A First Playdate, a First Friend

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A/n: wanted to somewhat apologize for the delay, not only is university kicking me around with aid but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to write dancing without it coming off as just a list of actions, never taught anyone slow dancing before so that was my vague version of it. And here I was saying to not expect much effort from me; you still shouldn't.

n e ways anyone got any Yuri anime recommendations, besides the mainstream ones like Citrus and bloom into you( I've seen these too many times)


Child! Y/n's cute smol pov 🐥

I stood tall behind my dad as he spoke, he was wearing his best uniform, his medals and badges, and carrying with him a briefcase of what he had said to be filled with valuables; when he was like this I knew I had to stay as still as possible or he'd make me run a mile or two depending on how bad I mess up. 

Dad was talking to a man with gray hair brushed back smoothly, they had been talking for sometime amongst themselves. In the room were five other men they were supposed to be talking with, though I assume they held a lower rank to my father and the man he was speaking with, all five men had brought their own guests, two each though one wrinkled man had four of them, they did a bad job hiding the fact they were security detail. Though I don't dare speak out and have my dad reschedule my first proper training with him earlier than planned, Mom wouldn't want that. They all sat around an oval table, the gray man drinking wine sat at the head, to his left was my dad, to his right was an empty seat. I remained standing beside my dad as I was supposed to, I also blocked out their conversations. I didn't understand most of it, try as I might, using words I wasn't familiar with; All I knew is that my father and the man were having a more serious conversation than the main one they were supposed to be a part of, as the other five men mentioned something about positive results. Something new was starting. "Y/n." 

My father spoke. I looked up to him and noticed the gray man looking towards the door to the meeting room. "Yes, d... Sir?"

Dad looked down at me thoughtfully before looking in the same direction as the gray man. Of course, I took that as my cue to do the same. 

There stood a lady, dressed blankly and wearing a uniform that blended awfully well into the walls of the hall. She held her head down, she wasn't meant to gather attention. The man with gray hair looked at me with unfeeling eyes, he gestured toward the lady. "Follow her. She'll lead you to my daughter." He stated matter of fact.

Before I could disagree, I met the eyes of my dad and he nodded stiffly. "Go meet the lady of the house. We'd like for you two to get along from here on out." He ordered calmly, any words I could've said died down.

I bowed my head in understanding before giving my dad a curt nod. "Yes, Sir." He nodded his head back in affirmation.

The lady waited for me as I went to her directly as was asked of me, she greeted me quietly and closed the door behind me as I left the room then she quietly guided me towards the side stairway, her head remained pointed at the ground the whole way. A maid, I guessed.

I took the first step after her, her presence already invisible against the boring shades of cleanliness and bland colors that matched the walls and ceiling. The home parts themselves were rather reserved with the essence of life that could've been shared by them, there was no color of life or personality from the walls and the occasionally existing pots of tortured plants made to look alive as they sat on every step or so. 

Halls had about as much meaningful life as a museum hanging up the names of fallen soldiers, the faces were blank not an ounce of genuine joy, from painted to captured, I wouldn't say the people who existed permanently on these portraits and images were serious and more so imitating the very stillness that was nothing. Like they were all asked to capture their second of lost interest, finally dead aspirations.

One photo looked like it had a bit of life, a family portrait, two parents and two kids, the son looked young and while he didn't express any feelings he looked alive— even if his eyes spoke on his behalf of his displeasure— the girl across from him? Her expression was also blank, but her silver eyes had a liveliness to them that had yet to be conquered. There were no more pictures of her but there were some of the boy, the farther I walked down the hall it was like he lost more of his life essence.

Once the lady began guiding me down the hall, I noticed the faint sounds of piano keys, it was the same rhythm. A beginner's sheet judging from how simple such a famous song sounded as they played. The lady brought me in front of an open room, the room was large and somewhat empty, all that filled the room was four or so standing plants, a mini lounge area with three possible seats collectively, a grey area rug and a piano with golden trimmings with a matching bench in front and a girl sitting on it. 

I sighed, letting my body relax with it. Acting stoic was exhausting, I'm not sure how my dad and those who work under him could do that so often and for so long. I whispered my thanks to the lady, it was then that her lips quirked up a little before bowing her head and walking back down the hall. The music came to a halt for just a moment before the same beginning keys were danced on once more. I could never remember what the name of this piano piece was, likely something I wouldn't be able to pronounce as it was definitely one of the songs that old man Beethoven performed.

The short price ended once again, but the pianist performing it did not start again. "You're staring."

The girl looked back, her silver eyes boring coldly into my own with only a small hint of curiosity, was I bothering her? She was pretty, with long soft hair like the silver rays of moonlight and her eyes equally as pretty, her short bangs only highlighting the softness of her face. She looked very soft and huggable, though her taller height was a bit intimidating. The girl seemed to also be watching me keenly.

I leaned against the doorway, unsure if I was allowed in. Without wanting it to, I felt my face warm up a bit. "I'm sorry, you're just really pretty. I'll stop." I apologized a bit flustered. The girl remained still, and for a moment her eyes had widened in surprise, it was a bit confusing in all honesty, had she not been told she was pretty before? That aside she looked away from me again, her line of sight directed at the keys of the piano. 

We remained quiet for a moment; Her hands hadn't even made a move towards the piano. "What were you playing? One of Beethoven's pieces, right?" I asked, she nodded silently. The girl brushed some of her hair behind her ear, it was then I noticed she had a light red flush dusted across her exposed ear. Was she still embarrassed at the earlier compliment?

The girl nodded. "Correct. This is Für Elise, though a beginner's version." She answered calmly, she lowered the keylid over the piano keys then stood up and stepped away from the piano. Her hand remained on the piano, she probably wanted to continue playing, I guess I was interrupting her. "I'm guessing you're the one who's going to be sojourning here?" 

I nodded slowly, no idea what word she just used but I could make an educated guess. "Myself, My father and his men. We won't be here long if this is a bother," I cleared my throat, I've probably overstayed my welcome with the girl. "Would you like me to leave you to your practice?"

Surprisingly, the girl shook her head. She finally let go of the piano before starting to make her way towards me, she kept her hands behind her in a weirdly proper manner. Dad had told me to behave myself while we were here, and to especially perform proper mannerisms in the same room as the Saikou family, it was kind of weird. I understood doing so with the heads of the family but everyone? 

The young Saikou stopped before me, straightening out her already proper posture. I knew nothing of this girl, other than she would be related to my first performance test here so my father could figure out what to train me on specifically. He was here to run security for the old man in addition to a collaboration between the two, something about an experimental technology. Saikou spoke. "You appear younger up closer than I would've thought." She commented.

"You look prettier up close," I remarked, earning a surprised sharp inhale from Saikou; I laughed and defended myself, not truly being able to read the racing thoughts through her eyes. "Younger? I'm six, how old did you think I was, hm?" I teased, her face brightened up though her expression didn't change as much.

"I... had presumed that I would be with an adult, you're younger than I. One doesn't logically assume that a child would be another's personal security." Don't tell me she was aware of my assignment before I was, I mean, yeah, it would make sense that if she were involved she would be informed but tell me too! She shifted her weight to one leg awkwardly.

Security, huh? Sounds about right, who would suspect a child as someone on security? Let alone for the daughter of a powerful man as my dad referred to the older Saikou. "Well, trust in my talents; I mean the fact that I'm a much better fit as your personal security than a grown man with, usually, more years of experience says a lot about my own skills, wouldn't you agree?" Which I hoped would be convincing because I had only been allowed to come if I could effectively keep someone out of danger, I passed that sure, but even I knew this was rather ridiculous. I barely have five months working towards this for crying out loud, Dad hasn't even been properly training me yet! Despite the inner anxiety, I kept my expression neutral and calm while keeping my tiny smile.

Once again, she gave me a look over before hesitantly agreeing. "I see. Is this not child endangerment?"

"Sure but not in the sense that I'm in danger, anyone who comes for you with ill intentions is however." I responded smoothly. And now that I think about it, yeah, my ma would kill my dad if I got hurt in his care and, well, she would totally kick his ass if she found out, so this was likely child endangerment. "Think of me as your knight if it helps." Surely though, my own dad wouldn't put me in serious danger, this was probably just to know if I could do my assigned duties properly. Playfully, I confidently placed one hand on my hips then raised the other and clenched my fist as an imaginary show of power.

Like one of the ninjas from the Sengoku period, she quietly walked behind me and pinched my back. "Ow." I helpfully commented, it was then that I noticed the way she shifted her foot as if ready to lift it, the way the heel levitated off the floor hesitantly. With an accepting tone, I asked. "If you're going to kick me at the very least, not at my Achilles tend- Eep!" Without a warning, though a moment was spared to me as she aimed higher, Saikou kicked me behind the knee, stretching her leg to hit both knees as they buckled at the force, with one merciless push she shoved me onto my knees to the ground. I've gotta say... I respect the ruthlessness.

I spun around on my knee to face her, not yet getting up, and letting a light huff of amusement. She raised a brow, which is the most facial movement I've seen her make so far excluding the looks of surprise at being complimented. "It seems my knight fell to a pinch in the back." A smile wormed its way to my face at the playfully immature taunt, I stood up and brushed off the invisible dust on my pants before chuckling to myself.

"A knight is meant to be roughed up," I started, preparing my body to jump out and swoop the girl, I acted low key. I walked calmly over to her, my arms hanging loosely and causally at my sides. "They fall so the people they protect don't fall themselves, as such..." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pretended to gesture out with the other. "I wouldn't let you fall!" I ended cheerfully.

"In fact, let me show you!" In a blink of an eye, the hand I had been using to distract the girl lowered behind her leg and sneakily bent her knees to weaken her balance on the ground before smoothly lifting her up and sweeping the girl into a bridal carry.

Saikou uncharacteristically, to the best of my judgment, yelped. "Wah- Wait! Hey?!?" She stammered, I couldn't help the free giggles that erupted from me as she squirmed, for good measure, I also spun around receiving a very rewarding squeak from her before putting her down gently. 

I bowed my head. "I'm Y/n L/n, at your service, just Y/n is fine. I look forward to working with you." 

Saikou smoothed out her outfit, before bowing herself, her face from our closer proximity made the redness in her cheeks much more visible, you could also tell she was holding back a smile the way her lips slightly bunched into itself. I had to hold back any potential squeals from the cuteness of it all. "Megami Saikou, please treat me well."

(((((Time Skip: brought to you by me, and my journey to rebuild my spice tolerance)))))

"Saikou-sama." Megami whipped around as she finished the final note on her music sheet, her face slightly flushed probably from concentration. Or was it perhaps out of frustration? It couldn't be that, she played each note pretty much perfectly, and I had memorized which key she always ended with so I may butt in freely without interrupting her. The older girl had been playing constantly for days so far, for practically half the day, the rest of that half was either dedicated to studying, preparing for the event soon— such as dancing and studying potential guest's interests as well as their background—, and of course times dedicated to eating, taking care of basic hygiene, and sleep.

Her eyes narrowed. "... sama? Y/n-san, when did you, when did you take up addressing me as such?"

I shrugged. "Would you rather I call you *hime-sama, princess?" Dad had insisted that properly addressing someone was important, so while the past few days I hadn't really been using Megami's name to address her when speaking, we were usually already in conversation so there was no need to, he had ordered that I at least address her with the proper suffix.

Megami's ears brightened, her expression remained annoyed. "Do not refer to me as Princess." She requested, I sighed.

"Ojou-sama then?" I asked before wincing to myself. "Ah, no that doesn't fit, you're not naive or kept from hardship, hmmm." I grumbled to myself, I'll probably figure something out later. "Would you mind if I refer to your hamster as Ojou-sama?"

She nodded. "If you'd like, I don't believe Hakotaro would mind." Megami sighed to herself before glancing back hesitantly towards her music sheet before covering the piano via closing the fallboard— just found out that it was called, well, that, this morning. She turned her body to face me but remained on the bench. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"I'm at your any and every whim, Saikou-sama!" Her eyes narrowed before shooting away in antsy. 

After a moment she finally asked after a quick inhale and exhale, the kind meant to calm you. "What," She began hesitantly, she strengthened her resolve. "What kinds of activities do you like to do?" She continues to look off somewhere else, her mind probably elsewhere.

I sucked in a hesitant breath. "Oh wow, I usually just play around, I never really thought about it." That was my honest answer, I've done many things: dabbled in sports, arts and crafts, the occasional baking with mom, pretending with Taro, Osoro, and Osana, sometimes even Taro's sister, Hanako. "I guess I don't have a favorite, it depends on how I'm feeling. I have recently tried dancing and I like it! but... I'm not very good at it- Oh! I like to read, call me a nerd for that, I also like making things generally too. Do you have any hobbies besides the piano?"

Surprisingly, Megami stood up from her spot on the bench and walked slowly towards me with grace lining her each and every step. "I enjoy learning new things, whether that be strictly new information or trying my hand at a new talent. I much prefer dancing as a matter of fact." She answered. Megami stopped midway on her assumed beeline towards me, in the middle of the otherwise empty room. She raises a hand.

"If you'd like, I could ease you into dancing myself, not knowing where to start puts off many potential dancers." She offered, hand raised charmingly silently asking for me to join her if I liked. "I wouldn't wish for that to happen to you." Megami adds.

"Uh-" I gaped slightly and choked back the surprising crack in my voice, dance? Here? Now? 

I cleared my throat to prevent any unwanted noises from escaping, I smiled at Megami, she's truly too kind to me. "I appreciate the offer, ah, but I would rather not step on you. I mean it when I said I wasn't very good." I reasoned, when I said I was at her every whim, there were no signs leading up to this kind of whim.

"You don't want to learn?" She asked, a brow raised in high suspension, Megami probably read through my nervousness. Despite her slightly tempting offer, I remained in my position in front of the door.

I shook my head once more. "What I want should not be the priority here, I am technically on the clock per se, I shouldn't think much about myself more than you." 

Megami huffed, could've been a trick of my sight as she began walking towards me but I've recently noticed she's become more overall expressive with me so perhaps, she stood to a halt just before me. Enough so that she had to tilt her head just a bit to look me in my eyes, a reminder she was taller than me. A year difference should not put this much height between us. "So, if I wanted to dance?"

"I will make sure no one comes in here to bother you, unless they outwardly request your presence in which case I'll inform you myself." I declared. She leaned down slightly, was she making an attempt to intimidate me? Poor way to do it, honestly, size isn't enough to intimidate someone. 

"If I asked you to do something for me would you do it?" Oh, I hate where I see this going. My lips felt like they were squirming in position as I tried my best not to smile, it was a nice feeling, this little act of finding a loophole for me. It was endearing.

I nodded. "So long as it doesn't interfere with my assigned duty."

She hummed and once again raised a hand out to me. Her eyes laid fixed on my own, piercing me with her resolve for a dance.

"Dance with me." She ordered. We held our very serious stare down; my dad would lecture my ears off if he even caught wind of me dancing with someone I was quite literally here to be security for. "Wouldn't it make more sense to have you closer to me for

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