The Apple That Has Begun To Fall

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The man woke up.

This man had a job as an astrophysicist. He managed the Hubble telescope and reported new discoveries from Hubble to NASA.

The man brushed his teeth, washed up, and ate breakfast. He decided to take a walk on a trail. Water and food were shoved into his backpack then he took a walk. After many miles, he reached the trail's end.

While walking back home, he thought about the recent trail of debris. The size was estimated to be fifty million miles long and was continually growing. There was no knowledge of who saw the trail of debris first.

But debris trail images had somehow reached Hubble's main observatory. Now Hubble was tracking the debris trail's source.

Occurring a week ago near the debris trail had been an eclipse that had darkened the trail. Eclipse photos were discussed among many scientific communities. Hopefully,  the debris trail's source had caused the eclipse.

He got home and checked his email for any messages from people or any new updates from the observatory.

Scrolling through the messages he searched for any messages labeled "CO: Hubble Observatory".

The scrolling decreased in speed as he neared the end of the messages. He stopped scrolling and clicked on a sent message labeled, "New Images From Hubble".

He looked through the 15 images and stopped at the last image. He clicked on the last image and looked at it closely.

In the center of the image, a dark kidney-shaped object took up most of the image. Debris and blue stars covered with flames surrounded the object.

A pencil appeared out of his pocket which he failed to get a grasp of as he brought out a fresh piece of paper.

There was some scribbling of the equations and some printing involved. The size of the object was then produced out of the paper.

"What! ", his eyes widened and amazement formed across his face. His hand tensed and dropped the pencil which clattered across the table and rolled off the table.

Shocked he looked at the result again, the volume of the shape was ten thousand to twenty thousand times larger than the sun! The number 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of ping pong balls that fit in this massive object was incomprehensibly innumerable to count.

Its size was sweeping compared to most of the known stars.  The object permeated the space around it affecting nearby planets orbits that happened to fall into its path.

If possibly you could see the object in full light you would see that the object was dotted with crevices, nooks, and various sized craters. He couldn't speak he was dazed and unable to think clearly for a few minutes.

 The shape and size were confuddling. If collisions of objects in space and grouping of objects made this, how could it stay together like this? Planets and Stars form in solar nebulas due to the gas and dust accumulating and be pressed together. But the shape wasn't possible. Edges can't be so horizontally drawn-out with pressure.

This was a mystery that was riddled with holes and pits of distance not-describable with units of measure.

The man tapped his foot on the floor. His foot bounced against the floor. A childish mood of curiosity had fallen over him.

His foot stopped and then his hands opened his briefcase. His briefcase shuddered and spilled open with the many papers that were contained inside. He was still curious about why this shape was possible. This was the time to find proof.

Starting at Chaos Theory papers to the Zeeman effect, he worked in a system that was well arranged, checking his email for any signs of development on the current case every 20 minutes while reading the papers. The papers ruffled as he quickly rearranged them. He settled with a steady-state theory paper by Amorgin Gernly, a professor teaching at the institute of advanced study.

His fascination transfixed on the paper. Scanning and scanning again there was a fascination that took over his whole body. In front of him, a diagram showed matter forming in a shape that closely fit the darkly formed object.

A creation of matter that continued over and over. Perplexed and confused, he questioned if this agreed with many of the laws that explained the universe. 

Its basis had collapsed and the structure of the theory was turned to rubble fifty years ago, the excitement of it before quieted down and then stopped in its rubble.

This information didn't stop the reading. He had thoughts of great exuberance that he derived from the papers.

It was fascinating to him without end of how the paper seemed to be producing and proving so many concepts that made him soar. The page turned and he read the text out loud.

"The theory proves that, of course, space can bend. But of course, this is not for gravitational reasons this is for ... the ... the fact that matter is also continuously destroyed.....", he stopped reading. Did matter destroy repeatedly? Turning the page, he continued to read aloud the text.

", but is destroyed at a rate of a pound per year, which also the rate of creation, distributed evenly among the seen and unseen universe.", the man sighed and slumped back into his chair. Relaxed and content he considered the mistakes he had just read. If the law of conservation and many other well-known physics equations were used in the equations the theory would be disproved, cast aside, and abandoned.

This was strange the equations corrected the incorrect details that he had been thinking of and the law of conservation was directly involved in the equations. 

The equations in the book fit well with each other and agreed with many of the data that Amorgin put into the pages.

After finishing the texts he reread it again and studied the equations again. He found there was no reference to the steady-state theorem in the paper. 

These equations were fresh from Amorgin's brain. The ideas didn't violate relativity or the laws of conservation. In fact, the ideas and equations used relativity and the laws of conservation to prove the ideas that seemingly had contradicted it. However, there was an instance of agreement with popular opinion. Amorgin had introduced the paper as an "addition to steady-state theorem".

The strangeness of this theory was now inherent to the man. Was the paper true or false? Had it violated some part of the laws of the universe? 

He sat up in a sudden, clumsy, noisily manner. Nearly slipping upon the floor, he grabbed the table for support.

Sitting for hours on end had affected his walking. He grabbed Amorgin's papers and put it into back into its previous position. There would be loud clamoring and discussion on the paper. 

He grabbed his backpack and headed toward the observatory's direction.

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