It was the day of Jyesth Bhrata's coronation. The city was decorated with a lot of pomp and show. Bards and poets have come from all parts of Kuru Rashtra. There were dancers and singers. My eldest brother was the perfect epitome of the Kuru clan and therefore all the subjects were happy to have him as the crown-prince. Me and my brothers were dressed in our best. Mother had herself chosen my jewellery and made my hair. I had never seen her so happy before. She said that Bhrata Yudhistir was born to sit on the throne and he would be a great ruler.
Bhratashree was rubbed with turmeric and then bathed with milk,flowers and the holy water. The priests were chanting the Vedas and suddenly a different sound hit me which was not supposed to be there. It was the sound of Kanha's flute. I looked all around in search of him but there was no sign of him. I had no idea that Bhrata Arjun had noticed me. He said,"What are you looking for? Mata has appointed you to put the tilak on Jyesth's forehead." " Yeah I know I thought I heard a sound of some kind ..." I replied. "Now did you hear a flute? Well there is a flute player here its not your lover I am sure he is going to Vidarv for some very important business. Well hurry Mata is gesturing towards you." Bhrata Arjun stopped speaking with a goofy smile on his face. My brothers' had met Kanha once in their boyhood and as I had heard he connected very well with Bhrata Arjun but were they in touch now I thought. And did Bhratashree say "lover" well how did he know? Did Nakul tell him ? Thinking all this I put the sandalpaste on Jyesth Bhrata's forehead and seeked his blessings then the King put the crown on his head.
After the royal feast me and my brothers were gathered together in our chambers discussing everybody's behaviour during the coronation. Mamashree Shakuni was being immensely good to us and Bhrata Duryodhan's disgust was showing and Angraj bore a blank expression. Bhrata Bheem's obsession with insulting the Angraj had disgusted Jyesth Bhrata so much that he shouted on Bhrata Bheem. At that the precise moment the announcer announced Bhrata Duryodhan's entrance. He greeted us with a string of Pranipats and "lovely" comments. And then he handed a scroll to Jyesth. Bhrata Arjun took it and read it. It was an application for us to go to Varnavat,apparently one of our father's favourite place along with mother. We absolutely didn't like the plan but Jyesth accepted it so we were dispatched to make preparations and inform mother.
After returning to my chambers I sat down to write a long letter to Satyaki about all the happenings in Hastinapur. And the notes of Kanha's murli kept ringing in my ears.
After I had completed I went to the window and gave a loud cry of call to Ira (the bird Satyaki had given me) and sent the letter to Dwarka by her.
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