Billie's POV
Once Well Lady had left and we had both recovered after she had strangled us, we decided to check out the head key.
Billie" Wait whose head should we look in?"
Bode" Shall we flip a coin?"
Billie" Okay, heads"
Bode flips the coin and it lands on heads. He hands the key to me and smiles. I hand it back.
Billie" Could you slot it in, might be easier"
Bode" Sure"
I actually feel the steel metal key slot into my neck and then I find myself looking at myself standing there. It was like an out of body experience.
Billie" Whoa, Bode are you seeing this?"
Bode" Yeah, whoa this is mad"
Both of us then see a stable door.
Bode" What is that?"
Billie" Only one, way to find out, come on"
I pull my brother inside and what we see shocks us both.
Twins" WOW!"
Through the stable doors is a wide open space with mountains in the back, water running through from a huge waterfall, treehouses full of birds, sloths and monkeys. Then a stables full of horses in one corner, a cat sanctuary in another and also Kennels.
Billie" Whoa, this is the inside of my head,I didn't realise I thought about animals this much"
Bode" Wow, this is magic"
Billie" Took the words right out of my mouth, I could spend all day in here, it's beautiful, hey that dog looks like Bailey"
The dog the comes bounding up to us and I realise it is Bailey, he must have snuck in.
Billie" Hello boy, look this is my head"
Bailey cocks his head then chases after a squirrel. I then swear I can hear Kinsey and Tyler. I look at Bode.
Billie" Can you hear Tyler and Kinsey?"
Bode" Yeah"
I push open the stable doors and make them jump.
Billie" Guys, you gotta come see this!"
Bode" Follow us!"
When Tyler and Kinsey enter they have the same expression Bode and I had when we entered.
Billie" Welcome to my head"
Tyler" Am I just super high?"
Kinsey" This is seriously amazing"
Tyler" Yeah! This is awesome"
Kinsey" Who's that?"
She points to a me being completely licked by puppies and smiling.
Billie" My glee, feelings can become living things here, too"
Tyler" How do you know that?"
Billie" It's my head, I just do"
Tyler" Okay, so trippy"
Bode" This is soooooo cool right?"
Kinsey" Definitely"
Tyler" I can't believe this"
I pick up a box of dog biscuits and open it up.
Dad" There we go, Orion's Belt complete"
The memory shows that Bode and I are sharing a bed together, we still do that. Both of us are snuggled in tight Bode has Gi Joe and I have a Stitch plushie.
Kinsey" What is this?"
Billie" We are inside one of my memories and possibly Bode's"
Kinsey reaches out to dad but he is transparent.
Kinsey" Dad!"
Bode" He can't hear you, we already tried"
Dad"You too tired for a story tonight, buddies?"
Twins" Never"
Dad" What do you say we give Peter Pan a break and I tell you a Rendell Locke original?"
Twins" I don't know"
Dad" Yeah maybe you're not ready for the one with the sea monster, it's too scary"
Bode" Sea monster?"
Billie" No wait dad, we can handle it"
Dad chuckles.
Dad" Yeah, see, there was this very old fisherman and he's sailing the ocean with his trusted shipmates, well one day, they find themselves in the middle of this huge storm, and they got so turned around that they ended up on a remote island that wasn't on any map. As they explored around looking for food and shelter, they come across a chest buried in the sand.
When they opened the chest, they discovered it was full of gold"
Dad talks slowly and waves his hands helping me to imagine the story in my head.
Bode" I thought you said there was a sea monster"
Billie" Yeah sea monster dad, sea monster"
Dad laughs.
Dad" Oh, I'm getting there"
Kinsey" I think I remember this one"
Dad" They decided to take it with them, but while they were trying to drag the chest back to their ship, they were suddenly attacked by a vicious sea monster. And the sea monster chewed up their whole ship so they couldn't escape.
It was its job to protect the treasure and make sure..."
We are back in the mountains.
Kinsey" What happened?"
Billie" I think I fell asleep before Dad finished, I never heard how it ends"
Bode" I never heard how it ends either"
Tyler" It's probably for the best, that story got dark"
Kinsey" What are you talking about? It had a happy ending"
Tyler" If you say so"
Kinsey" I remember so"
After making sure we have Bailey we exit my head and I pull the key out, I am back in my body. The key has dropped to the floor and Bode picks it up. Bailey is now pawing at the wall wondering where the door has gone.
Billie" Sorry boy, come here"
Kinsey" How is any of this possible?"
Bode" We told you, it's the keys"
Tyler" How are you even finding them?"
Billie" We hear them whisper"
Kinsey" Whisper, what are they saying?"
Bode" Not really words, at least none that we understand"
Billie" We just focus real hard and it leads us to them"
Kinsey" Dad must've known about the keys. There was one in the bracelet he gave me"
Tyler" I wonder if there are any more"
Bode" Okay, Tyler's turn"
Tyler" No, No way, No one is poking around in my head"
Bode waves the key.
Bode" Come on, Kinsey, come on!"
Kinsey" Same"
Billie" You guys are no fun, Bode we could look in your head"
Bode" Yeah!"
Tyler" No, no more head exploring"
Bode" Please? What's the point of having magic keys if we can't even use them?"
Tyler then puts his hand over Bode's mouth.
Tyler" Shh, Hey. Until we know how much damage they can do, I'm gonna hold on to both of them"
Billie" What?"
Kinsey" Why do you get both?You already have the one with the two faces"
Twins" The Mirror Key"
Tyler" Obviously, I'm the the oldest so."
Kinsey" And the least responsible"
Billie" Hello? Bode and I are the ones finding them all"
Tyler" You two already lost one"
Bode" That wasn't our fault, Okay, we didn't tell you this before, but there's this scary well lady who's trying to get the keys"
Billie" So we need to protect them"
Kinsey" And so we should give them to you two?"
Twins" Exactly!"
Kinsey" I don't think so, you two have proved that you can't be trusted"
Kinsey takes one key off Tyler.
Kinsey" Okay, look, here's what we're gonna do, Tyler's going to take the Mirror Key, and I'll take the brainy key"
It's the head key actually Kinsey.
Twins" Head Key"
Kinsey" Sure, we'll go with that"
Billie" She is real"
Tyler" If she comes back, you tell us right away"
Billie" What if it's too late?"
Kinsey's POV
Arriving back after the hockey game I couldn't get Tyler out of my head, he kept hitting him, so hard. Bode and Billie were off out playing so this would be the perfect time.
Kinsey" I saw the look in your eyes, Tyler, you went somewhere else, it was scary"
Tyler" Come on it wasn't that bad was it"
Kinsey" I don't want to talk about it, listen, I've thought about this a lot and I've decided I want to go inside my head"
Tyler" Sure that's a good idea?"
Kinsey" No but I have to know what it's like, it freaks me out, but, but I think that's exactly why I need to try it"
Tyler" By yourself?"
Kinsey" Yeah"
Tyler" I don't think so..."
Excuse me big brother.
Tyler" I'm coming with you"
Kinsey" Don't wander, don't touch anything, don't take anything, It's my head, I'll know, Got it?"
Tyler" Sure"
I stare at Tyler.
Tyler" Yes"
I insert the key into my neck and then I see myself sat on the bed just like Billie would have done. There was a revolving door in front of us.
Kinsey" Holy shit, here goes"
We both enter and I look up the ceiling is so high and all around us is shops or different ones.
Kinsey" Billie got an Animal Sanctuary and I get a weird mall? "
I approach the board and it shows all my different memories.
Kinsey" They're like memory shops, summer camp, birthdays, sleepovers.
Tyler" Wow, So organized. Even your head is a control freak"
I point to dad memories.
Kinsey" Here.That's where I want to go"
We both head off to find Dad Memories, when we find it we open the door and every memory is all sorted into colour as sweets. I open it up and smile.
Tyler" What is it?"
Kinsey" The first time Dad took me to the top of the Space Needle, you want to see?"
Tyler" I'm good"
Tyler had always been scared of heights, he wouldn't come to the top of the Eiffel Tower with Bode, Billie and I when Dad took us to NY.
I opened up the box with the fisherman story.
Dad" They ran to their ship, and the fisherman boarded first with the treasure in tow, but his friends they didn't make it in time. A sea monster attacked them while the ship just sailed away"
Young Kinsey" His friends all got swallowed?"
I smiled at my younger self, having no problems and believing anything was possible.
Dad" That's right and the fisherman felt so guilty. So instead of keeping the treasure all for himself, he decided to give it to their families"
Young Kinsey" That was nice"
Dad"Until one day, when the sea monster returned for his treasure"
Young Kinsey" Oh, no"
Dad" Yeah but it saw what the fisherman had done, how many people he had helped, and it coughed up all his friends.
Incredibly, they were still alive.
And they were all reunited, right there on the shore"
I turn to Tyler.
Kinsey" Super dark ending, huh?"
Tyler" That's not how I remember it"
Then we both see Mum and her belly is all round.
Mum" Goodnight, sweetie"
Young Kinsey" Night, Mom"
Kinsey" That's the twins"
Dad" You want one more story?"
Young Kinsey" No"
Dad" Okay, pumpkin"
Young Kinsey" Goodnight, Daddy"
Kinsey" I should've asked for one more"
I watch as Tyler then comes into the room and he is holding Sally the whale.
Young Tyler" You asleep?"
Young Kinsey" Not yet"
Tyler" You forgot Sally in my room, I know she helps you sleep"
Kinsey" Thanks, Tyler"
The scene changes and we are at the school.
Tyler" What just happened?"
Kinsey" I don't know, I was thinking about you and we jumped memories"
Tyler" You can control it? Can you control what you're thinking?"
Kinsey" Let's get out of here"
Then I see it Tyler punching that guy hard, very hard.
Tyler" I didn't hit him that hard"
Kinsey" In my mind you did"
I sigh, I just wanted to get out of here. I see something,I wasn't sure what it was, then I recognised it, it was... it was me.
Tyler" Who's that?"
Kinsey" It kind of looks a little like me"
A bus goes by and it disappears.
Tyler" Where'd it go"
Kinsey" I don't know, let's get out of here"
The scene changes again and my stomach drops, we are back in Seattle.
Tyler" Now where are we?"
Kinsey" We're back in Seattle"
Tyler" How do you know?"
I point to me holding the twins, I've got my hands over their mouths, they both look incredibly terrified.
Sam" Kinsey? Kinsey!"
Tyler" Holy shit"
Sam" I was hoping your dad would answer some questions, but he wasn't any help.Will you help me, Kinsey?"
Tyler" Must've been so scared"
Kinsey" I saw that fireplace poker, I could've grabbed it when Sam's back was turned.I could've hit him"
Sam" Kinsey"
Tyler" Mum came in, She stopped him"
Kinsey" But what if she hadn't, I hid like a coward, I was paralysed"
Tyler" We all have regrets about that day"
I continued to think about that day until the horrible thing charges at Tyler and he struggles trying to get it off, moaning in pain. I had to do it, I had to. I grabbed the poker and stuck it, in its chest, it moans horribly and stumbles back into the white background. I kneel down by Tyler.
Kinsey" Tyler! Are you okay?"
Tyler" Yeah, What the hell was that thing?"
Kinsey" My fear, It's like Billie said, I just know it"
We exit my brain and I take the key immediately feeling present in my body. I grab the key and stand up, Tyler pulls his shirt up and he has developed a deep bruise.
Kinsey" Oh, my God, you're hurt, even out here"
Tyler" Wait, why did you make it attack me?"
Kinsey" I didn't!"
Tyler" It was in your head, Kinsey"
Kinsey" I'm sorry, let me get some ice"
Tyler" No, I'm fine, just let it go"
Billie's POV
Billie" Bode I can hear another key"
Bode" I can hear it too, where is it coming from"
We keep listening and end up at the portrait of Chamberlain Locke.
Billie" It's in here"
Bode then points at Chamberlains hand,he pulls it out and on this key is a skull.
Billie" What does this key do?"
Bode" Let's find out"
Bode sticks the key in one of the doors to the house, the door knob had a skull on it so that also gave it away.
Bode" Here we go"
Bode turns the key in the lock and all we can see is the woods, trees all snowy and the side of the house all covered in a thick blanket of snow.
Bode" Nothing happened"
Billie" Wait, what if we..."
I step outside and then like it had with the head key, my body goes stiff only this time it lays on the floor.
Billie" Oh my god, am I a ghost?"
Bode" I want a go too"
Bode too turns into a ghost and we have the best fun ever flying around the the woods, in and out of the trees.
Billie" You can see everything from up here"
Twins" Whooo, yeah, whoa, whoooo"
Bode" This is awesome, oh look a graveyard"
Billie" We have our own graveyard"
Bode and I both jump back and look round. There was a ghost but it was just any ghost it was our great great grandfather Chamberlain Locke, like in the painting.
Chamberlain"Whoa! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give you both a fright"
Billie" Are you a ghost like us?"
Chamberlain" A ghost? Yes.
But not like you, I passed on many, many years ago. The name's Chamberlain Locke"
Billie" You are from the painting in our house"
Chamberlain" Yes that's me"
Billie" I'm Billie, this is my twin brother Bode, we are Lockes too"
Bode" We just moved here"
Chamberlain" How wonderful, Key House has new inhabitants, pleased to meet you, Bode and Billie"
Bode" Have you seen our dad, Rendell? He might be a ghost, too"
Billie" He died a few months ago"
Chamberlain" Oh, I haven't seen Rendell in quite some time, if I may ask, where did your father die?"
Bode" Back in Seattle"
Chamberlain" Ah, only those who've died on the property like myself still roam here, some have chosen to cross over, but I myself prefer to stay. I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Bode and Billie, He was a fine young man"
Billie" You knew him?"
Chamberlain" Oh, he was my great grandson, he and his brother Duncan used to fly around and explore"
Bode" Our dad used the keys?"
Chamberlain" Oh, yes"
I hear a car up the drive that's probably our mum.
Billie" That's our mum getting home, we better go"
Bode" It was nice meeting you, Great Great Grandpa"
Billie" Bye, nice to meet you, we will visit again soon"
Chamberlain" Oh, thank you, Bode and Billie I'd like that"
Both of us then see that it's not mum that's pulled up but Ellie.
Bode" What's Ellie doing here?"
We fly to the Well House, what was she doing. She was whispering the name Lucas, who the heck is that?
Billie" Who's Lucas?"
Bode shrugs his shoulders. We fly back to the house and we see Tyler leaning over both of our bodies. We leap up.
Tyler" That is not funny, I thought you two were dead"
Billie" But Tyler look we found another key, it's let you become a ghost"
Bode" Then we met our great great grandpa, that guy there"
He points to the painting where we got the key.
Tyler" We told you not to screw around with the keys"
Billie" We know, then why did you?"
Bode" We just thought that we could find Dad"
Tyler hugs us.
Story Notes
Soooo, Tyler, Kinsey and Bode explore Billies head with her. She gets a animal sanctuary, cool right. Kinsey and Tyler experience Kinsey's fear which attacks Tyler and The twins find a ghost key that lets them fly around the property and meet their great great Grandfather Chamberlain Locke.
Authors Notes
Soooo hope you enjoyed reading this, o enjoyed writing it. Especially Billies Head. Let me know what you think below.
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