Im with you

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"Everyone takes a weapon" Rick throws them onto the hood of a car. Today's a new day and we are regrouping to find Sophia.

"These aren't the type of weapons we need" Andrea protests.
"What about the guns?" I haven't really liked Andrea from the start. I mean my first impression of her was a gun to my face so she's not all that high on my list.

"We've been over that. Daryl, Rick, Peach and I are carrying. We can't be popping off rounds every time a tree rustles" Shane speaks. I put my gun in my holster and adjust my shirt. I decided to change from that tank top to a looser t-shirt because it's more moveable.

"It's not the trees I'm worried about" Andrea fights back again. She just can't stop can she?

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment and a herd happens to be passing by. See, then it's game over for all of us. So you need to just get over it" Shane speaks with demand in his voice. I don't really know what's happening with Shane right now. I think we still have our deal going on but he doesn't really talk to me as much anymore. Not that I'm complaining. I'm tired of dealing with his mood swings.

"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark" Daryl directs the group and we all nod. He knows the woods better than any of us. We need to listen to him.

"Stay quiet. Stay sharp. Keep distance between you but always stay within sight of each other." Rick speaks and everyone starts making there way into the woods. We walk in a line, Daryl leading us. I stand in front of Rick and behind Daryl. I can feel Ricks eyes on me but I don't do anything about it. We slowly make our way through the woods, quickly and quietly. Daryl motions for us to stop and we see a tent ahead. The four of us carrying make our way towards the tent, Daryl with his crossbow raised and aiming. Ready. He motions for us to stay put and we do as told. I feel someone slide there hand in my back pocket. Do I wanna know which one of them it is? I look to the hand, following up the arm to see Shane. Rick sees this action and pulls me to the other side of him, away from Shane, and puts an arm around me. He's protective of what's his. Can't say I'm complaining. Daryl scopes out the tent and Rick calls Carol over.
"Call out softly. If she's in there yours is the first voice she should hear" Rick tells her and she does as she's told.

"Sofia? Sofia, it's mommy. Sweetie are you in there? It's mommy. We're all here baby." No movement came from inside the tent. Daryl slowly opens it up and there was a corpse inside. The smell was horrid and I couldn't help but cough, gag, and back away. I've never smelled something so terrible in my life.
"Daryl?" Carol called out looking for some kind of confirmation.

"It's not her. Some guy. Killed himself" he says coming out of the tent and I close my eyes, lowering my head. Suddenly church bells were heard from somewhere through the woods. We all ran towards the direction of the sound hoping to find Carols little girl. We make our way to a church but I don't see any bells.

"That can't be it. It's got no steep, no bells" Shane says but Rick doesn't listen, he still sprints towards the building with everyone following behind. Including me. He makes his way to the door and I do as well, holding up my gun, ready to fire. He motions for us to be quiet and I nod my head in return. When the doors open only three walkers are revealed. Shane, Rick, and Daryl take care of them while the rest of us pile in.
"Rick I'm telling you it's the wrong church. There's no steeple" Shane tries again and I nod along with him. Just as he says that the bells are heard again and we all make our way back outside to see a speaker connected to a sound box. Glenn pulls at a wire making it stop. It could be drawing walkers from all over the woods.

"A timer. It's on a timer" Daryl says out of breath.

"I'm gunna go back in for a bit" Carol says and Lori follows right behind her. Rick holds his arms out to me once everyone is gone and I walk to him, burying myself in his chest as he puts his arms around me securely.

"I really thought we found her Rick" I mumble. He pets my hair soothingly, placing his chin on the top of my head.

"I know baby. I know" he whispers and I snuggle into his as much as possible. He's so warm and loving. I wish I could just tell everyone that he's mine and that Lori needs to back the fuck off. I feel his warm lips place a small peck on my head. When Shane walked around the corner I took myself out of Ricks arms. Luckily I don't think he saw anything.

"These people are spent" he says walking up to the two of us.
"There's only so many hours of daylight left. We still got a long way back" for once I agree with him. I wanna find Sophia more than anything but we shouldn't be risking anymore of the group in doing so.

"I can't stop yet" Rick says lowly.

"We still have a lot of land to cover. We still need to search the creek bed, we can do that on the way back." Shane tries to reason. He may be an asshole but he's trying to look out for the rest of the group.

"She would have heard those church bells Shane. She could be nearby" that's also a valid point. Fuck I don't know who to side with.

"She could be a lot of things" I hit Shane on the arm for that comment.

"I can't go back. Her being out here is my fault" he says and I feel bad for Rick. He's being so hard on himself.

"That great. Now they got you doubting yourself, huh?" Shane asks like an ass.

"What about you? You doubt me?" Rick asks, getting defensive. Should I step between them? Nah, they've got it covered.

"Hey, we can assign all kinds of blame later Rick"

"We can't give up okay? This could be the miracle we need. Finding her" Shane sighs and gives Rick a pat on the shoulder before walking off. I wanted to stay with Rick but Shane calls to me, motioning for me to go with him. Before going I give Ricks hand a gentle squeeze.

"I'm with you" and I scurry off following Shane

Yo sorry it's been a few days. Ive has family shit going on and online classes. I'll update again today.
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