Hey guys! I hope you like this first one shot and tell me what you think about it! Tips would be nice as well!
Most of this book is going to be about you and link but I felt like starting off with Teba because I've never seen him in any of the other books I've read lol
You and Link were paragliding over to the flight range with your best winter gear. The air was so cold here that you could feel even the slightest breeze go through the seams of every layer on your body soon reaching your skin to freeze.
"Are you sure this Teba guy is out here Link? It's freezing! Even for a rito I would assume..."
You didn't know what he looked like or if he was even out here but soon the crisp, clear, still air became a cloud of snow with ice particles being whipped around slapping both you and link in the face.
Nearly loosing your grip on the paraglider (you and link are sharing one) you cling on for dear life hoping not to fall into what looked like an abyss of white cold smoke.
Link turned back with a look of concern on his face seeing if you were ok.
"I'm fine! I'm still holding on and we're almost there! I think..." Your arms we're loosing their hold and you knew that if you were to go any longer, you would most likely fall to your death.
Shaking this thought out of your mind, you bagan to descend to the ground In hope that there was some soft snow waiting to be disturbed for when you land.
You and link were a good 20-30ft above the ground when trees were in sight. "Oh thank goodne-!" A sharp pain entered your side but before you could look to see what had caused it, you had let go of the paraglider.
You tried to yell but the pain was to much for you to handle as you plummeted to the ground. You got one last glance of Links shocked and terrified face before he faded away into the cloud of snow, "(Y/nnn....)" his voice faded out as well and you were on the verge of loosing consciousness as your ears began to ring.
Tears began to fall from your eyes and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.
You landed in the snow below with a muffled thud. The snow cushioned your fall but it was just enough to knock the breath out of you and make your bones feel like they just got hit with a hammer 10 times. "Help.... anyone...." was the last thing you breathed before blacking out.
Tebas P.O.V
The one last bokoblin I was going after began to aim for the sky. What in hylias name... it let go of its arrow and cheered like it had hit something. Strange...
I went after it anyways and killed it after a few moments.
Poomf~ What was that? I heard what sounded like a muffled thud. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" It may just be a bokoblin but they would either screech in pain or start running my way letting the world know of their presence.
I ran over with caution looking for any disturbance in the snow near the area of the sound.
After a few minutes I found what looked like drops of blood here and there but still no sign of what the sound was.
If it is a person, they are going to freeze to death if I don't find them- My thoughts were cut off as I saw something strange. Disturbed snow. I ran over and at first didn't see what is was but when I picked it up or should I say her up, she had an arrow in her side and was unconscious.
I put my head to her chest and found a heart beat. A very very slow heartbeat. Looking to the ground, there was a large pool of blood seeping into the snow.
She had already lost so much blood and she felt as cold as the ice.
I placed her on my back and strapped us together with the cloth I usually have draped over my upper legs (wtf is it called look at the pic and can someone tel me what it's called please)
I flew back to the flight range as fast as I could and landed on the platform with the fire going underneath the pot.
I then had a better look of the girl. She had
(h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. Her face expressed a lot of pain and other emotions as I laid her down to get the arrow out. I wasn't sure if she heard me but I attempted to talk anyways just in case.
"I'm going to pull the arrow out. Don't worry I'm just here to help." Readying my grasp on the arrow I calmed my breathing so I wouldn't do anything wrong and cause more damage.
1... 2... 3!
I pulled with all my force to get the arrow out successfully.
"AAAAARRRGH!!!" The girl screamed as the arrow exited her side making me jump. Tears fell down her face as she arched her back in pain.
Her breathing was very fast and shallow as I lifted her blood stained tunic to bandage the wound.
When I finished bandaging her up I took off to go find some medical supplies. "Say here I'll be right back."
Her wound had stopped bleeding by the time I took off but that also means she will be wide away in a while. I better hurry before she takes off.
Your P.O.V
I woke up to what felt like the worst pain I've ever experienced. "AAAAARRGH!!!" I screamed. I could barely open my eyes but I saw someone there with the arrow in their hand or wing I should say. I felt tears streaming out of my eyes from the excruciating pain.
They then began to bandage me up frown what I could feel. After a few minutes the being stood up and spoke, "stay here I'll be right back." And flew off.
I waited for what felt like forever and I was finally waking up. "Where am I?!" I jumped up on my feet but fell when the pain in my side hit me, making me stumble. I caught myself on the dresser next to me and waited for the pain to pass.
I slowly stood up and stretched getting used to the wound in my side so I could walk around.
"I have to get out of here. I have to find link... Link?! Where is he?!" I have no clue to where he has gone but he should be fine on his own right? It seems the man that helped me take my jacket off so I draped it over my shoulders to keep warm.
I made my way down the ladder holding onto my side. "Link where are you..." Tears swelled up in your eyes as the thought of loosing link and being alone filled your mind. He's out there alone. He lost me and I lost him... but not for long.
Walking away from the building, the cold was already getting to me. It numbed my side though so I could move without so much pain.
I walked about half a mile before a rito with white feathers landed right in front of me, causing me to fall on my butt.
"And where do you think you're going?" He gave me a stern look.
"Uhhhhh... I uh... I'm looking f-for a friend of m-mine." I was so cold and scared at that point, I'm sure the rito could tell as well. Trying to hide it, I stood up and began walking, "Now if you'll excuse me."
Before I could walk by he stuck his wing out, "You not going anywhere. You're injured."
"So you need to rest and heal before you get hurt even more." He picked me up and flew me back to the small building.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled in anger.
"Helping you." The unnamed rito replied, setting me down, "what's your name."
"Yours first."
"Teba. Now, I'll go find your friend just stay here ok?" Your eyes widened as your hear his name.
"You're Teba?! That's the reason we came here! To help you deal with Medoh!"
"Is that so?"
"Yes! Now can you please find my friend? His name is Link. We can talk about Medoh after you find him!"
"Sure but first I need to get these medicines on your wound. They'll help you heal faster."
"Oh, sure thing..." you took your tunic off so you just had your sports bra on. You sat down and unraveled the bloody bandages and let Teba do his medical magic. He finished bandaging you up and you thanked him only to be interrupted by someone tackling you.
"(Y/n)! You're ok!" All I could see was dirty blonde hair in your face but you immediately recognized the voice.
"Link! I found Teba!" You retuned his hug and pulled away a few seconds later.
(I'm going to sum up what basically happens in the game cause I don't want this one shot to be really long)
So link and Teba went up to Medoh and link was able to board the giant bird after he passed Tebas little archery test. About half an hour later Teba came back with an injured leg from being hit my the Divine Beast.
"Teba are you ok?!" He had a very rough landing and fell down.
"No. Not really." He grumbled.
I helped him over to the fire and grabbed the rest of the bandages he had on the dresser. "Here hold still." I put ointment on the would and bandages him up as fast as I could before he pulled away in pain.
"So uhh... what happened up there?" I gave him wide eyes.
"Well I was distracting the cannons while Link shot them with bomb arrows. I guess I lost focus when he shot it one last time and it just barely grazed my leg. I would have lost my leg if i was just a little closer. I didn't even know if I'd make it back here or not."
"Well I'm glad you're ok. For the most part at least." It was getting late and I sat down right next to the rito.
We sat in silence until I unknowingly fell asleep.
Tebas P.O.V
(y/n) had fallen asleep next to me and gently laid her head on my shoulder.
I chuckled quietly and and wrapped my wing around as a "blanket" for her as warmth. I dozed off as well and rested my head against hers taking in her nice smell.
"Good night (y/n)." I could see a small smile on her face as her breathing slowed.
"Good night Teba..."
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