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"Don't even try to deny it", she spat at me. "I see the way you look at Brad, the way you talk to him as if you two are the only ones in the room. You're constantly around him, craving his attention. It's pathetic"."Wow, I'm pathetic? Yet I'm not the one feeling threatened by my boyfriend's best friend, am I?", I answered as she looked at me with eyes full of aversion. I had never felt more hatred towards me than at this moment. "Look, I don't know where this is coming from, but you're wrong, I'm happy with Jay".[...]"Wouldn't it be unfortunate if Jay were to hear about how you have to fake it in bed?"My heart sank at the sound of what she had just said. Brad had told her. He had told her the most intimate secret I had shared with him. "What do you think you're achieving by doing this?" I asked, swallowing down my tears. "You're gonna get dumped as soon as Brad hears about this"."But that's the thing, he won't know about this conversation, 'cause that would mean your precious boyfriend will hear about your little secret".[...]I had so many things I wanted to tell Brad, or more like yell at him. But I couldn't, because once again, that would have meant he'd know about Ash's blackmail. And I knew she'd go forward with her threats if I told anything to him. I was facing a wall. Whatever I decided to do, I would end up losing. If I told Brad about my conversation with Ashley, I'd lose Jay. But for her to keep her mouth shut and for me to keep Jay, I'd have to give up my friendship with Brad. But how good of a friendship was it anyway? A best friend wouldn't go tell all your deepest secrets to random people. No, a best friend wouldn't make fun of you like that.Based on my Instagram text story FRIENDS | @thevampsarecalling.…