Chapter 18

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After the woman was done explaining everything Alycia and I stood up and walked over to her and you could tell Eliza and Lauren were scared of what we were going to do.
"How do we know you're telling the truth?"Alycia asks
"The birth certificate."She says and pulls it out handing to me and Alycia and I gasp
"Alycia this is our brother."I say with tears in my eyes and we both kneel down infront of the woman but still leaving space between her and us.
"Whats his name?"I ask forgetting what she told us.
"Kade."the woman says
"Okay is there anything else our mother hasnt told us?"Y/N ask
"Kace is still alive."The womam says
"Okay thats not funny."Alycia and I say looking at the woman angrily
"That's what else I wanted to tell yall."The woman says
"That can't be possible we ran to him and his back and ribs were broken and his skull was fractured."Alycia says
"No his ribs were the only thing that was broken and his skull was fine his head was justed busted open by falling and hitting the concrete."Tthe woman says
"So why the fuck is he not here with is why the fuck is he with you?"Alycia and I scream scaring the little boy
"I'm sorry buddy."Alycia and I say sighing
"He's not living with me."The woman says
"So where is he?"Alycia and I asks angrily
"He's living with Jeremy Renner."The woman says

"What the actuall hell."Alycia and I say
"Is that why mom is getting married to him?"I ask and the woman nods
"He just volunteered to take care of him and then your mom kept spending time with him and Kace that they fell in love."The woman says
"Why the hell didn't she tell us our brothers were alive?"Alycia asks
"She was scared that yalls dad would find out."The woman says
"She should've told us still not him."Alycia and I say and our mom walks in and Alycia and I glare at her
"Ashley what are you doing here?"Our mom says with wide eyes
"Why the hell didn't you tell us Kace was alive?"Alycia asks yelling
"You know how much Alycia and love him!"I yell
"Also blame ourselves for him dying well in this case thinking he was dead."Alycia yells more by this time we are both trying not to cry
"I'm sorry girls but it for the best."Our mom says
"How?!"We both asks yelling
"Because I knew that Colton would've beaten him for going outside."Our mom says
"We would've protected him."I say
"But you think it's okay for us getting beat everyday until we got annoyed with and started fighting back?"Alycia asks
"No I just knew he would've gotten hurt alot more he was only 5."Our mom says
"You better be glad you are our mom."Alycia and I say making Eliza And Lauren walk over to us
"Yall stop she's still yalls mother."Lauren says
"Not anymore she isnt."Alycia and I say making her face drop
"Girls I."Our mom starts to say but Alycia and I cut her off
"You should've told us."We both say
"I think its best for you to leave so we can calm down them down."Eliza says and our mom nods and walks out the door
"Her too."Alycia and I say pointing at Ashley and ashley nods and walks out holding Kade.
As soon as they walk out Alycia and I hug each other crying.
"He's actually alive Alycia."I say crying into her neck and she cries into my hair
"I know."She says and we hear Lauren and Eliza sniffle and we pull out the hug and hig our girlfriends.
"We should be hugging yall."Lauren says
"Yeah but we know how much yall loved him too."Alycia and I say
We all pull out the hug.
"I'm going Jeremy's to see him."I say
"I'm coming too."Alycia
We all get into Alycia's gray and green mustang and drive to Jeremy's house and knock on the door and Jeremy opens it.
"Where's our brother?"Alycia and I asks glaring at him
"Thank god she finally told yall."He says
"What are talking about?"We asl confused
"Ever since he moved in he's been asking when he can see yall again and I told her yall should know but she told me she didn't want yall to."Jeremy says
"Oh well where is Kace?"I ask
"Kace there's people here to see you."Jeremy yells into the house
"Who?"Kace says and then he sees us and runs to us and Alycia and I bend down and hug him crying
"Oh my god."We thought we lost you." Alycia and I say
"I missed yall."He said and he pulls out the hug
"God you've gotten so big."Alycia and I say wiping our tears
"Well I am seven now."He says laughing
"Yeah we missed you growing up."I say sadly
"Yeah mama wouldn't let me come see yall."He says sadly
"Yeah we talked to her."Alycia says in a mean tone
"I'm sorry."He says having tears fall and Alycia and I reach foward and wipe them away
"You have nothing to worry about buddy it wasnt your fault."I say
"Wheres Lauren and Eliza are they still around?"He asks making Alycia and I smile and move over and he smiles seeing Lauren and Eliza and runs to them and they bend down hugging him.
"I missed yall so much."He said letting go of them and they stand back up
"We missed you too buddy."They say at the same time making Kace laugh
Alycia and I are smiling until Ashley and our mom walk up.
"Well can yall still do us a favor?"Our mom asks
"You're still our mom so sure."Alycia and I say
"I need yall too......

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