Chapter 1 | A Lying Witch and a Warden - Part 2

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Owl House and its characters! All of that belongs to Dana Terrace, her team, and Disney||

||This story will have He/Him pronouns (and anything related to that, which you can change the pronouns for yourself), cursing, and movie/TV/videogame references. It will not, however, have NSFW. If you don't agree with any of this, you have the option to leave||

◈Weirdvengers Assemble!◈


Published: ~October 2nd, 2022~


Leaving off from where you were in the last part of this story, you, Luz, Eda, and King were at the conformatorium trying to get King's crown. While Eda was trying to make sure the coast was clear, Luz notices a nearby wanted poster that was hung up.

"These guys really have the hots for you." Luz wowed.

"Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery." Eda said proudly.

"Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella." King mentioned before hopping off of Luz's head. "You, Y/N, and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown."

"And I'll make sure the guard is distracted." Eda added.

"Will I need a disguise?" Luz gasps with excitement while Eda expressed her hesitation. "I've been waiting to use this."

Luz pulls up her hood to reveal two cat ears. She proceeds to meow a few times. She then looks over to you and encourages you to do the same.

"I don't know, Luz." You turned down.

That was when Luz started to do puppy eyes at you, making you almost give in. You tried to resist but you end up failing. You sighed as you turned around. Seconds later, you turned back around to show your realistic (but fake) vampire teeth and a few drops of blood on the corner of your lips, which started to race down to your chin. You hissed and wrapped a cape around you, only then making the top half of your face visible.

"Whoa, is that real blood?" Luz admired. "Also, where'd you get the cape from?"

"I have my ways." You said smugly.

"It's hideous." King voiced.

"Oh, you'll fit right in." Eda mentioned. She tapped her staff upon the ground, forming a disk-shaped platform under the four of you. She then backs away. "Hang on, tight. Meet you guys at the top of the tower."

The platform started to float to the tower. It stopped at a window but it disappeared in the process, leading to you, Luz, and King grabbing hold of the window. King grunts as he climbs over you and Luz. He eventually gets inside and looks up.

Luz frowns and climbs as well. While crouching, she spun around and offers her hand to you, which you gladly accept. You match Luz's crouched position and jump down with ease. She tries to do the same but lands on her face instead.

"Haha! Cats don't do that." King snickered at Luz. He then scuttled off.

It was now your turn to extend your hand to her. She quickly thanked you and looked at the scenery. There were multiple cells around the three, some of which had glowing eyes gazing creepily out.

"Hey, cat lady and vampire boy, how'd you get out of your cell?" A voice asked behind. You looked at the person, who was a girl named Katya. Unluckily, she was also a prisoner in a cell.

"I'm not a cat and he's not a vampire." Luz clarified. "Also, we're not criminals."

"Not yet, you're not." King remarked.

"Neither are we. The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in." Katya retorted. "I write fanfics of food falling in love. I like food, I like love. Just let me write about it!"

"Sounds like the hopeless romantic writing this X Reader right now." You mumbled.

"What did you say, Y/N?" Luz asked.

"Nothing." You replied.

"I'm here because I like eating my own eyes." Another prisoner said. He plucked one of his eyes out and ate it, making it float back to its previous spot.

"We are agents of fwee expwession. They will never silence us!" A third prisoner named Tiny Nose declared.

"Yeah, she's really big into conspiracy theories." Katya warned.

"The world is a simulation! We are but a plaything for a higher being!"

"Wait, these aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong." Luz realized. She then looks at the wanted poster she grabbed earlier. "You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Like me."

"Weirdos doing what weirdos do best: be weird." You said, shooting a finger gun.

After that, thudding could be heard, which also shook the place.

"It's Warden Wrath. Hide!" Katya urged.

The three of you obliged by running into another cell. Luz pulled down the cell door and rushes over to you and King. That was when Warden Wrath bursts through another door, entering the massive room with the cells.

"I can hear you. Just what are you fools whispering about?" Warden Wrath boomed frighteningly. He walks forward and grabs the wanted poster Luz had. "Oh, the Owl Lady."

The warden crushes the poster and formed his hand into a mallet. He proceeds to strike the cell you, Luz, and King was in. The three of you were huddled up to each other and shook violently with terror. "I'll get my hands on her soon enough."

Warden Wrath then looks into the cell, particularly gazing at you. You gulped hard as you tightened your hold around Luz and King. Luz starts to whimper while King shuts his eyes in extreme fright.

"Fight against the oppwessor! We will wesist! We will conquer!" Tiny Nose shouted as Warden Wrath walks over to her cell. "We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep."

The warden opens the cell door, grabs Tiny Nose, and squeezes her, forcing her to squeak from the sudden action.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. There's no place in society for you if you can't fit in." Warden Wrath squeezes Tiny Nose again, causing her small screams to be muffled. He then walks back into the room he was in and closes the door.

You look out to see nothing there, giving you the chance to lift the cell door and close it once you, Luz, and King got out. Luz rushes over to Katya's cell.

"Don't worry, I can get you out." Luz assured as she tries to pull up the lever, which came to no avail. You try to help out but the lever still stood motionless. "No! My weak nerd arms."

"Just get out of here while you still can, kid." Katya said dejectedly. "Enjoy freedom for us."

The girl goes deeper into her cell without saying a nothing word, leaving Luz to become disappointed herself. She looks down in guilt and walks the other way with utter discouragement in her steps. The brunette's look disheartened you. You wanted to cheer her up somehow but you just didn't know how to do it or what to say. You reached for Luz's shoulder until Eda hovers over to you two.

"Hey, I just checked. The warden is distracted tormenting some tiny creature. He won't be coming here anytime soon." Eda informed. Although, Luz walked past her without a passing glance, eyes continuously glued to the ground. Eda then looks at you. "What's up with her?"

"She's upset about the fact that the prisoners we ran into. They can't leave this place just because they can't "fit into society". We tried to open their cells, but nothing worked. They're weirdos, just like us. What's so wrong about that?" You explained. King abruptly darts at the door.

"My crown. It's close. I can sense its power!" King scratched at the door and jumped up on a doorknob, struggling to open it.

"Aw, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power." Eda said.

"It's not fair that they're all in here. They just want to be themselves." Luz reasoned. "Why does everyone think that being a weirdo is so bad?"

King grunted until he finally gets the doorknob out, which clatters on the ground. He cackles while pushing the huge door and scurries into the next room.

"Come on, before he hurts himself." Eda sighed. Sounds of King getting small electric shocks echoed from the other room.

The three of you walk into a vast room with an exceptionally large, green beam in the center. King rubs his skull and grimaces. He charges at the beam again, only to get flung backward. He lands on his butt and scowls once again.

"We have a human, remember?" Eda reminded.

"Oh, yeah!" King uttered.

Luz becomes tense until you grab her hand and give it a tender, reassuring squeeze. You smile at her, causing her to smile back. Luz then breathes in and out and walks forward with you. She held her hand out, which let the beam allow her to enter easily. You, however, were a different story.

You tried to step through but an immediate stinging sensation crawled over you. You hiss in pain, yet you continued on, having your already immense pain grow. Luz looks back and sees you in distress, leading to her trying to gently pull you in. You managed to get through, although you had small burn marks on your skin. That was limited, due to the lack of exposed skin that you had, thanks to the hoodie and pants you had on.

"Are you okay?" Luz asked while coming to your aid.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks." You replied while Luz nodded.

The both of you look at the mound of trash in front of you, which had a bright glow of light at the top. Luz furrowed her eyebrows and squinted at the light.

"Wait a second, is that a..."

"You have got to be shitting me."

The bright light turned out to be a paper crown from a place called Burger Queen. Much to you and Luz being disappointed, King was filled with delight.

"My crown!" King made grabby hands, to which Luz gave the crown to him. "Yes, I can feel my powers returning. You there! Nightmare critter! I shall call you Francois, and you shall be a minion in my army of darkness!"

"That crown doesn't give him any powers, does it?" Luz questioned.

"Uh, no." Eda simply said, earning a look from Luz. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Welp, apparently they lied in the commercials! You truly can't have it your way." You grumbled. Eda sighed in response.

"Look at us, you two. King and I don't have much in this world. We only have each other." Eda told. King plays around with Francois and laughs in bliss. "So if that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to me. And besides, us weirdos have to stick together, you know?"

Eda winked at Luz, causing the girl to redden at the unexpected action. "Well, we owe you one. Now, let's get out of here before the warden finds us and loses his head."

"Too late."

In one swift motion, the tables quickly turned with Warden Wrath chopping off Eda's head. Luz caught Eda's head and screams in horror while you began to retch. Luckily, you kept it in but remained anxious. Eda had the expression of a dead person until she flinched in discomfort.

"Oh, I hate it when that happens." Eda said blankly. As Luz screamed once again, you fell over with a thud and passed out on the ground from being suddenly shocked.

Your sleep didn't last though when you were picked up from the ground. You opened your eyes, only to discover everything being upside down. You tried to turn but struggled as one guard tightened their hold on you.

"Alright, Warden. You win. I'd just like to say something first." Eda spoke. "Come closer. No, just come a little bit closer. Yeah, that's good..."

Eda instantly blew a raspberry in the warden's face, causing him to recoil in disgust. The warden lets go of Luz, making her fall to the ground. He wiped his face. "Impudent wench. Don't you know how many germs are in your mouth? Ugh..."

"Get over it! You had your guards stalk me and then you cut off my head. I am not going out with you!" Eda remarked.

"...the hell?" You muttered in confusion.

"If you don't accept, then I have no choice but to-"

Wrath's head was whacked by Eda's staff, which was wielded by Luz.

"Nice..." Eda softly chuckled.

She then used her body to distract the guards holding you and King. They dropped you two to the ground and allowed you to recover.

"Okay, we're going now." Luz rejoined as she grabbed Eda's head and ran the other way with you and King following. Eda's staff then came to life but Luz had trouble trying to make it fly. "Expecto flying? Magicusescapicus."

"Abra-get the hell out of here!" You cried. The guards from earlier got up and closed in on you.

"Gun it, magic stick!" Eda yelled. Fortunately, it worked, making Luz yelp in surprise.

"Owl Lady, I won't let you get away again!" Warden Wrath shouted angrily while forming his hands into tentacles and catapulting himself forward.

The four of you raced past a hallway of cells with the warden hot in pursuit behind you. You came around the area where you met the other prisoners. Luz caught sight of the levers and raised her hand.

"Eda, Y/N, lend me a hand!"

You and Eda obliged and flipped over the levers, freeing the prisoners from their seemingly grim end. You burst out of the conformatorium and dove down with the warden flipping down with you. He used his tentacles to strike all of you, causing you to fall and roll. Eda snapped back on her head and reached inside her hair, pulling out a key. 

"Luz, Y/N, go back to the human world." Eda handed Luz the key, who put it in her satchel.

"What about you guys?" Luz asked.

"If you think this guy is bad, you should have seen her last boyfriend!" King mocked. Eda grabbed King and dodged out of the way.

"Not my boyfriend!"

||On Earth||

An old man in a tank top abruptly wakes up from his nap. He looks around and shakes his head in bewilderment.

"What the fuck? Why did I get a cold chill down my spine?"

A girl and a boy both stood at the door and gaze at the old man in absolute disbelief.

"Grunkle Stan!" The girl uttered.

(A/N: Sorry, I saw a chance and I took it 😂)

||On the Boiling Isles||

"Now go!" Eda urged, ignoring Luz's shouts of protest.

Eda slapped her staff, getting it to fly in the air. Once the staff was at a certain height, Luz started to whimper and grabbed onto you. You look down to see Eda fighting the warden. She draws circles in the air, which shot out fire. The fire propelled the warden into a wall, creating a massive hole. The prisoners from earlier glanced out with caution and backed up a little. You fly Eda's staff over to the former prisoners and land.

"Why are you guys just standing there? This is your chance to escape!" Luz told.

"The warden will catch us. He always does."

"We belong here."

"Self-doubt is a pwison you can never escape fwom."

They all murmured to themselves, feeling uncertain and hesitant about their capabilities. However, you apparently had enough of everything going on around you. You clenched your fists in irritation. You weren't mad at the prisoners but you were furious at the warden for placing these insecurities in them. It reminded you of yourself back in the Human Realm. Fortunately, you wanted to prove them otherwise.

"So what if you can't fit into society? Maybe people are right about you being weirdos..." You began. The prisoners sadly look down as Luz unpleasantly gazes at you, wondering where you were going with this.

"Nevertheless, that is something you should be proud of. All you're doing is just simply expressing yourself. The only reason why those who try to trap insecure people either have nothing else to do with their lives or try to justify their own actions by being "normal". Hell, being normal is freaking overrated. Being a weirdo is what makes you unique and diverse in your own way. If that's not remarkable, then I don't know what is."

"Why are you helping us?" Katya questioned.

"It's because us weirdos have to stick together, dammit! No one should be punished for being who they are. From what I can see, Wrath is the only one here who doesn't fit into society, so let's show him that we're not afraid! Who's with me!?" You shouted out, pumping your hand up in the air. The prisoners cheered as their morale rose. Luz gives a warmhearted smile and her face took on a pink tint. "Now, let's get him!"

Eda gets overwhelmed by the warden, making her kneel on the ground. King gets hurled her way but is caught. "No more running away, Owl Lady. Today, I capture you once and for all."

Wrath's hands formed into that of a crescent axe each. He raises his axes and tries to go for the kill before getting seriously overpowered by you, Luz, and the prisoners. "What the-"

"I ate my own eye!"

"I think the world is a triangle!"

"And I practice the ancient art of fan fiction!"

"You! Who do you think you are!?" Warden Wrath grunted.

"Do not underestimate me, Warden Wrath, for I am Luz, the human, warrior of peace." The wind blows on Luz, making her clothes flow with the wind just as it did to Azura.

"And what about you, Edward-wannabe?" Wrath pointed at you.

"I'm just a person who wants to kick your ass." You shrugged while twirling Eda's staff in your hands before holding it like a bat.

"Now eat this sucka!"

Luz tossed a batch of fireworks over to you, which you struck with Eda's staff and into the warden's mouth. The fireworks explode, bringing about smoke to come out of Wrath's mouth. He ran the other way, hoping to cool his mouth off. Eda and King walked over to you and Luz.

"That was actually one of her better breakups." King remarked.

"Not a breakup." Eda scowled as you all get on her staff and fly away. "Anyway, let's bounce before any more monsters fall in love with me."

"Well, a deal's a deal. Let's get you home." Eda snapped her fingers, causing the key in Luz's satchel to float over to her. Once she grasped it, she pressed the eye on it, making a certain suitcase form into a door. Luz walks over to the door and becomes uneasy. She gazes back at Eda, King, and especially you.

"You're... not coming?" Luz murmured.

"Trust me, I'm staying here. Fuck summer camp, I had enough stress when I was back home." You replied. Luz only looks down in sadness, causing you to reach for her shoulder. "But, it is your choice in the end, and I'll support you either way."

Luz flickers a half-smile and turns. She looks at the door and then back at the three of you. She took her gaze to King, who was saddened by the fact that Luz had to go. Luz opens her satchel and takes out her Azura doll.

"I know it's not the same, but a king shouldn't be without a crown." Luz said as she took off the tiny crown on the Azura doll and hands it to the small creature. King took the crown and places it on the top of his skull.

"This shall suffice." King nodded at Luz. He then marches the other way. "You there, plant! You are now under my command!"

"Oh, and don't forget this." Eda handed Luz her Good Witch Azura book and brochure to summer camp.

Luz walks to the portal door and looks at her book. On the cover was Azura along with an older witch, a pet, and a hooded person with a mask covering most of their face. She then briefly sees a mirror and puts her book in front of her. She lowers the book to see the same in the mirror.

"Okay, I know you got your head cut off, and we started some kind of prison riot, but this was the most fun I've ever had. I don't fit in at home. You don't fit in here. If I stay, we could not fit in together." Luz suggested. She grabs the summer camp brochure and crushes it. "I am not going back to summer

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