Chapter 10: The Enigma

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Lucy:"Can you show me the cave?"


Lucy:"How about your costume?"


Lucy:"Or a weapon?"


Lucy:"Can't you show me anything?"

Lynn:"Not really."

Lucy:"Oh, come on."

Lynn:"Give it a rest, Lucy."

Ever since she found out about Lincoln and Lynn's secret, Lucy hasn't stopped bugging her sister with questions, all of which Lynn had rejected answering. Lynn considered herself lucky that Lincoln hasn't found out that Lucy found out, otherwise, she could kiss being Robin goodbye. And she's only been Robin for a few weeks, she can't afford to lose such a privilege. She's got to find a way to keep Lincoln from finding out and to make sure Lucy doesn't discover anything else. Both of which were easier said than done. Since her brother was at work today, Lynn only had to worry about keep Lucy from finding out any secrets, such as-

Lucy:"...Found it."

...Secret entrances to the Batcave...

Lynn:"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! NO!"

Rushing towards the Study, Lynn sees Lucy opening up the Clock Entrance and stops her in the nick of time...

Lynn:"What do you think you're doing?!"

Lucy:"I just wanted to see."

Lynn:"That's a combination lock, Lucy. One wrong move and you might have a gazillion volts of electricity coursing through your body."

Lucy:"...I'm sorry. I let my curiosity get the better of me."

Lynn:"Lucy, take it from me, being in the cave and being with Batman, it gets old real quick."

Lucy:"Maybe for someone like you, but this is a chance for me to connect with my older brother. I finally realize why he hasn't been around as much as I feel like he should have. And I now realize the tole of what the death of his adoptive parents took on him. I want to be there for him."


Lucy:"If that means having to part of his other life, I'm willing to except that burden as well."

Lynn:"Lincoln wouldn't have wanted you to be part of it, Lucy. Trust me, he didn't want it for me either, but I forced my way into it. This is his way of protecting you, protecting all of us."

Lucy:"But he shouldn't have to deal with all of this alone. If he's gonna protect us, than we're gonna protect him."

Never did she think that Lucy would be so generous and caring instead of being gothic and creepy. She does really to care for Lincoln, just as much as Lynn does. And if it wasn't for Lucy, they wouldn't have managed to find Lincoln, having discovered his baby book and lead them to re-discovering his existence. With all that, Lynn supposed that she does deserve at least a glimpse of the place. With that, Lynn sighed and began opening up the entrance for her...

Lynn:"Alright. Now, we just need to make sure it looks like you never stepped foot in it. So, please be-"

She then noticed that Lucy already walked in ahead of her...

Lynn:"...Careful. Oh, boy."

Meanwhile, at Wayne Enterprises, things seemed to have been going awry as the network seemed to be locked out for everybody. From the looks of it, someone seem to have hacked into the system, and the only source seems to a green question mark showing up on every computer screen...

Lincoln:"Lucius? What's happening?"

Lucius:"Someone has hacked into our entire system! I don't know who or how, but this is some of the greatest hacking I've seen. I can't access anything."

Lincoln:"I've seen that symbol before."

Back at the Batcave, Lisa was receiving the same thing on the computer just as Lynn and Lucy were coming and noticed what was going on.

Lynn:"What's going on?"

Lisa:"Someone is attempting to lockdown the Network for Wayne Enterprises! I'm trying to isolate the problem and slow it down, but whoever's doing the hacking is doing a pretty good job at it. (Turns around) And-LUCY?!"

Lucy:"I see you were in on this too."

Lisa:"You let her in?!"

Lynn:"She found out on her own. She wouldn't leave me alone!"

Lisa:"Grr...Nevermind that then. We'll solve one problem at a time."

Lynn:"Any idea on who's behind the hacking?"

Lisa:"Oh, I have a good idea who. And I believe that you might be acquainted with mastermind."

Seeing the bright green question mark show up on their screen left Lynn and Lincoln with only one word in mind...


Lucy:"I'm guessing this is the work of a bad guy."

Lynn:"Yep. We call this guy Enigma, and for good reason. Guy's a total mystery who planned to blackmail all of Gotham. He's had us going after sensitive data about everyone for days now."

Lisa:"And now, it seems he's managed to hack into the system for Wayne Enterprises."

Lucy:"Wow. This guy must be pretty smart for him to do that."

Lynn:"No duh, Captain Obvious. And right about now, we've got nothing on this guy's identity."

Lisa:"The only thing I've managed to get out of Enigma, besides the extortion is something a little strange. It's just a bunch of riddles that are honestly kind of easy to solve. But what do riddles have to do with any of this?"

Lucy:"...They're a puzzle."


Lucy:"It's like a game. Whatever riddle you solve correctly, you're allowed to proceed."

Lincoln:"And with each riddle solved, a new location for extortion data arrives on the map."

Lucius:"But these locations are scattered all over the city."

Lincoln:"I know. Some of them, I've already been to, so I can mark those as completed. But it's not like the extortion files are leading me anywhere."

Lucius:"I don't think that's the point. This is just a game this Enigma wants you play."

Lynn:"Yeah, well this game's ending right now! We're gonna find this guy and take him down!"

Lucy:"But you don't know where he is."

Lisa:"On the contrary..."

Lincoln:"I've had Lisa do a little tracing to where a the locations of extortion data have been connected to, and we found something. Hopefully, Enigma's HQ."

Lucius:"Well, let's hope that your bring him down to Justice, Mr. Wayne."

Lincoln:"Thanks Lucius. But first, there might be something that could help a little."

Lynn:"Me and Lincoln are gonna head over to meet Harvey Dent and ask if he has a good idea of who Enigma really is."

Lucy:"You think he might know?"

Lynn:"Lincoln said that Dent knows just about every criminal in Gotham. Even cyber ones. He's gotta know who this guy is."

Lincoln:"You still have my spare suit here?"

Lucius:"Right where it's always been, Mr. Wayne."


Lynn:"'Cause now would be a good time to change."

Soon after, Batman and Robin make their appearance and head over to Harvey Dent's office. While in the Batmobile, Batman covers his nose from an odor that is stinking up his vehicle.

Batman:"You know, you didn't have to come this time."

Robin:"And miss the chance to wear this suit? Now way!"

Batman:"The same suit I was gonna ask Alfred to watch because of the smell?"

Robin:"(sniffs her suit) Oh, I see."

Batman:"We just need a name from Dent. Hopefully, he might now who this Enigma."

Robin:"I sure hope so. I really wanna put a stop to this guy."

Batman:"Me too."

Arriving at Harvey Dent's office, the district attorney was inside, looking over some cases as he then got a visit from two unexpected guests who appeared right then and there...

Harvey:"My God, Batman."

Batman:"Mr. Dent. I need your help with something."

Harvey:"My help? Of course. What is it?"

Batman:"Are you familiar with anyone who uses this symbol as their insignia?"

As he showed a picture of a Green Question Mark to the Attorney, Harvey got a pretty good idea what this meant.

Harvey:"I've seen this before. It's related to a man who used to be called Edward Nashton. He used to be part of Gotham PD's Cyber Crime Unit. In fact, he was the Head of it. But then, he was laid off after sending out some sensitive information. And during trial, he did tend to ask a lot of questions, some almost like riddles."

Batman:"Seems to fit the profile of our man."

Harvey:"Another thing was he recently changed his name to Edward Nigma."

Robin:"Edward Nigma? Yeah, that is no coincidence."

Batman:"Any idea where he is now?"

Harvey:"I'm afraid not. He practically dropped off the face of the Earth about ago."

Batman:"I guess we'll have to make due with what we got."

Harvey:"Oh, and Batman, sorry to bother you about this. About my proposal."

Batman:"...You're a good man, Dent. Gotham needs more people like you. If we work together, I promise that we will crush crime in Gotham within a year."

Harvey:"So, is that a yes?"

Batman:"When this is over, we'll talk."

With no more said, the duo left the attorney's office, keeping Dent in suspense for a decision. Continuing to drive through the streets, Batman was receiving a message from Oracle, who at the moment, was working non-stop on the bat computer, having Lucy wipe some sweat from her brow...

Oracle:"Batman, this is Oracle, I think I have a lead on Enigma."

Batman:"And I got a name, Edward Nigma. Can you find anything on him?"

Oracle:"Already did. I found out that the places where he had set up his relay towers are transferring data to one location that's well hidden. Look for the billboard."

Batman:"Got it. Thanks, Oracle."

Robin:"Alright. Let's go pay Enigma a little visit."

Speeding through, all the way to South Gotham, Batman and Robin find the billboard Oracle had talked about. Apparently, it hid a lot of servers behind it, and Oracle seemed certain that this was where Enigma had set up shop. Finding the least durable part of the billboard's structure, Batman breaks through it and discovers and hidden door. Heading inside, they entered a rather large space, like the inside of a warehouse, lit up by some green lights, having parts and pieces that seem to be for various puzzles. and there was even a computer made up of various monitors by the far wall. The only thing this place was missing was the man in question...

Batman:"Enigma? Where are you?"

Enigma:"(through P.A.) How'd did you-?! Where did you-?!"

Robin:"Show yourself, buddy! Let's make this easy for each other!"

Enigma:"Sorry, I'm pretty busy right now! But, don't worry, I have some things you can play with while I finish up on my work."

Robin:"What does he mean by that?"

Just then, straight from a conveyor belt, robots that glowed in the same green color as the rest of place started activating and had surrounded the duo, who took a stance...

Batman:"Well, this is a new one."

Enigma:"Riddle me this, Batman. What's the best solution to an impossible problem?"

Batman:"It's not simply giving up. That's for sure."

Enigma:"You should rethink your answer, Dark Knight. You won't have much time to do so."

Robin:"Let's bash some bots."

And so, the duo now faced against an army of robots that seemed to be nothing more than a mere annoyance. Though, one must admit that these droids were rather agile and powerful, they still had their flaws, being how they looked to have been made out of scrap parts, and that they're abdomen seemed to be made of glass spheres. But they were numerous in numbers, and weren't getting any weaker. Batman and Robin needed to think fast, as they couldn't hold them off for much longer. But then, Batman looked up to see a control booth up on the upper level, having a hunch that Enigma might be in there...

Batman:"Robin, to me!"

Robin:"You got it, boss!"

Taking a their grapple guns, they lunched themselves over to where the control is. Barging in, they find...nobody. Just the controls being automated by some sort device hooked on. The left Batman and Robin a little bit disappointed...

Enigma:"You thought it was gonna be that easy? You're just a naive as I predicted."

Robin:"No more games, smart-a**! Show yourself!"

Enigma:"No can do, you little brat! Like I said, I'm too busy to deal with the likes of you. And don't you even dare touch that device!"

Batman:"You mean...this one?"

Enigma:"Yes, that!"

Without a second thought, Batman takes out a batarang and stabs the device, destroying it and it seems to shut down everything in the whole place...

Enigma:"You fool! You may have shut down the facility, but I am still untouchable from where you're standing! Might as well just go home, Dark Knight, because you will never find me!"

Batman:"...You're behind the wall, aren't you?"


Taking a deep breath, Batman elbows the wall and it ends getting destroyed. On the other side, a hidden room full of monitors and keyboards, and a man, wearing a white button shirt, green sweater vest, light brown trousers and glasses was sitting on a swivel chair and looking like he was losing self confidence as the two vigilantes confronted him...

Enigma:"Gah! You cheated! That's not fair!"

Batman:"Maybe if this were a game, but it's not. You've lost!"

Enigma:"N-No! He promised me I'd be safe! He'd say I'd be protected. H-H-He promised!"

Robin:"Well, that settles it. Heads up!"

Batman:"Robin, wait!"

Without any real warning, Robin punches Enigma's lights out, much to Batman's dismay...

Batman:"We could've questioned him."



It was then that Batman noticed on one of the monitors a symbol. Not a question mark, it was something else. It almost looked the Head of some kind of demon, but he couldn't put his finger on it. After dropping Enigma off for the police, the duo begin to ride home, with Robin soon remembering something...


Batman:"What is it?"

Robin:"There's something I've got to tell you."

Batman:"Whatever it is, it can wait. There's something else going on here, something much bigger."

Robin:"What do you mean?"

Batman:"Enigma was a pawn in some bigger game than this. I fear that a storm is coming."

Robin:"Well...actually what I need to tell you cannot wait. It's kind of important."

Batman:"Fine. What is it?"

Batman figured it out himself back at the Batcave, having his cowl off and looking unamused as he saw that Lucy was here, and he could tell she was happy to find out that her own flesh and blood was Batman...

Lucy:"This is happiest day of my life."


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