BOTW Link x Royal Guard! Reader

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So Link is still Zeldas appointed knight in this just so y'all know!
Today's the day. I jumped out of bed and threw on some black leggings with tall brown boots and a (f/c) tunic so I could quickly change when I got to the castle. Today's the day!

Running downstairs, I met my parents in the kitchen.

"(Y/n) you're awake! Here," she places down a plate with some scrambled eggs two pieces of toast, "eat up quickly the ceremony starts in about two hours!"

"Thanks!" I sat down and ate as quickly as I could so I could get my uniform on quicker. Opening the door, my parents stopped me in my tracks.

"Wait! We need some hugs before our daughter becomes a knight!" My mom cried as my dad gave me a big bear hug.

"You will see me in the ceremony! Don't worry I'm coming home right after!"

This time it was dads turn to cry, "I know it just... you're the first female to ever join the royal guard! We're so proud!"

"Awwww thanks dad. But I have to go! See you in a few hours!" I escaped their hug and whistled for my horse. The only downside of being a horse rider is that there's a speed limit in town so I have to leave early if I want to be on time.

I got cheers and high fives as I passed through town becoming a royal guard and all. Being a female, they didn't even let me tryout to begin with, but look at me now. It took a lot of convincing and pleading and they finally let me in. I guess they expected me to drop out within the first week but I sure showed them!
I had finally made my way out of the gates and took off with great speed through the fields that lead straight to Hyrule Castle.

I got to the Guards Chamber... well a closet actually since I'm the only female so I don't have a changing room like the dudes. I got dressed as fast as the human could go and booked it to the Sanctum only to be stopped by the guards at the doors.

"Only Royal Guards graduating today are allowed." One of them scowled at me.
"I'm graduating today! I have the uniform and everything!" I glare daggers at the guards.
"We need to see proof. For all we know that could be a costume and besides... you're a girl. No girls have graduated before. Don't even let them tryout."

"Well this one did. Here." I handed him the graduation list cause I suspected this was to happen, "there's my name at the very top, (f/n) (l/n). It's also in my hat." I took off my hat and showed him. Every guard had their name stitched into their hats so I had solid proof.
After a moment, he hesitantly opened one of the large doors, "go. I don't want to see you again though."

I huffed and marched through wanting to slice him with my sword, "geez..."

There were a lot of graduating guards today and a lot of them stared at me as I walked through. Some looks being glares, others looked like they wanted to flirt with me. What I never thought would happen though is the princess yelling my name and dragging me off.

"Thank goodness I found you Miss. (y/n)! I need your help!" She had a worried look on her face.

"What is it your highness?" I never thought this would happen.

"I was so relieved when I saw you were graduating and now I don't have to ask Link to help me!"

My eyes widened, "What do you need help with?" She doesn't even want her own appointed knight for this?!

She stopped and walked into what look like her bedroom, "My window is stuck."


Suppressing a laugh I walked over and opened it, it took a second though it was really jammed so I see why she needed help. I'm in her room. Holy cannoli guacamole!

"Thank you Miss. (y/n)! I really just needed fresh air but father won't let me out side..."
"No problem I'm glad I could help!" I rubbed my head.

"Now you should probably head back and join the others. Thank you again!" She pushes me out of the room and closed the door.

Well that wa- I couldn't do anything before I was pinned against the brick wall.

I yelped in surprise from the force and couldn't move my arms or legs from shock. I could hear someone talking very quietly, "Well well we'll... it seems we have our first female knight here in the kingdom." The breath on my ear knocked me out of my shock.

Both my arms were pinned against the wall by two different people and one large male stood in front of me licking his lips.

"Not going to talk?"

Before he could do anything I jerked both of my wrists up and snapped them back down with such force I was able to successfully escaped their grip.

I grasped ones arm and pulled him forward, punching him in the throat while I aimed for one of the other males knees and kicking with all my strength. I turned around and did a round house kick on the same person, knocking him out cold, while the other was on the ground gasping for air.

"Don't touch me." I walked by the large male and about ten feet away, he charged at me.
I easily dodged him though since I was so much smaller than him. Throwing out my sword, I aimed for his throat, resting the tip of the blade on his skin.

"I said don't touch me." I gave him my meanest glare but he only laughed.

"Boys!" He yelled.

Instantly, about ten men jumped out all around me, "no one ever points their sword at me." He looked around, "no one ever disobeys me. I am the alpha here."

"You're no alpha. You're just some sick bastard," Now I'm going to have to throw some words at him, "that thinks he's a suitable leader. Are you scared?" I laughed, "are you scared that a girl will steal your spotlight? Your 'crew'? Your pride?" I walked closer as he backed up. I saw a glint of worry in his eyes for only a moment and I knew I was winning this fight.

It was at that moment i saw stars as he slapped me across the cheek with more force and speed than I thought was possible.

He shook his head but then snapped his fingers, "get her. Make sure she can't ever walk again, speak again, or breath again."

I knew they were to much for me to fight as one knocked me to the ground winding me. Closing my eyes, I waited for the impact but none came. Confused, I looked up and saw Zelda and someone else next to her. Her appointed knight? Link was it?

"Stop this at once! I will report you to the king for such behavior!" Zelda yelled. This seemed to trigger something in the group as they all dropped to the ground saying sorry and apologizing.

Zelda went on, lecturing them like there was no tomorrow. Link on the other hand walked over and reached his hand out to me, "are you ok?"
I accepted and slowly stood up letting the pain of being shoved ease, "I'm fine thank you..."
"No problem. What's your name?"

"(Y/n)." I wasn't very open with strangers but I do my best to make my self sound not like I hate people if you know what I mean.

"That's a nice name. The ceremony's about to start though so you should get going."

"Oh! The ceremony! Right! Well I'll see you later... Link right?"

"You're correct."

"Sweet. Well I'll see you afterwards hopefully! Tell Zelda I said thank you!" Before he could say anything I ran off so I wouldn't be late.

——— Time Skip ———

The ceremony was great! I got a medal for being the first female knight and everyone shows me respect. I got to meet the champions as well and Urbosa and Mipha were very understanding and cool! Urbosa especially.
Zelda gave me a hug and I got a pat on the back from the king himself! I talked to Link some and we basically ate all the food ourselves. There was wine too but we decided not too since we don't drink thankfully.

"I ate to much..." I croaked, "my stomachs going to burst."

"Same here. I'm going to pop..." we laughed before about three drunk dudes walked up and got real close to me.

"Hey preettty lady!" One of the guys wrapped his arm around me. Another one went and shoved Link out of the way and the third one crouched down to my level to look at my face.
"You should join usssss! We caaan have waaaay more fun than this," He motioned to Link, "small looser right heereee!" The only thing I could smell was the whiskey in his breath.
"N-no. Please get off." I started to sweat. I hated confrontation. Funny right? After all those dudes I dealt with earlier and I can barely tell someone no unless they're threatening me. Does this count?

Grabbing the hand wrapped around me, I bent the ring finger back until he let go, "I said get off." I growled kicking his shin hard enough to leave a bruise.

"Mmmeeeaanie!" He let go and backed off.

"Being Zeldas appointed knight, I can and will report you if you don't leave immediately." Link grabbed the shoulder of the dude in my face and pulled him away.

"Fiii *hic* inne! Let's roooll!" Him and his friends walked off.

"Thanks Link." I sighed.
We enjoyed the rest of the night peacefully eating even more food and meeting new people like the prince of the Zora, Sidon. He was so small and adorable agh! I can't handle it! Like a tiny version of Mipha! I also met Revali and Daruk. Revali was a little sassy but he was respectful while Daruk was like the uncle or grandpa I've never had.
"I had fun tonight!" I chirped.

"Same here. I seriously might throw up though..." He was right cause I felt the same. We could barely even giggle.

"We really need to tip the chefs." I smiled trying not to puke up my chicken tenders and apple pie.

We chatted for a while and when the party finally ended, Link 'walked' me back home. (were on horses)

When we finally reached my house, Link helped me with my horse and walked me up to the door, "thank you Link." I smiled at him as I opened the door.

"No problem. I'll see you again tomorrow?"
"I hope! Tomorrow's my first day on patrol so hopefully we'll pass each other." I stepped inside and bagan to close the door, "thank you again. Good night Link."

"Goodnight (y/n)." He smiled back as I closed the door.

When the door was fully closed and locked I stood there for a moment. My heart was pounding and my hand are shaking and pale like I've lost all the blood in my arms. I had a warm feeling in my stomach and my cheeks felt like they were steaming. I don't know why this was happening but I think it's cause of Link. He's doing this to me...

Links P.O.V
(Y/n) closed the door and I casually walked away before jumping on my horse and taking off at great speeds.

My heart was ringing in my ears and my stomach was warm and tingly. I felt heat on my cheeks but it went away the further I rode away from (y/n)'s house but every time I imagine her soft face it comes back! Oh dear...

Maybe over the next few weeks I can figure this out. I would like to spend more time with her. I didn't really like the idea of not seeing her that much... maybe I can ask her to help Zelda more? Zelda seems to like her. Yeah I'll do that! I can't wait for tomorrow! I thought as I galloped through Hyrule fields with both my arms stretched out, taking in the cool night breeze.

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