We've been on the road for a little while now. Once I had woken up from fainting, we were out and leaving. I thanked Rick for getting me out.
'I'd never leave you behind' his voice still rings in my ears. The driving has been pretty smooth up to this point. The highway was blocked by a bunch of cars and the radiator hose on the RV went out. Everyone was searching through cars trying to find things that are salvageable. I look through the trunk of a car and find clean clothes. I laugh in excitement and pull my shirt and jeans off and can already feel my filth getting better. I look over and see Rick watching me. I just smile and wave. He tilts his sheriffs hat at me with a smirk. He doesn't look away as I make sure no one else is watching and complete my strip, quickly replacing my old grimy clothes with new fresh ones. I let out a sigh of relief. I haven't felt this nice since the CDC. Once I'm done I look back at Rick, who's still staring at me, and I do a turn to show him my new outfit which consisted of a grey tank top, some loose jeans, and new underwear. He chuckles at me and I was about to walk over to him to say something along the lines of 'like what ya see' as they do in the movies but I hear laughing and joy so I look over to see Shane with a giant truck full of water. I laugh and look at Rick, as he has the same expression on his face. I walk over to him and simply stand beside him, watching Shane and Glenn bask in the glory of fresh water. I look up at Dale to see him looking at something through his binoculars and I nudge Rick to do the same.
"What is it?" I ask him as he's looking through the scope of his gun. He cocks the gun to shoot it but pulls it down with a distraught look on his face.
"Rick?" I ask, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Fuck." Is all he says and pulls me away from where we were at to warn the others.
"Ricks what's happening?" I whisper.
"Herd!" He whisper yells back at me.
"Everyone get under the cars!" He whisper yells to the rest of the group and they do as told. Rick then rolls me and him under a separate smaller car and I feel Ricks presence right beside me. He snakes his arm around my back as he pulls me closer to him and I know that's not gunna help anything but it still gives me the slightest bit of comfort. Rick kisses my forehead and I close my eyes. Sure I get scared a lot, I mean we're in the damn zombie apocalypse, but I'll never admit it. I'll never say it out loud because if I say it out loud it makes it real. It makes me weak. I continue to hear the feet shuffle by but I don't open my eyes. It's better for me not to see what's going on. Ricks hands just run through my hair and he kisses my face all over trying to comfort me. I finally open my eyes when things start quieting down.
"It's okay baby." He very quietly whispers in my ear. I look over to the other cars to see everyone and make sure everyone is okay and safe. Lori and Carol are behind us and they are okay, Carol crying but silently, Carls under his own car beside us and he's fine and Sophias the next car over and just swell. That's all I can see from here but I guess we will find out when we regroup. Right when I let out the breath I had been holding in, a walker climbs under the car Sophia was under and she screams and runs into the woods. Lori holds Carols mouth shut and Rick rolls out from under our car, chasing after the innocent little girl. Everyone starts getting out from under the cars and to the barricade leading into the woods.
"Peach." Carol whimpers out and I'm by her side within seconds.
"There's two walkers after my baby." She cry's out and I have to keep her from going in the woods and from being too loud. The herd couldn't have gotten far and we don't want them to turn back. I hold Carol as she falls to the floor is tears.
"Shh shh shh I know but Ricks out there. He gunna find her." I sooth her to the best of my ability.
Rick walks away from the little disagreement he had with Carol and I follow behind him, catching up.
"You did everything you could. She knows that, this all just a lot for her." I say and he shakes his head.
"No she's right. I shouldn't have just left her out there. I mean all alone? I'm so stupid!" He slightly raises his voice, hitting his hand to his head.
"No Rick you made the right calls." I keep trying to persuade him but he's not listening to a single word I'm saying.
"I mean I just expected her to find her way back all on her own!?" He says speaking to himself. I grab his wrist stopping his from walking and turn him to me. I place my hands on his face making him look at me.
"You. Did. The. Right. Thing." I say and he sighs, closing his eyes, and leaning into my hand. We're far away from the group now to be comfortable out here alone. I lean up and give him a sweet peck on the lips. His eyes open quickly. Oh god was that out of boundaries. I thought it would help sooth him. When a sly smirk comes across his face I know that I'm in the clear.
"Your gunna have to give me more than that." He says and pulls me into a more passionate. hard kiss. His hands lay on my waist and mine diving through his soft brown hair. Once we pull away, I lean my head on his chest and he engulfs me in his arms. He always makes me feel safe.
"You always believe in me." He says, taking slow breaths. I hear his heart beating at a faster pace then normal.
"You always make the right calls." I say in response with a shrug leaving him to just chuckle.
"Where would I be without you?" He says in a rhetorical way but I still speak up.
"Dead." We both laugh at my dumb answer because lord knows it's not true. Rick's a survivor.
"Seriously though, you are one of the few things that makes me get out of bed in the morning. You and Carl are the only things really." He says and I pull my head off his chest and look him in the eyes.
"Well the group needs you." I say and he tucks a hair behind my ear.
"I need you" He leans down and leaves a quick kiss on my lips once again.
What is this unspoken thing going on between them!? Sorry it was sorta short. It's 3:00 AM but eh I never sleep.
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