Chapter 1 | A Lying Witch and a Warden - Part 1

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Owl House and its characters! All of that belongs to Dana Terrace, her team, and Disney||

||This story will have He/Him pronouns (and anything related to that, which you can change the pronouns for yourself), cursing, and movie/TV/videogame references. It will not, however, have NSFW. If you don't agree with any of this, you have the option to leave||

◈A Different Kind of Hell


Published: ~September 24th, 2022~


The scene starts with a woman with green hair gazing at an enormous serpent. She held a staff in her hands, ready to attack if necessary. The reptile's beady eyes glared fiercely at the sorceress while towering over her.

"Foolish child. I could swallow you whole!" The serpent snarled.

"Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake. For I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace..." The witch replied. She looks off to the side with the wind blowing, making her hair and clothes flow steadily. Suddenly, she puts her staff on her shoulder and loads it as if it were a rocket launcher. "Now eat this, sucka!"

Azura fires the projectile out of the staff, making it fly into Gildersnake's face. The latter cries out in pain. "No! My only weakness! Dying!"

Azura shoots at Gildersnake once again, making the serpentine fall to its death.


"And that's the end." A young Afro-Latina girl named Luz told, holding a snake and Azura doll.

"The end of what?" An older woman, or Camila, asked in confusion. The man, who was the principal, sitting beside her was just as baffled as her.

"Our book report. I think we knocked it out of the park." Luz replied while also mentioning a kid that sat beside her, who was petting another snake. The snake hissed in satisfaction.

"Your book report is why you're in here." The principal clarified.

A girl and a boy screamed and ran by the door with snakes on their heads.

"Oh, that's where the backup snakes were." Luz murmured to herself.

"Anyways, Y/N, you're in here because a bully broke your Walkman, correct?" Principal Hal questioned the kid beside Luz.

"Yes. And I am proud to say that I beat his ass because of that reason." You answered. Luz nudged your shoulder. "What? It's true!"

"I remember giving this to your mother on her first day of high school. She was so happy that day. Always played those songs to death." F/N, your father, reminisced. "So you know what, Y/N? I'm happy you put that kid in his place. He deserved it!"

"You're not helping!" Camila frowned.

F/N simply just shrugged and played around with the Walkman, wondering how he could fix it. 

"Mr. L/N, I'm sure that you are aware that the child's jaw is completely broken, and that his groin is injured. His parents aren't afraid to take legal action." The principal stated.

"And I'm sure that you're aware that Josh was speaking carelessly about Y/N's mother. From what Y/N and Luz told me, they were going to use that ripped photo and the Walkman as a part of their book report." F/N told, nodding over at the two objects. "Oh, and might I remind you that the Walkman was a limited edition copy, and was passed down in our family."

"With all due respect, the Huxingtons aren't going to care about some Walkman." Principal Hal said. "This is their son that we're talking about. If Y/N didn't throw the first punch, nothing wouldn't have escalated during the situation."

"All I see here is that he finally had enough of the kid's bullshit. Don't you think that it was your job to make sure Josh had some self-control? You also littered this school with your anti-bullying policies." F/N struck back. "So I have to ask."

"Where were you when Y/N was actually getting bullied in the first place?"

Principal Hal held no response.

"That's what I thought. I think it's about time that you do something about that demonic child, and see that he doesn't bully Y/N, Luz, or any student here for that matter." F/N continued. "If the Huxingtons want to go to court with me for at least defending my child, then so be it."

The principal struggled to find the right words. He knew that F/N was right in this heated argument. As F/N sat back, an awkward silence followed and you glanced at Luz with concern, who had done the same. Camila then sighed, walking over with a batch of fireworks. She now stands in front of you and Luz.

"What were you two going to do with this?" Camila asked yet again.

"That was for the act three closer." You and Luz sadly said in unison, all the while looking down.

"Kids, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand." The woman admitted while kneeling in front of you. "Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?"

The scene changes to a time when Luz was on stage to try out for a Romeo & Juliet play with a few other theater kids looking at her like she was crazy. You looked up from the book you were reading and watched in amusement.

"O happy dagger, give me death!" Luz yelled out.

She knelt down and stabs the top of her dress, ripping it and revealing strings of sausages wriggling out like guts. The other kids ran away screaming while you clapped in the audience. A few people beside you looked at you weirdly.

"Oh, brilliant. Brilliant!"

The scene then changes to when Luz tries out for cheer at school. After a girl flipped backward, people started to applaud. You sat on the bleachers and simply rolled your eyes, going back to the page that you were reading in your book.

"You think that's an impressive trick? Take a look at this." Luz said.

She hid her face and turned back around, revealing her inverted eyelids. You smirk at the sight and casually pull out a device, which was wirelessly connected to the light switch. You started to flip the light switch on and off while grabbing a microphone and using a voice amplifier.

"There is no escape! You shall die here!" You uttered in a demonic tone while cackling. You managed to make the girls in the gym scream at the top of their lungs.

Finally, the last time was when you and Luz made a "Baby Griffin" in class. You both were making the finishing touches.

"Now for the final anatomically correct touch. Spider breath!" Luz presented as she opened the baby griffin's beak, letting many spiders out and causing students to scream once again.

"Maybe this way, I could become Spider-Man!" You beamed.

The Spectacular theme plays in the background as a spider crawls on the top of your hand and bites there. You instantly feel nauseous and slightly sway your head. The theme abruptly stops.

"Maybe... not..." You giggled while falling over and passing out.

"Y/N!" Luz panicked.

"A sense of relief washed over my uncle that day." You nodded from the memory.

Luz's eyes widened from surprise as she covered her face and looked the other way. Camila sighs once again at your remark.

"We all love that you two express yourselves, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you may need to spend the summer here." Camila acknowledged. She pulled out a brochure of a reality check summer camp with a boy trapped inside a box at the bottom. Luz takes the brochure.

"Don't worry, Mom. We won't let you down." Luz said. She then puts on a determined face. "No more weirdness!"

Unfortunately, the snake she held in her hands had different ideas. It leaped from her hand and onto the principal, making the man yell in pain and fall from his chair.

"That doesn't count, right?" You rejoined.

"Oh, come on! Why do I gotta go to summer camp?" You groaned. You and your father were in the car, pulling up the driveway of the Noceda's.

"I have a whole list of reasons why you should go. But I have to go to work so I'm just going to drop you off right here!" F/N retorted. You sigh and grab your backpack and sling it on your shoulders while getting out.

"You have fun at summer camp for me, okay?" F/N said. "Oh! And tell your girlfriend I said hi!"

"Luz isn't my girlfriend, Dad." You scolded, blushing from embarrassment. 

"I was just kidding." F/N chuckled. "I love you, Y/N."

"Love you too, Dad." You replied.

You close the door and watch as your father pulls out of the driveway. He waves, causing you to barely wave back. F/N drives off while you walk over to Luz, who stood on the sidewalk. She took her gaze off the ground and focuses on you.

"Hey, Luzura." You greeted.

"Hi, N/N. Your dad's making you go to summer camp as well?" The brunette questioned. You just nodded and sighed.

Camila walks out of the door before smiling. She proceeds to hug you both. "¡Oh, mis bebés! Now, don't worry, you two. Summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and... learning to appreciate public radio. The time will fly by!"

"No disrespect, Ms. Noceda, but who even likes that stuff?" You argued.

"Exactly! I like hanging out with Y/N and editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories!" Luz agreed while pulling out her Azura book.

"Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends? Real ones, not imagined or drawn or reptilian?" Camila asked. You jumped from behind her and landed beside Luz while doing jazz hands. "Besides Y/N."

"Well, I tried." You said while putting your hands on your hips.

"Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try." Camila rejoined. Luz walks over to a nearby trashcan. "Can you do that?"

"Yes, Mom." Luz murmured.

She placed her book in the trashcan and walked away. You watch on with shock. If you had known Luz for nine years, which you have, you knew she wouldn't just willingly throw away an Azura book. Camila's phone started to buzz.

"Oh, I got to go to work." Camila told. She walked over to Luz and kissed her head. "Your bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there. Cuídate mucho, mija. ¡Que te vaya bien!"

"Bye, Mom." Luz replied, still fixated on the ground.

"And Y/N, please look out for Luz. You know how she is, I just don't want her to cause trouble for anybody or feel like a burden." Camila spoke.

"I completely understand, Ms. Noceda. You have my word." You assured. "All Luz is doing is just expressing herself, and how kind she can really be. I honestly like that about her..."

Although you whispered that last part, Luz seemed to have heard it and blushed heavily, causing her to rub her arm. Camila turns and glances at her daughter before smirking at you. Upon realizing that you also said that in front of Camila, you reddened as well.

"Just... don't tell her that I said that..." You murmured.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Camila placed a hand on her chest. She then whispers into your ear. "I always knew about it, anyway."

If it was Camila's mission to make all the blood rush up to your face, well, mission complete.

"How did you know?" You mumbled.

"Just a mother's intuition." Camila acknowledged.

"If you say so, Ms. Noceda." You rubbed your neck.

"Now, what have I told you about calling me Ms. Noceda?" Camila smirked.

"That it makes you feel old and you'd prefer to be called Camila instead." You answered. You then shrugged. "But I just want to seem kind and respectful."

"Okay then." Camila smiled in response while ruffling your hair. After she hugged you, she then strolls over to her car. "Have fun, you two. Oh, and behave yourselves!"

"Will do, Ms. Noc- Camila!" You corrected yourself. Camila chuckles to herself and drives off. You then look over to your friend and put your hand on her shoulder. "Hey, look on the bright side. At least you'll have me, right?"

Luz looks up and smiles at you. "Right."

A loud, familiar guitar riff played from your wireless earbuds, grabbing the brunette's attention.

I'm on the highway to hell

On the highway to hell

"What? If you think about it, we take a step on that bus and we are on a highway to hell." You stated. "It's the right song for the occasion if you ask me."

"Okay then, N/N." Luz giggled at your dorkiness.

Suddenly, Luz rushes over to the trashcan. You look at her weirdly until you realize why she panicked that way. You ran over and helped dig into the trash can.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Luz said anxiously.

You look around and saw an owl with a bag in its beak, which Luz's book was also in the bag. You nudged Luz and pointed over to the owl. The owl innocently gazed at the both of you before going the other way.

"Tiny trash thief!" Luz yelled while running after the little creature. You soon follow suit. "Stop adorably hopping away, you..."

(A/N: Literally two of the best things she says in this episode)

Luz stops and gazes at an abandoned house, which the owl entered into. You stopped running and started to catch your breath. After looking up, you matched Luz's expression.

"Oh, hell no! This is where I draw the line." You hesitated.

Unfortunately, Luz didn't listen to you and growled angrily. She sprinted towards the door and let the darkness envelop her. Your eyes widened and you started to panic.

"Oh, shit! What do I do? What do I do?" You continuously paced. "If I go in there, I could get killed by God knows what. If I leave Luz to get killed herself, Camila and possibly Dad would be on my ass!"

You looked back at the house and gulped. You took several deep breaths and gained a determined face. "Luz, you better not be dead already."

You run into the house, not knowing about what lies ahead for you. The door closes behind you and a bright light flashes before eventually dying down.

You stepped through the other side of what appeared to have been a portal. You had a strange feeling crawl over you as if something inside you had awakened. You shook it off and take in your surroundings, instantly becoming bewildered by the amount of junk that was all over the place. You walked through until you see a narrow opening, which allowed light to creep through.

"I thought Luz had a lot of weird stuff." You mumbled to yourself. "Whoever owns this has her beat."

"Finally, you're back." A voice echoed.

You tried to look in the direction where the voice came from but something snatched your leg, pulling you to the ground, and making you quietly yelp. You saw that it was Luz who did it.

"Luz!? What the hel-" Luz interrupted you by shushing you. She then whispers an apology and pulled the curtain near her.

"Now, let's see what we've got here."

The voice belonged to a woman with long, grey hair, which had a green bandana on it. She had pale white skin and a burgundy-colored dress. The owl that had stolen Luz's book hooted in agreement. The animal flew onto the top of a stick and allowed the woman to twist it around until it was found lifeless. Luz gasped while you were simply confused.

The woman pulled out a phone, a ring, and apparently, the Holy Grail. However, she threw them away, treating them as if they were all but garbage. Your eye twitched for a few seconds until you facepalmed. The woman then gasps.

"Now this..." She pulls out a pair of googly eyes. "...will make me rich! And this..."

She also grabbed Luz's book and looked at it. She then lifts it above a candle, making the bottom of the book sizzle to a small degree. "This'll make good kindling."

Luz gasps once more and darted towards the woman, leading to her getting a hold of her book. "Excusemesorrythatsminethankyou."

The both of you ran towards the portal that you came through but it closes and folds into itself, lifting up into the air. You glance at the woman in an alarmed manner.

"You're not going anywhere." She scowled.

You grabbed Luz's hand and made a mad dash the other way. The both of you were running until you almost fell over a cliff. This causes you both to look forward and see dragons flying around, gigantic teeth nearby monsters in the shape of a building, and smog polluting the air. Luz clutches onto you in fright while you feel uneasy with the number of otherworldly things that you had seen. It was very different from Earth. 

A fairy flies over to you.

"Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to tell me that this is all a fantastical dream?" Luz spoke. Unluckily, the fairy had other plans.

"GIMME YOUR SKIN!" It uttered. Luz shrieked, following with you punching the fairy to the ground.

"Where are we? Did we die? Are we in the bad place?" Luz asked. 

"You mean Hell? I'm pretty convinced." You remarked as you shrugged. "Maybe choosing Highway to Hell wasn't a coincidence."

Luz slaps your arm in response. The woman from earlier grabbed both of your shoulders.

"You wish." The woman bellowed. She threw you both on stools.

"I'm so sorry. I just wanted my book. If you're gonna eat my skin, just make it quick!" Luz begged, only for the woman to look at the girl like she was insane.

"Eat you? Why would I do that?" The woman questioned. She then glanced at you. "And why do you look so calm!?"

"Me? Oh, don't be fooled. I am very afraid." You replied while nodding. The woman couldn't see it but you were shaking in fear as well, making your comment all the more truthful.

The woman looks at you weirdly but her face shifts into a quizzical expression, as if she was trying to figure out who you were. You gulped and felt some awkward tension. The woman waves it off and stroked her chin. "Anyways, where was I? Oh, yes. Why would I eat two potential customers?"

"Huh?" You uttered in confusion.

"Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?"

A Croc.

"A bar of green human candy?"


"How about this black shadowbox that only reflects sadness?"

A television box that wasn't even turned on. 

"She summed up my life in a nutshell." You mumbled. "And she doesn't even know me."

"What was that, Y/N?" Luz asked.

"Nothing." You replied.

"Well, anyways, that's not all it can do. Here, let me see it." Luz said.

The woman hands Luz the small TV box while you give Luz some batteries. They were in a bowl that was labeled, "Human Candy! (????)" Luz proceeds by putting the two batteries in a slot at the top and turning the TV on. The TV plays a colorful exercise video, which attracts many customers over to the woman's stand.

"The sound, it's so alluring."

"I'll pay 40 snails for the screaming box."

"I'll give you 100!"

"Can I eat the tiny person inside?"

A crowd had gathered around the stand with people trying to run over the other person to get something. The

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