical thing to do. The organization I'm with had taught me that there's no need for mercy. That it's okay to let vengeance guide my actions. Batman would understand too, I'm certain. He has to have felt vengeful everyday, otherwise, he wouldn't show the brutality he gives to criminals."

Robin:"I'm not sure if I can agree with what you're saying."

Grayson:"I'm not gonna force you to do anything. But you've proven that you're willing to overstep your boundaries, to cross lines when necessary. want Ol' Bats to be holding you back forever, do you?"

Robin:"He doesn't-"

Grayson:"My point is that you could do so much more for the city if you help us out..."

He then takes out some sort of devices and tosses it over to Robin...

Grayson:"Whenever you want to...give me a call and we'll talk some more. It's not a tracker or listening device, but use it and I'll show up..."

Robin grips the thing in her hands, just as the Batwing arrives to take her home. She then notices that Grayson was gone again. To think that her idle would take steps like this. It made her feel conflicted. Was he right? Does Batman hold her back? These are questions that she have answered tomorrow...

The next day, Lynn was in the Batcave, holding the device in her hands as she then saw Lincoln come down and get onto the Batcomputer...

Lynn:"Lincoln, we need to talk."

Lincoln:"Whatever it is, it can wait. I need to search for the League of Assassins."


Lincoln:"They are who the Demon symbol belong too. If they're in Gotham City, I need to tell them to leave...again."

Lynn:"So, would now be the best time to suit up?"

Lincoln:"Just me this time?"

Lynn:"What? This isn't about

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