The return of the Grim Reaper

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I was on my knee, covered in cuts and bruises from the beating I get from ORC Peerage, RWBY, Team Hanzo, and Katsumi as I was dealing with this shit every day. Eighty percent of the fucking world have a special power like Quirks, Semblance, Sacred Gears or some other shit.

While the twenty percent are powerless, about some shit about being the "weakest" of humanity. What bullshit...

Issei: What the matter? Are you going to cry?

This pervert asshole here is name Issei Hyoudou, also know as Creepsei as I called him. He have the most powerful Sacred Gear called, Boosted Gear, a Longinus that can kill gods.

???: That enough!

I turn my head to see Shirasaki Kaori running toward us as she places herself between me and them.

Kaori: I don't know why you all beating on Y/N-kun but it needs to stop! This isn't how a hero should act!

Katsumi: He is weak! He wouldn't make this far as a hero!

Tch, weak? The only weak one is you guys, pick on a person who didn't even bother to fight back. I turn my head toward the teacher to see if they going to come and stop it. As usual, they didn't give a rat ass about me. 

Y/N: You know what... Fuck this shit...

I stand up, gritted my teeth in pain as they all look at me.


Kaori was shocked about this while the others are smirking seeing me leaving.

Kaori: Wait, Y/N-kun! You can't leave!

Katsumi: Heh, you make the right choice weakling! Go take a jump-off and maybe you get powerful in the next life.

Issei: Yeah, I get the babe and you get out!

I appear in front of Creepsei, who and everyone else is quite shocked about this as I punch him in the guts. Sending him flying toward the school. I turn my attention toward the arrogant bitch and kick her in the stomache, causing her to fall onto her knees as she coughing.

I spit my blood on to the ground as everyone looks at me in complete shock. That a "weakling" like me kick their asses.

Y/N: That only reason I didn't fight back is because of you guys ain't worth my damn time. I leaving.

I heading toward the gate as Kaori running toward me.

Kaori: Y/N-kun, wait!

Y/N: Stay the hell away from me, Kaori!

Kaori stop, shocked about me yelling at her. I could tell that she have that shocked look on her face.

Y/N: Just stay the hell away...

I through the gate, leaving as I head toward the one place that I feel safe and comfortable... My own family. They the only things I feel at home... A place in this damn fucking society.

I kept walking as I ignore the stare that is looking toward me. I don't have time for this bullshit right now.

When I got to my street, I saw smoke from the distance causing me to go wide eyes as I know where it is.

Y/N: Shit!

I ran toward my house, not giving a damn about my injuries as I'm more concerned about my family. I arrive at my house as I saw it being set ablaze. I look around to see the people panicking while the police and heroes are taking too much of their damn time.

Y/N: Tou-san! Kaa-san!

I ran toward the house, ignoring the people shouting at me as I bust down the down. The burn added on to my injuries as I gritted my teeth in pain. But I didn't care. All that matters is finding my family.

Y/N: Tou-san! Kaa-san! Where are you!?

I search for them as the smoke starting to take effect on me. I cough but I kept searching trying to find them. I stop when I notice a black shadowy figure in the middle of the hall.

Y/N: Who the hell...

A sick smile appears on its face causing me to have a headache. Flashes of a church being burned down in the middle of the forest.

Y/N: What the hell was that...? Uargh!

I don't know what the hell is going on at first, but I notice something rolling on the ground. The figure stood there with its sickly smile still on its face. The thing that tumbled on the floor looks out of place.

It looks a lot more like a cheap toy. Its image burns itself into my mind, but my head still can't figure out what it is. Images appear in my head as events that are unfamiliar to me, but at the same time, it is.

The answers slowly dawn onto me. My right arm is gone. The sensation finally registering, unimaginable pain takes its place. But it isn't the only thing I feel... its heat. It's's burning.


???: Oh man! I can't believe it works again! Aw, you seem to be in quite a bit of pain there, Raggy? Oh, my mistake. It's Y/N now, isn't it? Does it hurt? Does it? Of course, it does! Ahahahahah!

The silhouette of a man slowly comes into view.

I look up as I saw his appearance, make me sick for seeing him for some reason. I feel like I know him from somewhere but I couldn't figure it out where?

???: Whoa, you're bleeding all over the place. You gonna die? Bite the big one? Hey, think you're gonna die? 

Y/N: Who... The hell... Are you...?

???: Aw, I'm hurt. You don't recognize me? Come on, think long and hard. Try to remember. After all, I cause your life a living hell before.

I starting to get a headache much faster this time. Imagines starting to come in my head as I started to see them. More clearly than before.

Y/N: Jin... Saya...

???: Ah, you starting to remember now. Good, come on. What's else?

Y/N: The church... The Sister...and... You!

I remember now. These imagines... There are my memories of my past life. And the person who did this... Is the person I despise of the most.


???: Ah, so close yet too far. Come on, who else would wear this. Come on, use that brain of yours.

Y/N: Hazama...

Hazama: Ding ding ding! That is correct! Ladies and gentlemen, this boy indeed have a brain.

Y/N: How the hell are you still alive? Last time I saw you... You throw yourself into the cauldron...

Hazama: Ah, right you are, Y/N-kun. You see, back when I throw myself into the cauldron. I was sent into this world. With all sorts of incredible stuff! Waiting for me to ravage this world into sorrow and despair!

Y/N: As always, you are one sick, twisted, fuck! 

Hazama: Aww, that the sweetest thing you ever say to me. Ta ta, Y/N-kun. Hope you don't die. After all, you and I got a score to settle.

He starting to walking away as I grab his leg, causing him to look at me despite the pain I feeling.

Y/N: What the hell... Did you do to my parent...?

Hazama: Oh, them... Well, let just say, they are no longer with us.

My eyes wide as this son of a bitch just kill my parent. The rage boil inside of me I gritted my teeth in anger.

Y/N: You son of a bitch!

Hazama: See ya later, Y/N-kun. Ahahahaha!

Hazama kicks me away as he slowly fades away into the fire. I started to lost consciousness as my eyes started to close when I heard a voice.

???: It is not your time to die. The world needs you.

I open my eyes to see nothing but an empty void. Surrounding by darkness itself as there is nothing. I suddenly felt the ground, if there is any as I look around to see if there is anything in here.

Then there was a red smoke starting to appear. At first, it was a mere wisp to me as there was nothing to worry about. But black flames come into view, growing denser and denser by the minute.

However, that wasn't the only thing. Black flame appears where my right arm was cut off, taking on some kind of form. Making me clutch my right arm, trying to stop it. Shit... What the hell is happening!?

Eventually, the flame and smoke stopped, revealing something to me that cause my eyes to widen. My right arm was replaced by the Azure Grimoire and in the center of the void... Was my sword, Aramasa.

How the hell did it get here?! I remember it dropping it off back in my world when I erase my existence. I remember giving Rachel when I saw her holding onto it, crying as the normal compose vampire is crying her eyes out.

Honestly, it makes me feel empty than a victory. However, I was curious about how did it get here as the moment I tough the handle. My right arm lit aflame with seither along with my sword as the pain surges through my body.


I scream out in pain, trying to get the seither under control. If Arasama comes here...then it must have a purpose. But I need to get this thing under control.

Damn it, this feels like my training with my master... But a hundred times worse! Could this have to due with me inherited the Azure? Regardless, I need to get it under control. Part of me wants to rest and let the suffering end, but that just means to give up.

And I'm sure as hell ain't throwing in the fucking tower!

???: Become one with me...

I heard the voice in the back of my head, telling me to fused with...something. However, I know who, or what it is as I gritted my teeth. Black Beast...I ain't letting you tear my body apart! I hate doing this, I hate saying those words...but if the Black Beast want to be apart of him. 

Then it will, however, it won't him holding rein!

Y/N: Restriction...666...released...

The moment I say those words, the moments when the black flame started to intensified and the ground shaking, gowning in intensity. The pain is still there but lessened somewhat.

Y/N: Dimensional interference field deploy...

My Drive crest appeared below me, showing my connection to the Black Beast. The shadow grows intensity, surrounding me as wind starting to pick up. The power of the Black Beast was immense and it is an understatement to describe it.

I can feel it enveloping my mind, telling me to give in...telling me to lose control! But I ain't done yet. Despite it being a dire situation, I let out a grin.

Y/N: Blazblue...ACTIVATES!

The moment I say those words, the silhouette of the Black Beast comes into view, its head was roaring as loud as a rocket blasting off into space. Seither envelop me as I let out the faintest smirk on my face.

The flames increased once more, turning the surrounding area into wall and inferno midnight of black and purple flames. I let out a powerful roar into the heavens, feeling the power of the Black Beast come into my very being, his very soul but I maintained a strong mental fortitude.


The devil was doing something when they suddenly felt a massive power.

Sirzechs: What was that?

-human world-

Azreal: What is this power?


Micheal: This power...

-with Ophis-

Ophis: This being...

-in the dimension space-

The Great Red's eyes become wide as he felt a massive power.

The Great Red: This person's power...

-with Everyone-

Everyone: It's surpassed my own!

-with Hazama-

Hazama let out a crazy laugh as he feels Y/N's power from here.

Hazama: That right! Use that power! Use it! Ahahahaha!

(with Y/N P.O.V)

I slowly open my eyes as I stare at the rock ceiling above me. I let out a groan as I sit up, feeling a new sensation. I look toward my right arm to see the Azure Grimoire is back. But I need to know something...

Y/N: Where the hell am I?

???: I see you awake.

I look around to see a black-robed figure walking toward me.

???: It good that you are awake. Man of the Azure.

The man of the Azure? The only people that know that are the Observer. Wait...

Y/N: You're one of the Observer aren't you?

???: That is correct. I am Yoshitaka Shuichi. Please to meet you.

He's not snobby like the rabbit.

Y/N: I guessing you're that one that was treating me right?

Shuichi: Indeed I am. However, there is a problem. One that you already know.

Y/N: Hazama.

Shuichi: Correct, Hazama have appeared in this world to cause the same problem in your world.

Y/N: Well that asshole sure love messing with people. By the way... How long I was out?

Shuichi: About two months.

Shuichi handed me a newspaper as I grab it. I look to see my "purpose death" in front of the newspaper. The world thinks I'm dead... All because of Hazama.

Shuichi: With the world think you dead. Your training can begin.

Y/N: Training? What the hell are you talking about?

Shuichi: You see when you were unconscious. Your right arm turn into the Azure Grimoire, causing your hair turning white and your right eye red. Since you inherited the Azure in the past. It became too much for you. So I create something called the Xblaze System.

Y/N: Xblaze System?

Shuichi: Yes, it functions as the Idea Engine back in your world... Only more powerful and control.

The Xblaze System, huh? Well, I can't complain about it since he the one who designs it. Still, I am impressed by this new system.

Y/N: But still, how am I going to train?

???: Perhaps, I can explain it.

The Black Beast. I growl remember the time I face it in the past and when it trying to take over my body. What the hell do you want?

Black Beast: To help my host. After all, since you're willing bonded yourself to me, the power of the Azure Grimoire no longer corrupts your mortal form and your power output is much stronger.

I was shocked to hear that the Azure Grimoire no longer corrupt my body and my power increased. Probably due to the Azure.

Shuichi: I assume you are talking to the Black Beast?

Y/N: Yeah, the Black Beast says that he might have a solution for that.

Shuichi: I see. Can you at least get the Black Beast to talk to us?

Y/N: Yeah, sure. Hey Black Beast. Can you do that?

Black Beast: Of course. I can communicate through your arm.

Y/N: Well that solves that... Any way you say something about helping me with my training?

Black Beast: That is correct. However, you might want to change into something you more comfortable with.

Y/N: And how the hell I'm going to do that? Shuchi didn't even bother to bring me some new clothes.

Black Beast: Perhaps you try out your new power. Think about the clothes you going to wear.

You got to be shitting... I think about the clothes that I wear in my past life when suddenly black flames started to cover me. Oddly enough, the flames did hurt me for some reason. It like they turn into something.

When the flame is gone, I was in my iconic clothing. red jacket, black shirt underneath, black hakama, red steel-toed boots, a pair of black gloves with a red shell on it, and my Arasama strapped to my back.

Y/N: Man it good to wear them again.

Black Beast: Indeed, now for your training. You can enter a plane know as the Abyss. A separate reality that time and space are quite different in the real world. For example, one year in the Abyss equal to one day in the real world.

I was quite shocked by this. Hearing about this I will get strong in no time and maybe control the Azure.

Black Beast: The Abyss can create powerful adversities for you to fight and different environments. To hone your abilities and increase your power.

Y/N: So how do I use it?

Black Beast: Just create a portal to the Abyss.

I nodded as I concentrate when a portal opens up. I surprise I manage to create something so easily. Usually, it takes me a couple of tries. We step into the portal as we arrive in the area that I'm familiar with.

Y/N: This is...!

Shuichi: One of the headquarters of the N.O.L.

Y/N: Well the Black Beast wasn't lying about the Abyss creating different environments.

Shuichi: Indeed, by the way, you may want to dodge.

Y/N: Huh?

I heard a sudden clip as I turn around and jump back when I saw my brother, Jin attack me with the Yukianesa.

Y/N: What the hell Jin!

Black Beast: Calm yourself. This is not the Jin you know. Take a closer look at his appearance.

He's right. When I look at him, Jin looks completely different. His hair is white, the eyes are red, and his clothes are black and red.

Y/N: So the Abyss does create adversities. The only difference is the color change.

Black Beast: Indeed, now... Shall we begin your training?

Y/N: Sure, been wanting to let out some steam anyway.

I crack my knuckles as I charge at fake Jin. You better get ready world, because the Grim Reaper has returned!

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