What Happened?

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A/n: starts with light smut, skip if you need to.

Hope POV

We've been in New Orleans for a week now and everyone has settled into a routine. Meaning, everyone knows when everyone else is sleeping. Which is why Josie and I decided it was time for a little make out session that turned very heated and passionate.

I hovered over Josie, both of us breathing heavily as I once again brought my lips to her neck. She loves it when I kiss her neck, it gets her all hot and bothered. However, as soon as my lips met the soft skin of her neck, it was like I was in a drunken trance. I didn't even notice my canines pop out and sink into Josie.

"Ow! Shit!" Josie hissed in pain. That brought me back to reality and I immediately pulled away. I can't believe I just bit my girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry babe." I said quickly, wiping her blood from my chin and moving to get off of her. I was stopped by Josie's hand grabbing my hand and pulling me back onto her.

"No, it's okay. Keep going, just no more neck biting." She said with a soft smirk. I smirked back and kissed her, resuming our previous actions.

Josie moaned softly in pleasure as I kissed her with dominating force and used my fingers where she needed them the most. She scratched her nails up and down my back as she came undone at my touch. Once she came down from her high, I collapsed next to her and pulled her closer to me.

"Damn, that was good." She said softly as she played with my hair.

"Sorry for biting you..." I still felt embarrassed and guilty about earlier. I though I had control over my bloodlust.

"It's fine, you're new to your vamp side." She said, full of understanding. We stayed like that for a few minutes until the peace was broken by two shrill cries. The boys. "Ugh...why..." Josie groaned.

"I've got them." I said, getting up and throwing on some clothes.

"Both?" Josie asked, still to tired to move.

"Yeah, get some sleep." And with a kiss on her cheek, I was gone to soothe the boys.


That morning, Marcel was making breakfast. Josie and I went downstairs to make sure that everything was okay in the kitchen and as soon as we entered the kitchen, he laughed at us.

"Morning you two. Nice hickeys." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. Him and Kol been doing this all week. Pretending that we have hickeys when we don't.

"Shut up Uncle Marcel." I groaned, grabbing a plate. Josie following suit.

"No, dude you actually have like five hickeys. Josie, You've got like ten." He said seriously and I used my spoon as a mirror. He was right. Fuck.

"Hope!" Josie whined, coming to the same conclusion as me.

"Hey, you marked me too!" I defended myself and Josie groaned, putting her head in her hands. I laughed slightly at how adorable she was and put my arm around her shoulders.

"Morn-holy shit." Kol laughed, coming down the stairs."Did you two really have to have sex last night?"

"I-uh-we...fuck off!" I growled, feeling self conscious as my cheeks heated up.

Soon everyone was downstairs and making fun of us. Well except for mom and dad. They gave me a weird look and tried to avoid the whole topic. Can't blame them though. I know they don't want to know that their kid is sexually active. But it's kind of hard for them to avoid the fact, especially when they're holding their grandchildren like they are right now.

"We should all go to the bayou today. It'll be fun." Davina suggested as we all ate breakfast.

"Oh, the babies will love that." Keelin said, as she fed little Harley. Harley's eight months old, so she's three month old than the boys. I have a feeling that they'll be close when they're older.

"Sounds like fun. Hope loves it there when she was little, we can all get ready and then go." Mom said and we all got up to get ready for the day.


We went to the bayou and about a minute in Niko started screaming. What can I say, he takes after his grandfather.

"Hey, baby, it's okay. Shh." Josie soothes him as she bounced him up and down. Eli stayed content in the stroller. Harley's stroller was next to him and she kept poking him but  he didn't mind. Niko in the other hand was having a fit.

Eventually, he calmed down and Josie put him back in the stroller. He started interacting with Eli as if nothing had happened.

"I swear it's those Mikaelson genes." Josie said with a slight laugh which caused everyone to crack up. I mean, it's totally true and we all know it.

Davina and Rebekah crouched down to play with the three babies while that rest of us took in how beautiful the bayou looked today.

"I've always wondered how you guys reacted when you found out about them." Rebekah said, looking up at us and breaking the silence.

"I broke up with her." I said simply with my arm around Josie's waist. Josie giggled and buried her head in the crook of my neck.

"Hope!" My entire family yelled at me. I get why and it was hilarious.

"Well in my defense I didn't know that I could get girls pregnant so I thought she had cheated on me." I explained and my mom shook her head. I guess I kind of sound like my dad.

"Aw babe, I would never cheat." Josie said, kissing my cheek.

Flashback—No one POV

"Shit!" Josie hissed as she looked at the stick in her hand. A pink plus sign was clearly on the screen. Although it seemed impossible, she was pregnant."How is this even possible?"

She sat in disbelief, the bathroom falling deadly silent. The silence was only broken by a knock on the door

"Josie? Are you in there? I've been looking all over for you." Lizzie asked her twin from outside of the door.

"Y-Yeah, I'm in here." Josie replied softly, stuttering over her words, still in shock.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie was concerned by her sister's shaky voice.

"Y-Yeah." Josie barely got out, tears running down her face.

"Bullshit, I'm coming in." Lizzie siphoned magic from the walls of the school and used it to open the door. She rushed in and kneeled down next to her twin."Oh, Jo. What's wrong?"

Josie couldn't say anything so she just showed Lizzie the three tears that she took. Lizzie looked at them with wide eyes.

"Is that a..." Lizzie asked, her eyes widening in realization."How? Did you cheat on Hope?"

"What? No! I think she somehow got me pregnant." Josie said quickly and Lizzie gave her the 'I don't believe you' look.

"You need to work on that lie before you start telling people." Lizzie said, kind of mad at Josie for cheating but allowing herself to help her twin. Her love beat her anger.

"I'm not lying. I swear." Josie places her hand on her stomach."I don't know how but this is Hope's baby."


The next morning, Hope got a very alarming text from Josie: 'Meet me in my room, it's very important.' Correct punctuation must've meant it was bad so Hope rushes to her girlfriend's dorm.

"Hey Jo, I got your text. What's wrong?" Hope asked as she entered the Saltzman twins' room. Josie looked at her girlfriend with her eyes full of nervousness and worry.

"I don't know how to explain this but..." Josie trailed off. She didn't know how to explain herself. Hope got closer to Josie and put her hand on the younger girl's arm.

"Jo..." Hope started, rubbing comforting circles onto Josie's arm."What is it?"

Josie couldn't speak. She didn't trust herself to keep it together so she just handed Hope one of the positive tests. As soon as Hope realized what it was and what it meant, she pulled her hand back and backed away from Josie.

"Who's is it?" Hope asked quietly, anger and hurt evident in her voice.

"Yours." Josie said quickly and Hope felt tears well up in her eyes. Josie cheated on her and now she's lying about it after being caught.

"Don't give me that shit. Last I checked, I have a vagina." Hope spat angrily at the young girl.

"No, I'm being serious, this baby's yours." Josie desperately tried to defend herself.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine." Hope almost growled. "We're done, Josie."

Josie felt tears running down her face. She wasn't lying at all and now the 'father' of her baby is leaving her.

"What? Hope, please don't break up with me. I need you to help with this baby, our baby." Josie cried. Hope clenched her jaw to keep from crying herself. Josie kept begging and saying it was her baby. That's when Hope finally lost it.

"There's no way that that's my baby! I'm a girl, I can't get people pregnant! Obviously whatever tool you fucked behind my back didn't use protection! Have a good life." Hope yelled, running out of the room in tears. Now she really had no one.


"I swear that I didn't cheat, dad."  Josie was now in Alaric's office, breaking the news to him. He was shocked, angry, and disappointed but he knew he'd help his daughter no matter what.

"Jo, I want to believe you. I'm not thrilled that you're pregnant at sixteen but it would make me feel better to know that the father is actually Hope and not some random guy that you picked in the halls." He explained once he got over the initial shock.

"So, you'll help me?" Josie asked hopefully and Alaric sighed as he slowly nodded.

"Yes, Josie, I'll help you."


Hope didn't leave her room for a week, making it hard for Josie to get a DNA sample for proof of her child's parentage. However, once Hope finally left to get food from the kitchen, Josie cornered her.

"Swab the inside of your cheek, please." Josie said, holding out a q-tip  and a test tube for Hope.

"How about no." Hope said as she pushed the q-tip away and tried to get away, but Josie had cast a spell.

"Hope, please." Josie begged and Hope groaned, putting her head in her hands.

"Why the fuck do you want my saliva?" She asked, head still in her hands.

"Because, I'm going to prove that this is your baby."  Josie spoke full of determination.

"Give it a rest, I've accepted that you cheated on me. Give up the lie." Hope said, tiredly. She just wanted to move in.

"I'm not lying. Just swab your cheek so I can prove it." Josie was relentless. She wouldn't let it go and Hope was never good at saying no to Josie.

"Fine." Hope took the q-tip and swabbed her cheek.


Dorian and Alaric called the girls into Alaric's office once they got the results.

"Girls, I can tell you that this baby is definitely Hope's." Dorian said as he read over the DNA test results. Hope immediately felt bad, she abandoned her baby mama like a douchebag. But how was it even possible?

"I told you, I didn't cheat." Josie said softly as she turned to Hope.

"But how is that even possible?" Hope asked Dorian, still in shock.

"I don't know but we'll figure it out. I think you two need to talk. We can discuss your options with Emma later today." Dorian and Alaric both left the office so that Hope and Josie could talk alone.

"You didn't cheat..." Hope said, reassuring herself. She felt like an asshole but it wasn't completely her fault, anyone would react the same.

"I didn't cheat." Josie said, still keeping her distance to allow Hope time to process. Hope looked up into Josie's eyes.

"I'm sorry that I assumed you did. It's just, everyone that I get close to, finds some way to disappear on me. Also, I didn't think it could be possible for me to get you pregnant." Hope explained with tears in her eyes. Josie's heart broke for the older girls and even though she had broken up with her, josie engulfed Hope in a hug.

"I get it but next time, let's try to talk it out before either of us assumes the worst." Josie said as she held Hope tightly.

"I can do that." Hope pulled away and placed a hand on Josie's stomach. "So, What at we going to do about this? Whatever you want, we'll do."

"I want to keep them. In the passed few weeks, I've kind of grown attached. It's stupid." Josie blushed and Hope placed her other hand under Josie's chin.

"It's not stupid." She said softly."I'll be here for you, whatever you decide to do. I'm not going anywhere ever again."

End of flashback

Hope smiled at the memory and gave Josie a quick kiss.

"Ew, gross." Kol whined, dramatically.

"Grow up babe." Davina swatted his arm from her position in front of the strollers. "Sorry about him, he's an idiot."

"It's fine, Aunt Davina." I laughed slightly as I gave Josie another quick kiss.

"Darling, you've been through so much. I'm proud of you." Dad said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead. Josie let go of my waist and I full on hugged my dad.

"Thanks Dad, that means a lot." I said softly into his chest. He smiled and pulled away from me.

"Now, I want to take my namesake and show him around." He said with a wide grin as he crouched down to grab Niko.

Mom grabbed Eli and Freya grabbed Harley. Marcel and Kol were entertaining the twins as mom and dad tried to show them around and Rebekah and Davina did the same with Harley. Josie leaned her head on my shoulder as we watched them.

"Look at them, it's such a dream come true." She said softly.

"I love you babe." I smiled and she looked up at me.

"I love you too." She said as she kissed me. Once again, she intoxicated me and the next thing I knew, my canines we're out.

"Hope! Stop!" She yelled as I sunk my teeth into her lip. I immediately let go and pulled away. My family members looked over to us and sprinted back.

"Holy shit, Jo I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening." I said, terrified, as I wiped my mouth. Josie just watched me as if she was analyzing me.

"Is everything okay?" My mom asked as she ran over. She examined us both for any major injuries.

"I-I don't know." I said, slightly panicking.

"Not again." Josie finally spoke up and everyone turned to her.

"What do you mean, 'not again'?" My mom asked.

"After you guys 'died' and her wolf side was awakened, Hope went through a phase where her wolf side was fighting against her witch side. Her powers went crazy. I think the same is happening now that her vampire side has been awakened." Josie explained. Oh shit, I do remember that. That was hell.

"Hope why didn't you tell us?" Aunt Freya asked me, hurt. Now I remember why I hated them briefly.

"You have enough to worry about. Don't worry about me, I've gotten through this before. Plus, you're only ever around when someone is either dead or about to be dead." I snapped. Can't they ever just want to see me for once? I can't take this. So I ran away.

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