The Countess

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Tracy was sure that she couldn't be any more impressed than she was when she saw the city. Now she realized that she was horribly wrong, the manor house that stood before her was by far much more impressive. The walls were covered in ivy, the front door was a bright red, the tips of the towers were coated in gold and silver. There was a fountain that looked like a waterfall, the water flowing abound the large basin. The grass seamed greener at the manor than any other home.   Outside a young woman with long lightly curly caramel hair sat outside. She looked like she was wearing snow, her white dress flowing around her sparkling in the sunlight. She watched them, staring Tracy down.
"Alex, can you tell the others to hold up?" Tracy asked sliding off the horses back.
"Excuse me do you know Lisa? A friend of mine sent me to see her."
"Lisa? Lisa? Of course I know her! She's right inside, If you'll just follow me sweet child."
Tracy followed the beautiful lady, into the manor, and up a spiral staircase.
"If you don't mind my asking, why do you need her."
"My friend Kallee sent us to seek her help."
"Kallee did you say?" The woman asked her chocolate eyes full with wonder.
"Yes, how do you know her?" Tracy inquired when she saw the recognition in the lady's eyes. Kallee couldn't leave the Landing, so this woman must have met her there. Tracy's eyes bore into the young woman's.
"Tell me where you met her, Lisa." Her eyes filled with fear. Tracy remembered the liows and stopped immediately she wasn't going to let that happen again. Especially not to another human bean, unless of course it was the evil sorcerer they were supposed to destroy.
"She's my sister." The woman told her.
"So you are Lisa then."
"Yes, it's just there are people after me and I wasn't sure if you were one of them or not darling. The people here know of me as the countess."
"I'm sorry about what I almost did to you before."
"Thats quite alright you were sent to me to learn and learn you shall."
"There was two things she said we have to learn, but we welcome any other knowledge you posses."
"And what is it she sent you to learn dear?"
"How to track movement and memories."
Lisa sucked in a gasp.
"Those are very difficult feats to master, they take years at least."
"Well we'll have to work hard then, we don't have much time. I'd say we have at most a few weeks."
"Very well," Lisa concluded, "I'll see what I can do."

Tracy and Jake guided the horses to the stables.
"So she's Kallee's older sister?" Jake asked for about the tenth time.
"Yes you nimrod, how many times do I have to tell you."
Jake shrugged, as he tied up the horses.
"It looks like their going to be spoiled tonight." Tracy muttered looking at the pampered horse in the only occupied stall.
"Probably but they've been travelling non stop fer two days in the desert. They deserve it, and so da we."  Tracy agreed, even though the horses had done the work in the desert, the rest of them had been going non stop for at least a week. Tracy realized that she didn't know the time, or the date.  She made not to herself to make sure she asked Lisa about that.
"So how's your leg?" Tracy asked Jake. On the way to the stabled one of the horses decided that it had the right to kick it's master in the leg. Jake had been walking slower and limping ever since.
"It's fine, look." He attempted to stand normally, but his wincing in pain and collapsing gave him away.
"I'm fine, I swear." Jake complained.
"No your not." Tracy countered, looking for sone string and a piece of wood. Once she found some she made Jake a make sift splint,
"Is that better?" She asked.
"Anythings better than having ma leg amputated." Jake Joked  as he walked out of the stables.

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