chapter 17

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After Y/N and I changed we walked into the theater room and she layed down and I layed down on of her snuggling into her with my face on her collar bone and my head under her chin and she leaves a kiss on my head making me smile.
"I love you."I say
"I love you too baby."She says and leaves another kiss on my head making me look at her smiling
"What?"She asks smiling
"Nothing I'm just so happy you're my girlfriend."I say
"Well baby I've been your girlfriend for 4 years now."She says smiling
"I know and I'm so ready to marry you."I say rubbing my nose against hers making her laugh
"I'm ready to marry you to but lets wait a bit you're only 17 baby."She says smiling
"Yeah yeah I know I know."I say and kiss her and we get interrupted by someome clearing their throat and we look up and see Its Mama L standing with Eliza and Alycia
"Hey."I say blushing
"Hello."Mama L says smiling
"Ha yall were about to have sex and got interrupted."Alycia says smirking
"No we weren't we literally were just talking about getting married then I kissed her and yall walked in."I say shrugging
"I hope not now."Mama L says
"Oh no in a few years mom."Y/N says kissing my cheek making me blush while everyone else awws
"Stop."I whine and stick my face in Y/N's neck so no one sees me blushing even more.
"Wow Lauren I thought you said you don't get embarrassed easily."Eliza says laughing

"Shutup Liz."I say making her laugh even more
"What are you doing here anyways mom?"Y/N asks
"Thats what I was wanting to know but she said I don't get to know until we are all together."Alycia says
"So Y/N Lauren sit up so Alycia and Eliza can sit down to."Mama L says and we sit up but I'm still cuddle against her and Eliza and Alycia cuddle while sitting up next to us.
"So whats up?"Y/N asks running her fingers through my hair making me smile.
"I'm getting married."Mama L says making Alycia and Y/N jump up from the couch good thing Eliza and I are use to it so we didn't fall this time we just laughed and shook our heads.
"Jeremy proposed?"Y/N and Alycia asks
"Yes."Mama L says smiling
"Y'all have only been dating for a year."Alycia says
"I know but I really do love him."Mama L says
"He better not hurt you."Y/N says rolling her eye
"And if he does we will kill him."Alycia says smirking then fist bumps Y/N
"He won't and yall don't be a jerk to him."Mama L says glaring at them
"Us Never."They say in a sarcastic tone
"Whatever you two I'm gonna get going."Mama L says then hugs all of us then leaves
"I call killing him."Y/N says sitting next to me again
"No I do."Alycia says
"Neither of yall will yalls mom is finally happy so don't be jerks."I say
"Yeah whatever."Y/N says rolling her eyes making me punch her in her abs
"Oww you bitch."She says then her eyes go wide realzing what she said
"Oh I'm the bitch."I say joking
"No baby I'm sorry I love you."She says and snuggles her nose into my hair making me laugh.
"I love you too you idioit."I say
"Alycia Y/N don't yall want her happy?"Eliza asks cuddling into Alycia
"Yes but we're just scared."Y/N says sadly and shrugging
"I know baby but he isn't like that."I say and run my finger through her hair.
"How do you know?"Alycia asks laying her head on Eliza's head.
"Because if he was like that don't you think he would've already done it?"I asks
"Maybe maybe not I mean look at our so called father he didn't until Kace died."Y/N says trying not to cry
"Please don't cry."I say leave small kisses on her forehead
"I'm sorry I just miss him so much."Y/N says sniffling
"I do too why didn't we just wait?"Alycia asks sniffling also
"If we would've one at a time he would be here."Y/N says crying and Alycia starts crying making mine and Elizas heart break because we know they never cry in front of people. Eliza has been dating Alycia for four years just like I've ben daying Y/N for four years and the only time we have seen them cry is when Kace got hit.
"Baby please stop crying I'm gonna end up crying and I don't wanna cry."I say wiping my eyes before the tears could fall out.
"I'm sorry I'll just go."Y/N says getting up and walking out the room with Alyica following
"I don't know what to do they never cry."Eliza says sighing
"I know but I feel useless."I say
"Same here but we need to go them before they do something stupid."Eliza says
We walk out to see where Y/N and Alycia and we see them sitting in the kitchen at the bar. I alk over to Y/N and she falls into me crying into mt chest while Alycia does the same to Eliza. Eliza and I both sigh and leave kisses on their head while they're crying. Then the door bell rings.
"Can one of yall get it?"Y/N asks
"Yeah baby I got it."I say but Eliza  follows me. I open the door and see a kid that looks Kace. What the hell?
And a woman with Brown and brown eyes.
"Umm can we help you?"I say confused
"Yeah umm my name is Ashley."The woman says holding out towards Eliza and I ans we shake it
"I'm Lauren and thid is Eliza."I say and then Y/N and Alycia walk over
"There isn't anyway that Kace."Y/N and Alycia say at the same time
"That's what I need to talk to yall."Ashley says
"Come in."Eliza says and we both move out the way and the woman walks in the little bot following her. We all go into the living and sit on one couch while the woman sits on the other with the little both in her lap.
"Okay so tell me why does that kid look like our dead brother Kace?"Alycia asks
"Because he's your other little brother Kade"Ashley says making Alycia and Y/N jump up yelling
"That can't even be possible our mom had a miscarriage at the hospital after our brother died."They both scream at the same time.
"No thats just what she told yall."Ashley says making Alycia and Y/N even angrier
"Baby yall calm down and let her explain."I say and Alycia and Y/N huff but next Eliza and I again.
"Explain."Alycia says
"Well when your mom came to the hospital we did think it was a miscarriage with all the blood but when this little dude came out he was still breathing bur barely and after some long surgeries and other things we got him to breathe normally. But yalls mom didn't want to take him home because of yalls dad so she asked me to take care of him."Ashley says looking at Alycia and Y/N they got up and........

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