Hey, Saikou. (with rizz)

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Y/n Pov. ((((Need I remind you that a child wrote this story originally also I just wanted to use Rizz somewhere so I chose the title))))

'Not again.... No. I don't want to hear this.'

'YOU should've died, what good is your involvement here, you only make it harder for us.'

'I-I leave me alone... Please, I'm just a kid.'

'Worthless, weak, a coward running around like you were headless... I can't believe we'll be having to take orders from some child when you're of age.'


'... Just because of your father's selfish insistence, it should've killed you when it failed like it did the others, we got nothing of value but wasted time! Millions in funding taken because some brat didn't die when she was supposed to, all for your fucking ey...-'

I rolled over onto my side quickly before sitting up then kicking off my blankets covering me. I was sweating, my eyes teary and my face felt dry from either sweat or tears that dried up down my face, my breathing labored and shallow like I was trying to breathe quietly to hide.

That memory... It's been long blocked, I don't remember what lead up to it, one moment this woman was taking her frustrations out on me under the guise of teaching me self-defense then we were walking back to my father's office as she kept berating me not even telling me what I did wrong, what she was on about. The next second she was quiet, an arrow— a full on fucking arrow, head and tail— was poking out of her torso from her chest, it had gone through her spine. The image of the blood slowly staining her uniform, as she fell face forward to the ground, the arrow was pushed back so it stood taller from where it pierced her in the back. Before long she started choking on her own blood as it started exiting through her mouth, I watched as she struggled to breathe, everytime she inhaled through her nose blood would force its way out from there. Her gun had fallen off her person in the process, I had no idea what to do at that moment, I raced to grab the gun and ran for the nearest decent cover. I had been shouting for an hour or two, for help, to call out to the person responsible, demanding they come out. By the time they found me she had lost most if not all her blood, she was cold as dead, fitting for her state at that moment.

Even though my stomach churned uncomfortably, I got up and checked the time on my phone: four in the morning. Three hours earlier than my alarm. I sighed then went over to pick up my last decent uniform, my first one still being repaired and the other drying after I cleaned out the blood, as quietly as possible I ran to the bathroom while grabbing my towel. I needed a shower.

(((((Time Skip, lmk how you guys like it so far, if you do (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~ )))))

I fixed my bag properly over my shoulder while speeding down the steps, feeling just a little overconfident I was preparing myself to jump off the fourth step, hopefully with a quiet landing!

A sharp snap froze me in my spot on the fifth step. "Y/N L/N! Don't you dare jump down those stairs, and don't run down them either!" My mom shouted from the kitchen, a long and constant stream of liquid filling a cup— likely coffee— filled the silence as her warning rang silently in the air. After a moment the pouring of coffee stopped and ma spoke again. "Your little group is outside, they kept declining my offer to come inside, it's been so long since I've seen them. I remember when Osana used to drag you home whenever you got hurt and lecture you herself, saved me a lot of time~" She laughed. 

I walked down the stairs properly and leaned over the counter with a huff. "She still does that actually. Osana's already done it a hundred times over." I remarked affectionately, though kept my pout of annoyance.

Mom shook her head as she continued to laugh, she placed a bento box in front of me. "Deserved probably."

"Hey!" She only laughed in my face.

She ruffled my head before lightly tugging on my ear, my life flashed before my eyes as my gut did a sudden drop. Mom stood beside me menacingly, I quietly swallowed, please don't tell me she heard about yesterday... 

Mom put her hands on her hip as she looked down on me with a brow raised. "Have I not told you to stop jumping down the stairs? One of these days you're going to hurt yourself, pup." She lightly tugged on my ear again in frustration before letting go and gently patting my head. I groaned.

"I'm not a dog!" She rolled her eyes as she went around the counter and picked up her mug of coffee.

"Well," she starts, first taking a sip of steaming coffee. "if it runs around everywhere mindlessly, is easily distracted by small creatures, can be easily calmed with affection, has a tendency of immediately being affectionate with people they like, and is basically following the people they love around: it's probably a dog. Don't worry, it's cute." She reached over to ruffle my head again as I laid my head on the counter and groaned, it hurt because her action was actually making me feel better. I lifted my head up and grabbed my bento to put into my bag as she once again laughed at me. "I love you~ Tell the girls and Taro, I said have a nice day."

"Love you too, thanks and I will." I started walking towards the door before her comment hit me. Girls? Plural? Quickly, I slipped into my shoes and waved at her. "Bye, Ma."

"Bye bye~ Oh I saw a cute squirrel on the tree across the street." I perked up and started unlocking the door, it was already unlocked so I accidentally ended up locking it again and having to unlock it once more, before freezing in my spot and turning around to look at my mom with the best betrayed look I could muster.

"You're so mean to me, What have I done to deserve this?" She hummed.

"What have you done? Believed it immediately without hesitation." I unlocked the door and silently left, she bursted out laughing as I closed the door and locked it. The first person to greet me was a girl, though not Osana, she was short and bubbly with a slight childish twinkle in her round eyes. She was practically a little girl version of Taro, though less dense and generally just situationally oblivious, Hanako ran over and without warning jumped to wrap her arms around my shoulders and hugged me.

Hanako grinned brightly. "Y/n-nee! You're back!" 

Behind her Taro smiled gently as Osana looked amused at the surprised expression I was wearing, it took me a couple seconds to get over my shock. I reached around and gave Hanako a quick hug back as well as a small pat. "Hey, Hanako! What're you doing here?" 

She pulled away and smiled brightly. "My interview yesterday got canceled for some reason, so we rescheduled for this morning! I'll be walking with you three!" Hanako grinned, she hooked her arms with Taro's and Osana's before pulling them in. Taro looked off with a guilty look and Osana silently winced, neither have told her and I guess they haven't told their families either, I chuckled nervously.

When they broke apart I asked. "Did they... tell you why they canceled yesterday?"

Hanako shook her head. "No! Weird, Right? An hour before I was supposed to leave for my interview they had messaged me about being unavailable, no explanation about what." 

I nodded, there was probably a reason why neither Osana or Tarp had told her. I broke into a yawn. "That's crazy weird, happy to have you join us tho!" 

Osana jumped in, she was raising her phone in front of us grabbing our attention, we were supposed to leave ten something minutes ago. "Let's go already, we already had to wait for Taro then Y/n took hella time, by the time we get there Hanako's going to be late!" Taro could only nervously chuckle, he was definitely not denying making them wait.

"Wait a minute, you guys never told me anything! A text would've been nice." I argued but nonetheless followed them away from the porch of my home, quickly I added. "Oh, Ma told us to have a nice day."

Hanako giggled lightly as Osana sighed. "Fine," She rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the wrist then pulled me forward. I guess my pace was too slow for her liking. "I'll give you that, if you'd walk faster. At the very least, you didn't take as long as Taro." 

"Ack-" Taro stammered to defend himself, he was quickly shut down as Osana glared at him as if challenging him to deny it; he let Hanako hook their arms together as she patted his shoulder in a comforting manner. "Sorry... I promise I won't do it again?" He offered, the way Taro hesitated as he suggested the promise only reinstated that he would do it again.

Osana noticed that too. She let go of my wrist then began to grumble to herself and began picking up the pace trying to distance herself from us. "Whatever, Senpai. Children, the two of you! Hanako is way more mature than the both of you." Me and Taro exchanged awkward glances as the younger Yamada beamed at the praise. 

"Thanks, Nee-san!" 

From the short distance, you could make out the way Osana's ears flushed a deep red before once again picking up the speed. "You know what? I take it back. You're all children!" She shouted.

Hanako gasped then grabbed me along with Taro to encourage us to catch up to Osana before she let go and smoothly caught up with the tsundere. "Eh??!" The little Yamada exclaimed with a pout on her face.

Taro softly laughed as I held back a snicker, Hanako would make things a lot more fun when she inevitably joined. However, the joy of ignorance was short lived as the slight jostling in my bag only served as a reminder of what happened yesterday; I'll ask later why they hadn't told Hanako, and while I'm at it give them the custom pepper sprays too.

(((((Time Skip, Mi diosa de luna más amorcita🥺)))))

We walked out of the convenience store, a plastic bag in Taro's hand. We had let Hanako go ahead, much to all of our verbal disagreement, she had wanted to get there earlier and insisted we not hurry for her since it was her interview. She also practically begged Taro to buy her sweets from the *kobini in the area so she could have them before returning back to her school, obviously because he was weak to his little sister's puppy eyes he agreed; Osana and I tried to refuse but we were also if not equally pathetic, as such Hanako would already be in the beginnings of her interview at this point. Hanako was either a genius to have distracted us so successfully and easily or simply dangerous to have done it so effectively without being aware, either way, there was one brain cell awake enough to be working in our group and we were certainly not the ones who had it at that point.

Osana mourned to herself in defeat. "How.... Hanako's too powerful."

Taro and I nod in agreement immediately in sync. He sighed before adjusting his grip on the bag. "I... I can't believe we spent over ten minutes here because Hanako asked."

"Says the one who immediately folded." I remarked, we already began to make our way to the school. "I respect the effectiveness of her mental warfare, couldn't be me tho, I'm much more into physical tactics." Pray that we all just collectively agree not to mention the fact we had all decided to take the time to choose snacks Hanako would like because her puppy dog eyes took a severe toll on all three of us. I shoved my hand into my bag to quickly fish out the pepper sprays since we were alone.

Osana huffed— while she was the most verbally opposed to Hanako leaving by herself, she was also the one to insist on paying for all the snacks herself. "What are you an M? That aside, I'm guessing neither of you two told your families about yesterday either, huh?"

"... I didn't." Taro admitted looking off to the side guiltily, Osana turned to me for my answer despite already knowing it.

"Firstly, Irrelevant and.. nah, I didn't either. Which, since we're on the topic, I brought you two extra pepper sprays I had." I held out the sprays for them to grab, with an understandable amount of caution, Osana grabbed one followed by Taro as he carefully held it up to study it. Noticing the way he was holding it, I gently reached up to turn the actual nozzle away from his face despite the cap being there, just to make sure he knows how to hold it. "Be careful of the red dot there, that's the place it sprays from. Please keep the cap on, I had those made to be able to shoot tear gas and a marking dye on top of the actual pepper spray— Don't want a mess or severe crying."

Osana quickly turned her head back to me. "Tear gas?!" She whispered, Taro hummed and put the spray in his pocket. His trust is extremely comforting but nonetheless concerning, I held my hands up in mock surrender. 

"It's not CN tear gas, I swear, this is CS, it's a lot less toxic... just uh... more potent. I mean better someone crying than you actually getting hurt, y'know?." Osana stared at me with a generous look of disappointment before sighing then facepalming; She slipped the spray into her bag.

"That's not... what I meant." She took a deep breath before looking back up at us. "I'm just going to assume that's legal. You guys couldn't bring yourselves to tell your parents?"

I kept my gaze to the ground, I didn't really want to say it outloud; I mean, I got stabbed not even a day or so ago and didn't tell my mother, it's pretty obvious I wasn't gonna tell her about that lest I accidentally expose my own injury. Taro shook his head slowly, he stared back at Osana. "Did you?" 

She shook her head. "No... I was hoping that they'd get a notification about it, so I kept asking them, even checking their phones for them this morning. Nothing was sent by the school." In an act of comforting, Taro reached a hand out and gently pat Osana's head, careful not to mess up her hair. 

After a moment, he looked at me with a concerned look. "Wait, Y/n, are you okay?" 

I looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean, Taro?" Osana glanced at me in thought before her eyes widened in realization, this was only more confusing.

"Well, uh I mean.." He started trying to figure out the right way to word his sentence. "Well, you did try saving that girl, we haven't heard if she's... alright. You weren't entirely there while we were being questioned yesterday so..." Ah. That's right, no one had heard anything about Yui.

I sighed, having a reminder of the fragility of life will do that to people usually, whether they were accustomed to the idea of it or not, the potential of death is as fascinating as it is thought provoking. The unknown has always produced that fruit of fear and curiosity, death is simply that, the unknown, it's a difficult feeling to describe when you're with someone that's on the brink of death on the very path we cannot comprehend or explore. Let alone that you're doing your best to keep them away from the doorstep of death, our collective obsessiveness over life and its value is an easy trap of frustration to fall into when generally the obsessiveness is rooted in greed. One cannot get over death so easily even if it hasn't taken place so close or at all, it's better to believe life has won this race even if it's only just for a moment of celebration and relief. "Yui is going to be alright, so I've no reason to fret, even if 'alright' isn't the exact definition I prefer. The biggest concern here is why the hell is the school still operating, like two people were stabbed not even a day apart, and parents haven't even been informed?? That's insane, I could be home safely vibing and reading fics while they work on making the school safer and catch the bastard who did that to Yui!" I ranted, earning a noise of agreement from Osana and a silent nod from Taro.

"And the girl from the day before; though it's kind of shocking to see the neighborhood officers doing more than the actual police department, they just left despite that actual person being very obviously injured there." Taro commented, he looked very displeased at the thought. When we turned the corner I froze at the sudden sound of approaching steps, like approaching very quickly. Taro noticed I stopped and turned to look at me before he came to a sudden halt as someone ran past him, twisting their body to narrowly avoid Taro as they ran towards a crowd where the front gates were, nimbly swaying between the equally shocked pedestrians.

Osana grumbled and cursed at them as they ran. "What the fuck..." I mumbled as Taro cupped his chin with a very visibly confused expression, Osana huffed and looked at us before nodding and gesturing for us to follow her. Probably the most socially intelligent between the three of us, me and Taro followed her with no questions asked.

It was truly just a regular crowd, most of the people were just there trying to figure out what the hell the actual group was freaking out about while everyone else was simply trying to pass through. It seems though, that many people were also freaking out and pushing themselves back into the crowd like they would be burned if they got caught freaking out too; it was uncomfortable that there was so many students at the school already, the event of yesterday had happened so early that only a small twenty or so students were actually there no more were allowed inside, so to see so many not yet aware of what had happened was terrifying. What the hell was the school doing?

Osana in a very impressive manner immediately got most of the group to split up so students could actually pass through the gates with only a couple of glares towards easily intimidated first years and people she knew also helping out at her asking. Though parting the group only served to have started another but minor issue, as the students began flowing in it was like everyone suddenly decided to speak like they were in the middle of class. Speaking in hushed voices, letting their eyes look around before going back to their conversations, using their hand to hide the fact they were speaking; it's weird and uncomfortable.

We started mixing in with the larger than usual foot traffic, somehow I had been pushed to the front of Osana and Taro, Taro started looking around uncomfortably. "Was there a fight or something?"

I turned on my step and faced them as I began walking backwards slowly to avoid tripping. "Does that happen when a fight starts?"

Osana shook her head in annoyance. "No, they are acting like they saw some Kpop group or whatever." In the corner of my eye, I started noticing people pointing while they were whispering. 

"Didn't someone teach them not to stare and point? The audacity." I thought to myself. Even if someone famous were to walk onto campus for something minor, they still at the very least deserved respect and not to be gestured at like some zoo animal, if you wanted to gush and show your peers who you're gushing about at least be respectful about it. Instead of

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