Over 3,000 words. Enjoy!
Billie's POV
Bode and I were going over plans to stop Well Lady from invading our home again and taking Bode and I hostage this time. I exchange looks with Bode both of us have stopped what we have doing.
Billie" Can you hear that?"
Bode" It's got be another key, come on"
Both of us leg it downstairs and find Tyler and Kinsey in the drawing room.
Kinsey" You hear that? It's coming from the piano"
Tyler"Okay Hold on, we we should think about this"
Kinsey" It's the whispering, just like the twins said"
Bode and I come out from the shadows.
Billie" You guys can hear it, too?"
Bode" What'd you find?"
Tyler" Okay, shh,mum's still asleep"
Billie" Let us see"
I take it from Kinsey and then a lightbulb goes off in my head.
Billie" Bode and I have seen this before somewhere, I think it was..."
Bode" That box on the top shelf off the cabinet"
I start to pull a chair out until Tyler Shhhes me.
Billie" We need to get that brown box up there, with the swirls"
Bode" We saw it when we were unpacking"
Tyler is the one who gets it down since he is the tallest and we set it down on one the side tables. We open it up and there is a doll with a head missing and music accompanies it.
Kinsey" Abracadabra? I think it's broken"
Tyler" So, we can all hear them now.What does that mean?"
Billie" That means we can all be the protectors of the keys"
Bode" Well Lady can't take them from us"
Kinsey" We haven't seen her for, like, over two weeks"
Bode" So? In her world that could be, like, five minutes"
Billie" She could be, like, 10,000 years old!"
Kinsey" Yeah, okay, Billie.
Billie" And she's still out there!"I know"
Tyler" All right, so, for safety's sake, we should split up the keys, where are the other ones?"
Bode" Right here"
Bode then pulls the keys from on a string, we had both decided we should keep them on our person. We took turns.
Bode" Head Key, Mirror Key and Ghost Key"
Tyler" Okay, Kinsey, you take this new music box one, Bode
you keep the the Ghost Key, Billie you keep the head Key and I'll take the mirror key"
Billie" Oooo yes, the head key is my favourite"
I take the head key in my hands.
Tyler" Always keep them with you and by the way, before we use the keys, we're all talking about it first"
Kinsey" Enough with the orders! We can manage ourselves"
Tyler"Yeah, you're in great shape"
Kinsey" Just because I don't have fear doesn't make me irrational, so, shut your mouth, Tyler"
Kinsey wasn't helping her case in my opinion.
Kinsey" Mm besides, it's not like you're so above using the keys. Didn't you use the Head Key to try and get with Jackie?"
Tyler says nothing, he is moaning like he can't open his mouth.
Kinsey" Hmm? Didn't you?"
Tyler still doesn't answer.
Kinsey" All right, very funny"
Tyler starts trying to pull his hands over his mouth, what was going on, then it hit me.
Billie" Oh my god, it's the key, Kinsey"
Kinsey" Tyler Slap yourself in the face"
Tyler does just that.
Bode" How'd you do that?"
Kinsey" I think Billie is right it's the music box, Tyler, open your mouth"
Tyler then takes multiple inhales of breath.
Bode" Let us try"
Twins" Kinsey, do a back flip"
Nothing happens.
Kinsey" I'm the one that put the key in so it only does what I say,
Bode, Billie pick your noses"
Twins" Oh, my God"
Tyler" No, no, these things these aren't toys.They're weapons.So, until we need them, we're not gonna use them"
Kinsey" Why can't they be both? Come on"
Kinsey and Tyler head to bed.
Bode" We are not alone"
Billie" There's four of us now"
The next morning Bode and I woke up next to each other, I had a nightmare about the well lady and Bode had, had the same one.
Bode" You know we are going to have to protect ourselves from The Well Lady, she could turn up while we are at school"
Billie" What about the tool shed?"
Bode" Good idea, come on"
We head to the tool shed, Tyler, Kinsey and Mum distracted in the kitchen. We search the tool shed. Rufus had given us a spare key so we could get in when we wanted to. Bode reaches for a hammer off the rack and stuffs it in his backpack.
Both of us head back out and mum is standing there with toast.
Mum" Bode, Billie, you're gonna miss your bus.What were you two doing in the shed?"
Twins" Nothing"
Mum" Did you get anything to eat?"
Twins" Love you, Mum
Bode yanks the toast from mum's hand. I'm hoping he will share it with me.
Scott's POV
I was getting ready for another day at school, I was filling my backpack while thinking about Kinsey. She was really sweet but then also very fiery, it was like she had a change, she was very shy the first day, then completely changed.
"Daydreaming again?"
I look up and Sam my twin sister is standing in the doorway.
Sam" Was you thinking about Kinsey again?
Scott" No, maybe, yes, I bet you have been thinking about Tyler?"
Sam" Maybe, he is cute, so how's the film going?"
Scott" It's going great yeah, a few mistakes here and there but other than that it's going good, you should come be in it"
Sam" No it's okay, it's your thing and my acting is terrible, its okay I have my activities,I'm currently working on a new drawing"
Scott" You should team up with Kinsey, she is very talented at drawing"
Sam" Oh we have talked we are thinking of working on a group project together"
Scott looks at his watch.
Scott" Whoa, we are going to be late if we don't get a move on, you got everything"
Sam" I think so, oh wait my sketchbook is in the other room, hold on.
When they finally got to school, they both met up with Kinsey and Gabe.
Scott and Sam then spoke in unison.
Sam and Scott" Hey"
Gabe" Oh yeah, these two do that weird twin thing"
Kinsey" It's okay, I have a brother and sister who are twins, they do that too"
Gabe" Are you a twin?"
Kinsey" No, just me fortunately, you?"
Gabe" Nope, I do have younger brother and sister though, they go to the local primary school"
The bell rung out throughout the school halls and everyone immediately scattered to their classes, the sound of lockers slamming.
By Lunch, the hall had filled up with students holding trays that clattered when they hit the tables.
Eden who had insulted me and my sister was now sitting down with her lunch. Kinsey hands us a key. Both of us admire it.
Scott" Is this a new one?"
Kinsey" Yep, found it last night"
Scott" Was it does it does it make any song you want worm its way...."
Sam" Into the mind of your enemy?"
Kinsey" That's an oddly specific guess"
Sam" We are right though aren't we"
Scott" What song shall we pick? Maybe that Chumbawamba tune"
Kinsey" This is better.Watch"
Sam's POV
I sat next to my brother and he was as excited as I was.
Kinsey" Eden Hawkins fall on your face"
Eden smashes onto the floor and it looks painful. Her tray of food spills all over the floor, her tray skidding a bit away from her.
Eden" Physical comedy isn't easy, guys.Think I nailed it"
Student" Yeah, you did! That was incredible"
Kinsey" She's not even upset"
All three of us turn around at the sound of a voice.
Gave" What wait, how how did you just..."
Scott" Poor boy's short circuiting"
Sam" Listen, Gabe, you didn't just see what you think you saw?"
Kinsey" She is right, wait what do you think you just saw?"
Gabe"I I don't know.I mean, I think I just saw you guys puppeteering Eden Hawkins"
Kinsey" That's pretty accurate, yeah"
Gabe" This is some sort of prank, isn't it? It is!"How'd you get Eden in on it?"
Scott" Oh, no.There's no way she'd have been able to pull that off"
Sam" She's definitely not that good of an actress"
Kinsey confesses.
Kinsey" It's real, but you can't tell anybody"
Gabe" I mean, come on, you're telling me that you just talk into that thing and then she..."
Kinsey" Does whatever I say.
You just have to put the key in and turn it"
Gabe" Okay, fine.Let me try.
Eden Hawkins, stand up"
Eden does just that and continues to follow Gabe's rules.
Gabe" Get on the table, Make a snow angel.Sit up.
I exchange looks with Scott he was smiling too, this was brilliant,it was time Eden got what she deserved.
Gabe" Turn over.Do the breaststroke, cover yourself in ketchup and Mayonnaise"
We then watch as Eden shoots across the table and starts squirting ketchup and mayonnaise all over herself. It started dribbling all down her face and onto her probably expensive clothes.
I get closer to Kinsey. This was brilliant.
Kinsey" Wait, let's make her do something else"
Gabe" Here"
He hands Kinsey the box back and she holds it in hesitation.
Scott" I think that's enough now, though, right?"
Kinsey" Huh?"
Gabe" What? What? No, this is incredible! And Eden is just the empirical worst, so"
Scott" Right, agreed.Yes, she is.
But, you know, I think we've better stop the poison.All right? So let's just call it a victory and go to class"
Sam" But we are making dreams come true"
Scott" Yeah, maybe, but there is a limit"
Sam" Oh come on bro, remember when she put maple syrup in my hair in the girls showers, I couldn't get it out for weeks. Then there was the time she filled my locker with coke and menthos and it ruined everything I had to chuck most of it away"
Scott" I know but she is still human"
He reaches for the box but Kinsey yanks it out of his reach.
Kinsey" Hey, don't touch it!"
Scott" Well, I thought that this was about getting back at her for what she said to me"
Kinsey" It was.It is"
Scott" Okay, so I'm telling you, Kinsey, I'm good.Leave her be, Kinsey, please"
Gabe" Hey, she's getting up and cleaned up.It's now or never"
Kinsey leans forward with music box.
Scott" This is messed up.You guys are nuts, Sam you coming?"
Sam" Uh, perhaps I will see later"
Scott lets out a loud sigh and heads off down the stairs.
Billie's POV
Bode and I were sat outside the headmaster's office. One of the teachers had found the hammer in Bode's bag. Both of us being small, we sat on the same chair. Both of us were holding hands. We look up to see mum.
Mum" Come on both of you"
We follow mum out to the car, she is holding the hammer in her hand. I exchange looks with Bode, the plan had been not to get caught. Both of us slide in the back and Mum looks at us both.
Mum" I promise you two are not in trouble, okay? But I need to know why you brought a blacksmith hammer to school"
Twins" For protection"
Mum" Protection? From whom? Who do you think's going to hurt you?"
Bode" You can't understand"
Billie" We wish you could, but you just can't"
Mum" Oh I'll protect you, sweethearts.Nothing's gonna hurt you, I promise"
We headed home and Bode and I interlocked our fingers. We had to make a plan and foolproof plan.
Later on Bode and I are in our room working on plans, he has one set of pencils and I have another, like Kinsey, Bode and I have inherited our dad's artistic abilities.
Duncan knocks on the door but both of us don't look up, he takes that as his cue to come in. He sits in between Bode and I.
Uncle Duncan" Was this what you were working on in math class?"
Bode" I'm guessing Mum told you to talk to us"
Uncle Duncan" Perceptive.
Billie" Some things are more important than doing math problems"
Uncle Duncan" Fair point.
You want to tell me what is more important?"
Bode" Mum, Tyler, Kinsey you"
Billie" We all need to be protected"
I continue scratching the coloured pencil across the paper.
Uncle Duncan" Well, I certainly agree with that.I want us all to be safe, too.How can I help?"
Billie" You can't understand"
Uncle Duncan" Try me"
He nudges us both.
Bode" Do you remember when you were a kid?"
Uncle Duncan" Sure.A little, yeah"
Bode" Did you know Chamberlain?"
Duncan" Chamberlain? Locke? The old guy in the painting? Well, no, he probably died a hundred years ago"
Billie" Well, we talked to him, and he told us that you and Dad used to play around with the magic keys, and you became ghosts and you used to visit with him, do you remember that?"
Uncle Duncan" Wow.Magic keys.That sounds really, really wonderful.Hey, look, kiddos, tell me how I can help, okay?"
Bode" It's okay if you can't remember"
Billie" It's not your fault"
Both of us hug Uncle Duncan.
He gets up and tells us if we need him, he is there as well as anyone else.
Twins" Thanks Uncle Duncan"
Uncle Duncan" That twin thing never gets old"
Kinsey's POV
I was sitting in the hallway waiting for Tyler, he eventually walks in and pulls his coat off.
Kinsey" Tyler,I've been waiting for you. Tyler!"
I hate it when he ignores me. I follow him into the kitchen.
Kinsey" Tyler!"
Tyler" Jesus, Kinsey, just give it a rest for tonight"
Kinsey" Tyler! Look, I know things aren't great with us right now, but I really.."
Tyler pulls some orange juice from the fridge and a glass from the cupboard, he sets them both on the counter and unscrews the cap.
Tyler" You told me to be done with you, so I'm done.I actually feel good for once, so please just stay out of my hair"
I slam the photo frame onto the counter surprising I didn't break it and stare at Tyler.
Kinsey" Those kids that drowned in the cave were Dad's friends.His best friends.
Lucas, Jeff, and Kim.They'd all just graduated.Dad never told us.Maybe that's why he never wanted to come back here.
Even if it meant abandoning the keys"
I then heard it, whispering.
Kinsey"You hear that?"
Tyler" Seriously? You want to do this right now?"
Kinsey" It's coming from outside"
I rush outside, Tyler slowly behind me, I enter the graveyard, only the twins had ever set foot in here when they told us about their ghost ride over the house AND they met Chamberlain Locke it was quite something. I approach a grave and there is a little pot on it.
Kinsey" Shit.It's in here"
Tyler" Perfect.This is going to be a fun key.You know, we can just ignore it"
Was he quite mad?
Kinsey" What and ignore the magic that's literally calling out for us to find it?"
Tyler" Ever heard of a siren song?"
I realise that I can't get it out so I'm going to have to smash it.
Tyler" Wait, you're not actually gonna...Unbelievable"
Kinsey" It looks like a starfish"
Tyler" That's clearly a flower"
Kinsey" I wonder where it goes"
Tyler" Gee, maybe it's the, uh the glowing tree?"
Kinsey" We need to see what it does"
Tyler" Actually, we don't"
He makes for the gate.
Kinsey" I want you with me.
These keys, they're our legacy.
And they're something that connects us with Dad. I think that means they're worth the risk and like you said, the keys are weapons, too.If we're somehow gonna have to fight this Well Lady, wouldn't it be smart for us to know how they all work?"
I can see Tyler wavering.
I insert the key into the glowing tree.
Tyler" Kinsey, look"
I turn around and there is what looks like paint jars flowing orange just like the tree.
We pick some jars up.
Kinsey" That's Dad flying.
They're memories.Like in the candy boxes in my head, but they're in paint jars"
Tyler" Whose memories would be in paint jars?"
Kinsey"That's Dad and his friend Lucas.
Randall" Hey, Duncan, what'd I say about snooping? Out, now"
Kinsey"They're Duncan's memories"
Lucas" Okay, show me how it works"
Rendall" All you have to do is think about what you want to look like"
Dad then turns into an old man.
Lucas"And that's what you chose"
Kinsey" Oh, my God, Tyler.
You have to see this.There's a key that can change the way you look"
Tyler is standing with another paint jar looking shocked.
Kinsey" What is it?"
No, Rendell! No! No!
Kinsey"It's kids from that photo The ones that drowned"
- No, no, no! What did you do?
Kinsey"Except obviously they didn't"
Kinsey" Memories aren't perfect.They're very subjective. They're often distorted"
Tyler" Does that does that look distorted to you? I can't believe this"
Kinsey" This isn't Dad. He wouldn't even kill spiders in the house! He would never do something like this"
Tyler"This is This is why he didn't wanna come back here"
Story Notes:
So Kinsey, Gabe and Sam mess around Eden more than possible while Scott checks out. The Twins get in trouble and Uncle Duncan tries to figure out why they did it and Tyler and Kinsey find another key.
Authors Notes:
Let me know what you think of this. This was such a great chapter. I also hope you said hi to Sam she will be a new character I will be introducing.
Thanks X
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