I literally had nothing productive to do as my brothers were away. Me and Dushalya had drifted apart. May be it was me who fuelled the rift. She was still a child to me and I wanted to protect her always. So I decided to visit Bhrata Karn.
I went to his part of the palace and told the gatekeepers to inform him that I was seeking his audience. After a few moments the gatekeeper came back and said that my permission was denied. With a heavy heart I turned away. Thats when I heard Bhrata Karn 's voice. "Do you need permission to enter your brother's chambers Darshinika?" With a lit up face I turned to look at him. He gestured me towards his chambers.
"Who said you my name is Darshinika?" I asked him. He said, "Is it your name? I mean I just thought of calling you by that name to see if it were you! Then I have to say it my sister too is a brilliant archer." He paused.
We talked about a lot of other things and bonded quiet well. Then he suddenly asked me," What do you prefer more nights or days?" I was caught offguard by this peculiar question. I thought for a bit and said that I liked nights more because they were more soothing and calm and quiet. He was looking out of the window. He told me that he liked daytime because the sun is up then. He felt eased under the sun and it occurred to him that the sun felt his moods and behaved accordingly. He also said that he hated my brothers and even his affection for me won't change that. He said he had always wanted to have a sister of his own and always felt jealous of his friends who had sisters. He kept on speaking his heart out to me and I listened. He said he always felt a different type of connection towards our mother and me starting from the day we first came to Hastinapur. I was so close to tell him the truth about his birth but
then there was sounds of the huge messenger drums. Most probably it was some news from the battlefield so both us were eager and about to leave when he stopped for a last time. He tied on my right hand and tied a beaded thread on my hand. It was kind of a lowkey bracelet. He said it was an epitome of our bond and he would be always there for me.
The message was from Guru Dron. He had written that all tha Dhartorashtriyagans or popularly the Kauravas were defeated by Panchal but then Bhrata Arjun with my other four brothers broke his Chakravyu and defeated him. Now Drupad was the King of South Panchal and Ashwathama, Guru Dron's son was the King of North Panchal. This marked Jyesth bhratashree as the would be Yuvraj of Hastinspur and we were really glad for that. After few hours the princes returned.
Atlast the most awaited Karna Advaita moment. Hope you enjoyed it. Please keep voting,reading and sharing and stay with me.
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