Ruby's Pov
I woke up a few days after the dance. I looked around, and saw that my team was still asleep. Last night had gone pretty late. That's probably why the dance was during a weekend. The teachers knew everyone would be way to out of it to do anything.
I checked my scroll, and saw that Y/N had messaged me. He said he needed to talk, alone. Ok, I was up anyway, why not? I quietly got out of bed, and tried to get dressed without waking my team. I grabbed Crescent Rose on the way out, and went to where Y/N's text said to go. He was sitting alone out in a secluded part of the courtyard.
Ruby: "Hi! What's up? I got your text."
Y/N: "Did anyone follow you?"
Ruby: "No, why would anyone follow me here?"
Y/N: "Good. I just felt like you should know, you made the right decision coming to me about that person you saw. She could have killed you."
Ruby: "Oh yeah, Yang said she saw you beat her up. Is she a criminal or something?"
Y/N: "Yes. Don't worry, she's behind bars now. But thank you for not going after her yourself. I know it must have been tempting to get the glory yourself, but trust me, it could have ended badly."
Ruby: "So... Who is she? What did she do?"
Y/N: "I'm not allowed to tell you. All you need to know is you did the right thing. Oh, and she had some accomplices that we didn't catch." He pulled out his scroll and showed me pictures of two students from Haven I had seen. "They came in with fake IDs. They all used the same glitch to get in, so tracing it back to the others was easy."
Ruby: "Wait, I saw them earlier. You mean to tell me they were lying?"
Y/N: "Yes, well, if you see them again, tell me. The authorities said they are pretty dangerous. But for now, just know that thanks to you, we put someone very dangerous out of commission."
Ruby: "Can I ask you something else, then?" He eyed me suspiciously.
Y/N: "What?"
Ruby: "Is Yang... Bothering you at all? She kept saying she thought you doing doing some super secret stuff, but until last night we never saw you do anything that actually looked weird."
Y/N: "Well, last night was just me doing what no one else wanted to. Most people would hate to give up the dance, but I wasn't going to get a date anyway. And no, Yang is leaving me alone now. I'm sorry for being to harsh to her." I could tell he meant that. "Anyway, I have to go. Thanks again."
He got up and teleported away. I decided to go back to my room. Maybe the others would be awake by now. I got back, and they were up already.
Ruby: "Hi! Sorry I disappeared."
Wiess: "Were did you go? A leader shouldn't just abandon their team like that."
Ruby: "I was just talking to Y/N."
Yang: "Wait, really? What did he say?" She sat bolt upright as she was talking. All of us stared at her for a bit.
Ruby: "Uh... Nothing. He just told me that the person I saw sneaking around at the dance was some super dangerous criminal."
Yang: "And how did he know that? Why wouldn't they just take over after he beat her up?"
Wiess: "Seriously? You still think he's involved in some conspiracy?"
Blake: "I have seen some strange things. It's not out of the question."
Wiess: "No! Don't encourage her!"
Yang: "Wait, what have you seen?"
Blake: "At the docks, one of the White Fang members seemed to know him."
Ruby: "Why didn't you mention this before?"
Blake: "Well, it... Never came up." Ok, she was hiding something too.
Ruby: "Blake, why didn't you tell us?"
Blake: "He told me to keep it a secret."
Yang: "Well Wiess? Now do you believe me?"
Wiess: "Ok fine, that's a little weird."
Ruby: "Whatever, I heard we'll finally be going on a mission soon. We should focus on that."
Yang: "Oh, also we got a package." She opened it, and Zwei popped out.
Y/N's Pov
I arrived at Ozpin's office, but this time I had the elevator go down. Ozpin had told me they were going to try to revive Amber now with some Atlas tech. I arrived and saw Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, and an old man sitting on what looked like some kind of advanced set of legs.
Y/N: "I came as soon as I could. Have you started yet?" I noticed the woman from the dance, Cinder Fall, hooked up to one end, and Amber hooked up to the other.
Ironwood: "We were just about to. Also, this is Pietro, my best scientist."
Pietro: "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. L/N."
Y/N: "Ok, so what do you need me to do?"
Ozpin: "We just wanted you here in case anything goes wrong. This is a delicate process."
Pietro: "Isolating the maiden power was actually easier than I thought it would be. It matches Amber's aura, so we can remove it without damaging the host."
Y/N: "Are we sure we want to keep her alive? She could still be dangerous."
Ironwood: "She will be kept in one of Atlas's maximum security prisons. Don't worry, she won't break out. As for why, we would prefer not to kill her, but she also may have some valuable information about Salem if we can get her to talk. Besides, you have proven more than capable of dealing with her."
Y/N: "Only because she clearly hadn't fully mastered her powers yet, and my mobility countered everything she could throw at me."
Glynda: "Regardless, let's begin. We need to be back up there when the students have their assembly."
We started the process. I sat there waiting. It took a while, and eventually Ozpin and Glynda needed to go back up for their speech.
Y/N: "How long is it supposed to take?"
Pietro: "Not much longer. The question is will either of them wake up when it's done." A few minutes later, he informed me it was done.
Ironwood: "I will take Cinder Fall to one of our ships. Y/N, stay here until Amber wakes up." Some of his men came in and took the pod Cinder was stored in. I turned to Pietro.
Y/N: "You aren't going with them?"
Pietro: "Oh, no. I'm staying here. Don't want to miss my daughter competing in the tournament," he said with a chuckle.
Y/N: "Whatever." I sat there for a few minutes looking at Amber's vitals. She seemed to be stabilizing, but it wasn't happening fast. Eventually I heard her start to wake up.
Amber: "Ugh... Where am I?"
Y/N: "Is she ok to move?"
Pietro: "She should be. I'll go upstairs. My daughter needs me."
Amber: "Y/N, is that you? What happened? Why am I down here?"
Y/N: "How much do you remember?"
Amber: "I... Got attacked by... A woman with black hair and yellow eyes. She had two others with her. I think one of them had grey hair and the other had green hair."
Y/N: "We dealt with the first one. What can you tell me about the other two?"
Amber: "One of them... The green-haired one, I think, seemed to be able to make her and her friends invisible or look like they were in places they weren't."
Y/N: "So that's how they got you..."
Amber: "How long was I out?"
Y/N: "A few months. You were so injured that some of your power went to one of your attackers. I caught her, and we managed to transfer it back to you." I saw her sit up.
Amber: "Thanks. I'm sorry for letting them get it."
Y/N: "It's fine. We aren't always able to do everything we want."
Amber: "Where's Ozpin?"
Y/N: "Upstairs, giving a speech. Now is actually a good time to wake you up, since a lot of the students will be gone."
Amber: "Until he comes back, what did I miss?" I brought her up to speed on everything, including how I was currently undercover as a student, and that the White Fang appeared to potentially be mounting an attack.
Y/N: "It's good that you're back. It looks more and more like something big is coming, and we'll need you when it happens."
Amber: "I don't know, I couldn't beat those random people."
Y/N: "Now we have some idea how they got you. We can try to find ways around it."
Amber: "Thanks again. I won't let you all down this time." Just then Ozpin got back.
Ozpin: "I'm glad to have you back, Amber. We all are."
Amber: "It's good to be back."
Yang's Pov
We heard Ozpin's speech, and went to go pick put a mission. I looked around, and couldn't find Y/N in the crowd. Afterward, we tried to pick a mission that was too high for us, but Ozpin said he knew about our activities and allowed us to do it anyway. Before he left, I decided to ask him something.
Yang: "Hey professor?"
Ozpin: "Yes, Miss Xiao Long?"
Yang: "Where's Y/N? I didn't see him at the assembly."
Ozpin: "He does not have a team, so he can't do most assignments like that. I just make him do errands for me most of the time when this happens."
Yang: "What kind of errands?" I knew he probably wouldn't give me a straight answer, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
Ozpin: "Well, mostly dealing with problems that arise here."
Yang: "Ok, that's only slightly less suspicious than all the times I've seen him call you or go to your office."
Ozpin: "Ah, yes. I remember that incident. He called me back rather fast, and said that your conversation ended poorly. Did you and him reconcile afterward?"
Yang: "Oh, yeah. Well, I gotta go. Thanks professor." I caught up with my team. I saw him go back to his office, after getting a text from someone.
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