The Black Door

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Sam's POV
All six of us were sat in an empty classroom as we discussed Scott's film, I had asked if I could join and Scott said yes, he said they could use an extra pair of hands.

Scott" Okay, so we have a big problem,the climactic demise of Nephropidae.The first cut came out a bit rubbish"

Sam" What, don't think we cracked the lobster?"

Scott lets a laugh out.

Scott" Good one.But it's not all bad news, however.I found another solution"

Kinsey" And by "I," you mean"

Scott" We, sorry, none of this would've been possible without the brilliant Kinsey Locke"

Gabe" I'm sorry, none of what, exactly?"

I shift myself on the table I am sitting on.

Sam" Oh, I came up with an idea for his film and turns out we had the same idea"

Scott" So she helped me write a few extra scenes that I really think will make this thing sing, and Kinsey, Sam and I have already shot one"

Faye"And how's that? All the equipment's in my van"

Sam" Well, we, Kinsey had a work around"

Douglas looks up from his phone.

Douglas" Shit"

Scott" What is it?"

Douglas" We lost the Matheson Docks"

Gabe" As in they they sunk?"

Douglas" As in Mr.Peta the owner, won't let us film there"

Scott"Why not?"

Douglas"He doesn't wanna deal with potential liability Blah, blah.See, there's a reason no one wants to shoot in Matheson.This town is so not ready for it's big break"

Sam" He is right, with a reputation like Mattheson I don't blame anyone"

Scott" Okay, it's fine.It's okay.
We will find something else, all right? We have to, okay? This is the pivotal scene.This is our hero's epic showdown with Nephropidae inside his lair, okay? Let's think on it and regroup tomorrow, all right?"

Billie's POV

I'm just about to get something to eat when i see Kinsey sitting on her bed looking worn out.

Billie" Hey, you okay sis?"

Kinsey" Oh hey, just a big day, we have to find a new place to shoot Scott's film and can I show you something?"

Billie" Sure"

I slip onto Kinsey's bed as she brings over a bag and it's full of paint pots and they are glowing orange.

Billie" What are they?"

Kinsey" Tyler and I found another key it was in a pot in the graveyard, we then stuck it in a glowing tree and these rose from the ground"

I pick one up.

Billie" Wow, these are so cool"

Kinsey" Wait till you see what is in there?"

Billie" What is in them?"

Kinsey" They are Duncan's memories"

Billie" Did you just say Duncan's memories?"

Kinsey" Yeah, it's like someone took them out of his head"

Billie" This is so cool, well not for Duncan, it's like my memories are in jars with tennis balls in"

Kinsey"And mine have candy in boxes"

A bark sounds and Bailey comes running in with a ball.

Billie" Hey Bailey,we can't play in the house, come on come up"

Bailey hops up on the bed and starts sniffling the paint jars. He then starts barking.

Billie" Definitely something aren't they boy"

Kinsey" Look at all these"

There was paint jars with Duncan and Dad playing around in the garden, playing pranks on teachers and even playing with the family dog.

Billie" Hey look that must be Whistle, dad told us about him"

Kinsey" I remember him slightly"

Billie" Has Tyler seen these?"

Kinsey" Yeah, he was with me when we found them but he doesn't want anything to do with these keys anymore"

Billie" Oh, well his loss, can I tell you Bode this?"

Kinsey" Of course, you would anyway wouldn't you"

Billie" Yeah"

Sam's POV

All of us huddled around Scott's iPad watching the scene we had filmed yesterday.

Scott" It's a time lapse effect"

Gabe" Yeah, great work, guys.
It's magical"

He knows, he knows we used the keys.

Douglas" I mean, yeah, it's cool, but let me be the one to state the obvious here, I mean, what's Nephropidae doing chasing Amanda through the woods? He's a sea monster"

Scott lets an annoyed sigh.

Scott" We've been over this, Douglas, okay? He's both water and land based, look, what we really need to be focusing our energy on is finding a new location for our final showdown, Okay? Now, there are no bad ideas"

Douglas" We could build one"

Scott" With what budget?"

Gabe" We could construct miniatures and then film it in bathtubs"

Scott" I stand corrected, there are definitely bad ideas"

Douglas" I thought this was a safe place"

Scott" Well, I'm sorry Douglas, but we're making a monster piece here"

Kinsey" I have an idea. What if we shoot in the sea caves?"

Scott" Uh,I don't think that's a good idea.You know that they're nicknamed the "Drowning Caves" for a reason?"

Kinsey" It's really not that scary as long as you're careful. I've been down there before, it's insanely cool!"

Faye" No, it would be a bitch to get all our equipment down there"

Douglas" There are rumors that place was like a government site. What if there's radiation or something? I don't want to grow a third arm"

Gabe" You guys are being such killjoys right now.Come on! I actually love this idea"

Sam" Yeah, come on bro, this sounds like a brilliant idea, pleaseeee, I mean, where's your sense of adventure?"

Kinsey" Yeah, you said yourself, you don't want it to look like some cheap, hacky, home-made film, right?"

Scott" Well, obviously"

Gabe" Okay, unless someone's got a better idea, I vote sea caves"

Scott" All right, sea caves. Let's do it"

Billie's POV
Bode and I were playing our switches when I looked at him.

Bode" Can you hear that?"

Billie" Whispering, another key"

Bode and I leap off the bed and follow the whispering downstairs. I find it under the needle of the sewing machine being careful not to cut myself.

Billie" Where do you think it goes?"

Bode" Come on let's go find out"

The whispering leads us to a wardrobe in the kitchen.

Bode" Perhaps this is a Narnia situation"

Both of us get in and I shut the door. I then open it and both of us step out.

Billie" It looks just like our world"

Mum enters the kitchen and Bode and I sigh.

Mum" Morning, kiddos. Want some cereal?, You found the key! That's great.I found that cabinet in the basement a few weeks ago"

Bode" There's nothing magical about it"

Mum" Well, not yet.Wait till I refinish it"

Later that day Mum, Kinsey and Tyler had gone to Joe's funeral, he was someone who worked at secondary school. Uncle Duncan had been tasked with looking after us though he was currently on the sofa with a migraine.

Bode" Hey, Uncle Duncan, do you wanna go outside and explore?"

Uncle Duncan" I wish I could, buds, but not now.I'm sorry, I'm still fighting this migraine. I think I'm almost on the other side of it. I'm gonna have to take a raincheck, okay?"

Both of us sigh heavily and head outside.

Billie" We'll be outside"

Bode" Hope you feel better"

We wrapped up in our coats and boots, the snow still covered the ground though most of it had turned to slush. Both of us picked up small sticks and began whacking the hedges in the graveyard. I then whip around and so does Bode. There is Well lady.

Well Lady" Hello, Bode, Billie"

Bode" What do you want?"

Well Lady" I'm going to give you one last chance to give me the keys"

Twins" Never"

Billie" And we know you can't take them from us"

She grabs us both viciously and whispers to us.

Well Lady" You have no idea what's coming.It's gonna destroy your family and you'll be the one responsible.Don't say I didn't warn you"

Sam's POV

Sam" Per Kinsey idea, all six of us headed down to the caves"

We stand at the mouth of the cave and Scott begins to set up his equipment.

Douglas"Man, it really does feel like some otherworldly creature could be lurking here, huh?"

Sadie" Exactly.Come on!"

Sam" Now, this is cool.I mean, kinda scary, but really cool"

Kinsey" Pretty awesome, right?"

Scott" Yeah, it's amazing"

Douglas" Yeah, the Matheson Docks are just like, a super embarrassing memory right now"

Scott" All right, what if we put the camera here? We can catch the shot of this dramatic entrance"

Douglas" That's perfect! Plus we get all this nice lighting in the back side"

Sadie" Shall we set up? Kinsey, you got the tripod? Kinsey? Kinsey?"

Kinsey" I think we should keep going"

Scott" What? No, no, no, no. This place is perfect!"

Kinsey"No! There's a better location further in"

Douglas" Yeah, I don't know about that.That tunnel looks a little hard on the ankles.And it's wet"

Sadie"Yeah, and we'd have to bring all this equipment down there"

Scott" Yeah guys, seriously, I don't want anybody to get hurt, and I don't think I have phone signal here"

Sam" My brothers right,this is perfect Kinsey"

Kinsey" Look, I'm telling you it's safe.And it's gonna be totally worth it.Trust me"

Gabe" Sounds like she knows what she's talking about, guys. For Nephropidae"

I stand with twin and both of us are unsure as the others venture deep into the cave.

Douglas" Never question my commitment to my craft ever again"

Sadie" I only said that because you were the one who insisted on shooting from your dad's freaking La-Z-Boy"

Douglas" It was the best angle, okay?"


They venture down until we can't see them, I exchange looks with Scott.

Scott" Hey guys, wait a minute"

We follow the others through the tunnel and reach their stop where Sadie and Douglas are already setting up the equipment.

Sam" Yeah, okay"

Scott" Yeah, you were right, Kinsey"

Sadie" Wow, Doug gave his approval.This, my friends, is a miracle cave"

Kinsey" Told you guys"

Douglas"I can see Nephropidae crawling out - from, like, right over there"

Sadie" Oh, I love it.What do you think, Scott? Scott?"

Scott" Oh, sorry, I was just practicing my Oscar speech - in my head"

I sat down on one of the rocks and sit down while they all continue to set up. Sadie has hopped down to capture shots.

Sadie" Uh, guys? What is happening here?

Sam" Oh, shit.I think the tide's coming in"

Douglas" We're already in so far.How can it get all the way in here?"

Scott" Well, it's the ocean, Doug.It's pretty bloody agile, yeah? Pack up everything, we're leaving now"

I start panicking, if we don't get out of here we will drown. I take Scott's arm.

Sam" Oh man, this really isn't good.Where's Kinsey?"

Scott"I don't know, Kinsey! I'm gonna go get her"

Gabe"I'll get her.You guys go"

Scott" No, we'll wait!"

Gabe" No, that's putting everyone else in danger.Get out of here! I'll meet you"

Gabe disappears upwards to find Kinsey.

Scott"We can't wait, we have to go now!"

Sadie" What about our equipment?"

Scott" Leave the stuff we have to swim"

Douglas"No, no, no, I don't think I can do that, okay? Maybe if we just climb high enough"

Scott" There is no high enough, Doug, okay? This thing is filling up and it's filling fast.Okay? If we don't go now, I promise you we will drown"

Sam" I'm scared too"

Scott" Look I'll help you, Sadie will help Doug"

All four of us slip into the water and Scott takes one last look for Kinsey before we all jump under.

Scott" Nice and steady"

Sadie" Oh, my God.It's cold! It's really cold!"

Scott" We've got to swim to the other cavern.It's coming up"

Sam" I'm so scared what if I don't make it"

Scott" I won't let that happen, come on I've got you"

All of us duck under again and Scott swims beside me and we eventually make it to the other side all of us breathing heavy.

Kinsey and Gabe appear not long after us and both hop up absolutely soaking.

Gabe" That was fun"

Scott"Why didn't you tell us that could happen?"

Kinsey" I didn't know!"

Douglas" Even though you're such an expert on the caves?"

Scott" We could've all died!"

Kinsey" I know, I'm sorry.I'm so sorry, but at least we're all safe"

Sadie" We lost all our gear!"

Kinsey" So? We'll replace it! I'll replace it!"

Sam" With what money Kinsey, do you have that sort of money lying around?"

Scott" Kinsey, do you know how many hours of scooping ice cream it took me to buy all that stuff?"

Kinsey" You said you wanted a good location, so I"

Scott" Oh, bullshit! You left us down there, did you even care about this film at all? Why are we even here?"

Kinsey" I have more to worry about than your stupid little film, okay?"

Everyone looks taken aback.

Scott" I never should have trusted you. Never"

Sam" You didn't even think about us did you, it was all about you"

Story Notes
So The Scott and his crew head down to the sea caves for their film and almost drown and Bode and Billie have another surprise visit from The Well Lady.

Authors Notes
I really hope you liked this, let me know what you thought, I always appreciate comments.

Thanks X

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