Chapter XV

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Tauriel's pov

When the horn blew with the cries from the orcs, I stood up from behind the wall. It was a mess, only a small group of elves against a crowd of orcs. I paused, contemplating my options. Wouldn't Legolas notice me if I started shooting at the orcs? I didn't want to risk it, but it is my job to protect Mirkwood, and this was the best time to protect it.

I pulled out my bow, and started shooting at the orcs. Only after shooting three orcs, I realized my quiver was out of arrows.

I guess I forgot to refill the quiver this morning. "Dear Mordor." I mumble as I run towards the stairs. By the time I reach the floor most of the battle had ended. The stream of orcs ended and the ones on the battle ground where the only ones left. I ran towards one and took it down. I continue to fight, trying hard to stay away from Legolas.

As the orcs were dying, I noticed that Legolas seemed to be looking more pale. I couldn't help but be concerned about him, and I almost got hit watching Legolas. Luckily, I dodged the orc's attack and stabbed them.

Suddenly I saw Legolas stumble, dropping his bow and almost collapsing. He wasn't looking up and he even placed his hand onto his forehead. I see behind him an orc that charged towards him.

Serion yells at Legolas, but my feet were already moving. I killed the orc as Legolas collapsed. I turn towards him, concerned and confused. Then another orc drew my attention. I continue to fight, keeping near Legolas. There were only a few orcs left, and it didn't take long to finish them off.

Once I saw the area was clear, I turn towards Legolas. He is laying on the ground, not moving at all. I hurry over to his side, and turn him onto his back. His skin started to feel dry, and he was turning more pale. His eyes flutter open and he looks at me.

"Tauriel?" He asks before growing unconscious.

I gasped, shocked by his recognition of me. For a reason I didn't know, it almost hurt me.

"Hurry up Legolas!" The young me yells to the elfling climbing the tree after me.

"I am doing my best!" Little Legolas yells back, huffing as he grabs holds onto the trunk of the tree.

"Why are you slow?" I say back, taunting him.

"You may be better at climbing trees than me, Tauriel, but I can beat you at archery." He finally grips onto a branch.

I kick my feet back and forth. "I think I won last time." I say, smirking.

I hear a grunt from Legolas, making me look down. He wasn't below me.

"You cheated that time." Legolas says behind me, making me jump.

"Hey that's not nice!" I say, grasping tighter onto the tree. "You almost made me fall."

He laughs, plopping down on a branch near me. We both watch as the leaves rustle and the sun sets behind it.

"Tauriel." Legolas doesn't take his eyes off the sunset. "Can you promise me that we will always be friends?"

I look at him confused. "Of course, but why do you ask?"

Legolas looks downward with a sad expression on his face. "I will be starting my apprenticeship tomorrow with Kendieth. I don't know if I will be able to see you much, and it will only get more strenuous later on."

I sigh. "There you go again."

"What?" Legolas half yells. "What does that mean?"

I laugh, making him laugh. When we stop, I could tell in his eyes that he was sad.

"Legolas, are you really that worried about this all?" I ask.

Legolas shifts on the branch. "I am afraid that once I don't see you often, you will forget about me."

I smile at him. "I will promise that won't happen."

Legolas looks at me. "Really?"

I grab his hand, holding it firmly. "I wouldn't forget our friendship even if I tried."


By the time my flashback ended, I was crying. I hear behind me a rushed voice.

"Prince Legolas!" Serion runs over to us.

I back away as a few of the other elves collected around Legolas. I was shaking, and almost dropped my sword. I look at the group, meeting eyes with Serion.

"Why weren't you at your post?" Serion asks, stress and anger flooding his voice.

"I..." I couldn't put my thoughts into words. Serion looks back at the prince. Some of the elves starting caring for the prince and a few other elves injured by the fight.

"I can't be seen with him." I whisper.

"What?" Serion asks.

Tears started flooding my eyes again. "I am not supposing to be around him, so I hid when you came over here."

Serion pauses, not saying anything, he waves his hands at the other elves, as they proceed to put Legolas on a stretcher that one of the elves made. He stands up sighing.

"We have to take him to the medics." He points to one of the elves standing guard. "Take over Tauriel's spot." He looks at me. "Follow us."

I pause. "I can't..."

"Come now!" Serion snaps.

I was shocked by Serion's persistence, and decide it was safer to follow his orders.

I follow him as we walk back to the entrance. I tried hard not to look over at Legolas, but the more I saw him, the more it hurt.

I had forgotten our friendship, something I had promised never to do.

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