Chapter XIV

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Legolas pov

I had the feeling right as Serion was explaining the missing guard. My hands quickly drew my bow, and I aimed at the nearest sound. Only seconds later, an orc bellows out from behind the trees. I shoot it, seeing a group of them emerge behind the dead one.

"Sound the alarms!" I shout as I take down another orc.

Serion pulls his sword out and turns towards the guard not far down the wall.

"The horn!" He shouts as the guard grabs a horn and blows it. At the sounds I hear the orcs scream in reply, making a cacophony of noise.

It didn't stop me, and I continued to shoot more arrows at the orcs. It was all going smoothly, the orcs were starting to dwindle as more elves came to support.

I kill another orc, and immediately felt a sharp pain in my head. I stumble, and drop my bow. The world around me seems to grow dim.

"Legolas!" I hear a shout from Serion, but I couldn't stop myself from falling to the ground.

My vision continues to darken as I hear yells and screeches from the orcs. The pain spread to my chest and my breathing became heavy.

It wasn't long after I collapse that someone comes and rolls me over to my back. The throbbing only gets worse and it spreads throughout the rest of my body. Through the pain I was able to open my eyes, and was surprised at what I saw.

"Tauriel?" I mutter as I lose consciousness.

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